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But idea: end each sentence with 'pause'
  • P A W S I N B I O 🐾 🐈

  • Where do you live? (Wrong answers only)
  • Snowpoint Town, Sinnoh Region, Pokémon

  • What is a "tankie"? Wrong answers only
  • Today I found out that I'm not a tankie 😭

    I believe that the opinions of oil tanker drivers have less weight than the opinions of those who have TOR🅱️EDO

  • What is a "tankie"? Wrong answers only
    • wake up
    • log into TankAffinity
    • commission a drawing of my tanksona
    • be sad about not being able to afford a tank that I could drive to tankie conventions

    • read T-34 fanfiction
    • go back to sleep
    • just an average day as a tankie
  • Memes under socialism
  • Translation:

    Left side:


    Monarchist, cadet, S.R. ("social revolutionary"), menshevik: Soviet power will last two weeks!!!

    Right side:


    5 [years of the 5-year-plan] in 4

    15 years

    The USSR ultimately consolidated itself on the socialist road.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 14
  • Nitter is dead, right? How should I go about accessing Twitter now?

  • Public schools are, according to conservatives, based af
  • Funny how the Death To America school has an American flag next to the teacher's desk (left edge of the picture). Did the cartoonist not think about it for even a second while drawing?

  • 💦Drink democracy's last drop💦
  • This is your brain on liberalism

    Don't do liberalism

  • North Korea tests missile that could reach entire US, according to Japan and South Korea
  • Very good news. It genuinely makes me happy that the DPRK is able to produce ICBMs. U.S. only speak the language of force, this is the way to go if you want to keep them out of your country.

  • Remember on the old sub when some comrades visited Michael Parenti?
  • I haven't seen, please send link?

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • Just typed a post complaining about personal life, but then I clicked the wrong button and now the post is gone. No energy to type again. I don't feel well and I really need more sleep. Much work tomorrow. I wish students were allowed to take days off. Impatiently counting time towards the winter holidays cuz I really need a break.

    At least I am enjoying this song by the Moranbong Band. Very beautiful singing and lyrics. (The video that I linked has subtitles in several languages.)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 4th to December 10th, 2023 - The Legacy of Kissinger - COTW: Laos
  • What was making them consider living in July? Before the start of the operation? I thought most settlers felt pretty safe back then.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 49
  • Listening to some beautiful patriotic music from the DPRK.

    Thinking of how the west has never forgiven these people for building a life for themselves and refusing to submit to US imperialism. Sanctions are still in place. Average westerner doesn't see them as human at all. US bombing killed 20% of their population in 1950--1953. They (the west) would gladly do the same again. We all are witnessing the massacre that the US puppet is committing in Palestine. The pictures are burned into my brain now. Can't imagine what it's like to actually have to live through the horrors. While the world looks on and does nothing. They would gladly do the same to every other country that dares to oppose them. The kids from this video? US army would murder them and not even blink an eye.

    I am incredibly glad the DPRK has nuclear weapons. International law is a joke. Death to America.

    Sorry for incoherent rambling. I'm really bad at writing.

  • BREAKING: Ansarullah Yemen seized Israeli ZIM Haifa ship


  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 47
  • Thank you as well! stalin heart hands

    The search feature is quite convenient.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 47
  • Any of the comrades on here can send me the BDS list? I saw it a while ago, but forgot to bookmark. Am too tired to sift through search engine results, which seem to have gotten way worse over the last year or two.

  • Liberals have discovered the report button

    And of course they use it on a three-year-old post by one of the Lemmygrad admins. The post itself is a based picture:

    The World Food Program suspends food aid for 8,000 families in Gaza, citing lack of funds The World Food Program suspends food aid for 8,000 families in Gaza, citing lack of funds

    The UN’s World Food Program has provided food aid to 8,000 families in Gaza suffering from food insecurity, but is now suspending support due to budget cuts. As a result, many families in Gaza will go hungry.

    The World Food Program suspends food aid for 8,000 families in Gaza, citing lack of funds
    [Conclusion: I misread "messaging" as "messages"] Am I missing an essential context or did Matrix just admit to selling encrypted messages to governments?

    Source for the screenshot:

    I know nothing about this, but it came up on my Mastodon timeline and it sounds very concerning. Unless someone took over the Matrix servers or the account, seems to be indeed their official instance... Any opinion from the comrades on here who use Matrix?

    Short video of geologist collecting lava samples from an active volcano

    From the description: > This video clip shows HVO geologist Tim Orr sampling lava from an active pāhoehoe breakout on the episode 61g lava flow. The chemistry of these lava samples provides information on the magma plumbing system. Sampling has been a regular part of monitoring Kīlauea Volcano's ongoing Pu‘u‘ō‘ō eruption.

    Today I learned that this is what that looks like. Very impressive.

    Recommend me a good Matrix client

    I'd like to try Matrix, but I still don't know of a good client. I don't want Electron on my computer, so the official client is out of the question. I tried nheko, but I didn't like it (though I can install it again if it turns out that there is no better option).

    So, can anyone here recommend me a Matrix client? Either terminal-based or GUI, both are fine.

    Did you know you can print cool rainbow text to your terminal using two programs?

    The two programs involved are toilet and lolcat.

    toilet is a program that takes text as input, and turns it into fancy multi-line letters. It has different "fonts" available for this purpose; all the available fonts are stored in the /usr/share/figlet directory. Here are just some examples:


    Actually, toilet also has a built-in option to colour it, but it doesn't look very nice IMO, as the colour changes are too sudden:


    lolcat is a program that takes some text, and prints the same text, but rainbow-coloured. Note that you need a terminal with 256-colour support (rather than just 16) for the desired effect. It can colour any text in rainbow:


    (The wrapping at 80 characters is so that the lines don't get longer than the terminal width. lolcat starts looking weird when they do.

    And now, by combining these two, we can get fancy rainbow-coloured text!


    Enjoy! :)

    me_irl nour
    me_irl nour

    I really need to

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals nour
    Rockhopper penguin


    nour nour

    Death to America, death to Israel, their demise is inevitable

    Also on Matrix as

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    Comments 51