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Picture of an average Hexbear poster, 2024 (colorized).
  • I'm serious he really does moderate a voice chat full of underage redditors

  • Picture of an average Hexbear poster, 2024 (colorized).
  • You moderate a voice chat full of literal kids

  • Sexism really do be getting me down
  • yeah enlightening to see me exposed as looking for reasons to be even more avoidant when i meet people in the woods looking like a sweaty brick. drunk asshole

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • surely you can explain to me when people are talking about running into a guy in the woods that isn't literally running into a guy in the woods, running?

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • it's pretty obvious what women are talking about

    what?? when do you meet people in the woods but not on a path?? so people are only talking about the times they run into a guy in the woods that AREN'T the times it actually happens to them? i haven't even seen this discourse. you're not actually taking a meme about prefering a bear to seeing a guy seriously?

    how did you get the impression i am trying to infringe on people's boundaries from my spiel about how when i'm jogging i'd rather see a bear than anyone else because that way i don't have to figure this kind of stuff out?

    are YOU gaslighting me?

    you eat shit, you literal shitbird!

  • Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups

    It's circular. Facebook and other silicon valley corps intersect with the intelligence community and law enforcement, which has always been the enforcement and surveillance arm of wall st, their cooperation helps ensure their monopoly position. Silicon Valley companies are like pharmaceuticals and heavy arms manufacturing and aerospace, closely guarded as a national security concern and one of the last few monopoly rent collecting industries wall st has. Lots of direct law enforcement involvement in policing social media like snapchat just has a dept of cops already embedded

    informants have been getting fucking WEIRD for years and years. an "informant" can mean a guy who just runs a violent drug dealing ring/cult like Charles Manson (who was released dozens and dozens of times despite having insane amts of drugs, firearms, and missing kids, the LAPD lost all evidence of raiding the spahn ranch and fired a guy claiming he misdated the warrant) or Gabriel Worfman (was doing something with a fake cop car, prison guards, and cigarette smuggling before he went on a rampage)

    Facebook is letting all kinds of insane shit go down too with their combo of corrupt law enforcement collaboration and incompetent underpaid traumatized mods

    So they're just running whole GLADIO style terror operations and grooming pizza delivery guys to be shooters

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • It seemed obvious to me until I learned this morning that I have in fact been terrorizing people by doing so, and they would prefer a bear. 😔

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • hYpoTHeSiS

    More like a weak reason to just assume, like the other guy, this is exactly what it says on the tin (literally said "I checked the Microsoft article and this looks good!!"), when Win11 has been causing issues with VPNs, Win10 no longer allows you to actually fully cut off traffic with Mullvad, and Google has recently tried to introduce heavy pruning to connections based on how identifiable you are at a basic level of the internet lol?? I'm just assuming they're going to mark some shit as a harmful DNS server that isn't or make it harder to use a pihole idk. I'm not insisting what they're doing is malicious no matter what, you just gave me a shitty reason lmao

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • Oh man I am missing all of the funny replied! We've got a reddit comedy expert here!

    My man is satisfied with 9/11 commission report and the handling of the COVID pandemic! Let me guess, you think it's right wing to question these things? May I interest you in the disinformation-free

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • I don't think I need to point out China again but a lot of the shit decisions they make are often excused as "weakness" towards American imperialism when IMO this doesn't exempt them from most of the stuff they could do but don't because of brainworms.

    I don't think you need to point it out unless you want to just emphasize to me that you deal with geopolitics primarily through knee-jerk headline reactions and have a dim view of how other people judge the limitations of the diplomatic situation of peripheral countries.

    This kind of language about people "going easy on them because of geopolitics" is typical of people who don't think geopolitics are real.

    Really tired of the "China's geopolitics suck" meme when you get into it, half the time people are making insinuations about them betraying socialist movements or repeating RFA fake news about them trying to send people guns to murder Maoists.

