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It's going. I'm alive.
  • What annoys me with this culture is when they expect foreigners to use the same exhuberant language and they think something is wrong with you if you don't.

  • It's true though
  • You're welcome back!

  • I miss console ads being this weird
  • I feel like it means: we are not like Nintendo, we make video games for adults (and children who want to play like adults).

  • Explain these humps.
  • No, it's Becky.

  • EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control
  • 2001 especially.

  • EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control
  • Left or right is an economic stance

    What about the social stance?

  • Al hate is irrational. Al art is just as good as the original!
  • What's the reference to Brandon Sanderson?

  • Wales could become world’s first country to criminalise politicians who lie
  • Sounds good philosophically, but I can't help but feel like it could turn into a dystopia.

    Who will be in charge of defining what is to be considered true, and what should be known by the accused? Who will be able to challenge this truth giver?
    How do you make the difference between false information out of ignorance and willfully misleading information?

    Out of fear, will every politician, even honest ones, be forced to introduce their speech with some precautionary standard phrase like "This is fully based on assumptions and the truth of those statements cannot be guaranteed" like people say "I am not a lawyer", eventually putting every political intention on an equal level of uncertainty? (That's standard troll farm goal)

    I believe this job currently belongs to journalism, although we know how imperfect that is, will a law and a Justice system do better?

  • Right, I wanted to avoid saying AI but didn't pick the right one, I am switch to gen-ML.

  • Non-negotiable
  • Dang, that's a dog's life.

  • You need to upgrade buddy, you should send LLM gen-ML generated pictures of you traveling the world, or add yourself as a ghostly/cadaveric appearance in social media pictures of your relatives.

  • Israeli army knew of Hamas plot to take hostages before 7 Oct
  • Wouldn't they have this kind of prediction every other week due to the intense threat, but this one happened to be true? If that's the case, it is a bit easy to come after the fact and say that this one should have been considered better than the 20 others.
    European countries, for example, are constantly getting attacked, even if it's rarely big enough to be noticed in the current times.

    In 2022, 16 terrorist attacks took place in the EU and an additional 12 attacks failed or were foiled. Union Terrorism Situation and Trend report 2023.pdf

  • Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News
  • It seems Netflix is able to detect that spoofing, and sends this error when trying to play videos, "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.". I had to disable my add-ons one by one to identify that it was User Agent Switcher causing it.

  • Europe gives China a taste of its own trade medicine: Europe is using the threat of tariffs to press Chinese electric car makers to set up in the EU and share know-how.
  • It would be the same if China has already caught up enough to have some know-how to transfer. Has it?

  • praxis
  • Or anarchats, chat meaning cat in French (but pronounced "sha").

  • Client-Side-Scanning: 'Chat Control is Pure Surveillance State'
  • Aren't social democrats also against it?

  • This place is just cruel
  • Eh, some fringe of ecologists too.

  • This is just adorable
  • I find you very acceptable.

  • This place is just cruel
  • Go green, kill a child!

  • Richard P Feynman on “Why are we here?”

    > I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers, and possible beliefs, and different degrees of uncertainty about different things, but I am not absolutely sure of anything. There are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask "Why are we here?" I might think about it a little bit, and if I can't figure it out then I go on to something else. But I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe without having any purpose - which is the way it really is, as far as I can tell.

    This colorful collage on NHK News sidebar

    Source for now:

    In case you're mad at yourself for closing your precious window with all the right tabs opened, note that Firefox allows to reopen recently closed windows

    I generally have a "home" Firefox window with my most used tabs pinned. Sometimes I close it before another window, so I was frustrated to "lose" it and having to redo my pins. But recently I discovered this feature. Joy!

    Which beloved artist of your country should I mention with your compatriots to warm up the atmosphere?

    I've noticed that when meeting a foreign person, mentioning that you like a beloved artist from their country is one of the best way to create a good vibe.

    Which revered artist/group (not necessarily musician) from your place should I learn about?

    A few examples I'm thinking about (correct me if I'm wrong):

    Country | Artist ---|--- Argentina | Carlos Gardel Australia | Powderfinger Austria | Mozart, Falco, Thomas Bernhard Beligum | Jacques Brel, Stromae Brazil | Raul Seixas, ZĂ© Ramalho Cabo Verde | CesĂĄria Évora Canada | Leonard Cohen, CĂ©line Dion, Gordon Lightfoot Egypt | Umm Kulthum France | Daft Punk Germany | Kraftwerk, Die Ärzte, Franz Kafka Iceland | Björk Italy | Elio e le Storie Tese Malawai | Evison Matafale Mali | Salif Keita Scotland | The Proclaimers, Sean Connery Sweden | Astrid Lindgren USA | Dolly Parton

    Edit: Spent my Saturday morning vibing, adding the "consensual" suggestions to the table.

    oce oce 🐆

    I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism. Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality. Let's discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably. Always happy to question our beliefs.

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