    Yes, I am aware of Norinco's dealings with "Israel", I have read all about the Kampuchea debacle and about the Chinese embassy in Chile barricading itself in following Pinochet's coup instead of giving all the leftists asylum in China, the thing is I also actually judge the diplomatic situation in the context of Aukus-EU-Japan-RoK financial imperialism rather than treating it like a tennis match of goodest opinions judged by the eternal unchanging Marxist standard of goodestness (doesn't exist if you can't tell by my tone)

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • Oh well you can get lost on some paths without literally wandering through the brush around here or through taking side paths which have just kinda developed so I was just kinda thinking about it that way. That sounds like guys getting mad about a x (formerly known as twitter )thread like "even if i was doing a survivorman esque challenge got lost and had been missing for days i would rather see a bear than a stinky boy"

  • Finish this sentence: "I'm as leftist as they come, but-
  • ...I'm going to have to remove your zebra inflation post from my instance unless you mark it NSFW

  • In authoritarian country,
  • They're just passing around verbal cudgels and they visibly delight in people taking them seriously. You can kind of skip to an issue that will make them lose their shit though, and the facade will drop. Zionists don't like hearing anything that makes them feel less powerful or competent, they are deeply insecure and ready to book it across the Atlantic.

  • In authoritarian country,
  • They literally set an old man on fire

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • I feel the same, from knowledge and not having infinite disposable income, it's like my opsec is capped, and tech-libertarians aren't going to help us. They're just as concerned with the Chinese as their own govt which is still raking in Silk Road plunder years and years down the line, and that's all they use it for, illegal finances and drugs. Oh wait I forgot something important. Let's move on. At the very least I want to skootch people on to solutions which aren't a complete no-brainer like handing over all your internet traffic to the NSA directly, sending unencrypted text messages about unionizing that Starbucks can try to get a judge to pull. I don't just drop security procedures but I recognize their insecurity on a higher level.

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • what is there to do about something like this? what are people asking for men to do?

  • Sudan’s clashes threaten food security in Darfur Sudan’s clashes threaten food security in Darfur

    United Nations, May 3 (Prensa Latina) The escalated clashes in the Sudanese city of El Fasher threaten to spread famine in the North Darfur region, a joint appeal by several UN agencies warned on Friday.

    Sudan’s clashes threaten food security in Darfur
    Substack hate thread but not for the reason you think

    god damn it they duped me into making another account again STOP REDIRECTING ME TO THE HOME PAGE WHEN I HYPERLINK TO SOMEONE'S PAGE! WHAT THE FUCK!]



    The Geopolitics of Labor: Israel’s Quest To Replace Palestinian Workers With Indians The Geopolitics of Labor: Israel’s Quest To Replace Palestinian Workers With Indians

    By F.M. Shakil  –  Apr 24, 2024 Israel is mitigating its labor shortage by importing Hindu-only Indians after revoking work permits for Palestinians – an old colonial practice that could impa…

    The Geopolitics of Labor: Israel’s Quest To Replace Palestinian Workers With Indians

    By F.M. Shakil – Apr 24, 2024

    Israel is mitigating its labor shortage by importing Hindu-only Indians after revoking work permits for Palestinians – an old colonial practice that could impact its deepening geopolitical ties with New Delhi.

    On 10 April, in the thick of the war on Gaza, the Israeli government, facing a labor crisis, announced that it would fly in 6,000 Indian laborers during April and May on state-subsidized shuttle flights.

    This decision follows Israel’s suspension of work permits for Palestinian construction workers, a move that has significantly impacted its building sector. Israel’s Finance Ministry estimates that the absence of Palestinian laborers is costing the economy about three billion shekels ($828 million) monthly, which could lead to a loss of three percent of GDP as the building and housing markets struggle with debt amounting to 400 billion shekels ($106 billion).

    Simultaneously, New Delhi, overlooking the genocide and humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, has agreed to send Indian construction workers to replace the displaced Palestinian workforce. This decision aligns with a bilateral agreement to integrate 100,000 Indian laborers into Israel’s construction industry, matching the number of ousted Palestinian workers.

    A colonial strategy

    Canadian immigration attorney Aidan Simardone, speaking to The Cradle, compares the situation to historical colonial practices in North America where marginalized European religious groups, like the Puritans, were brought in to service colonial interests.

    Israel, he points out, is adopting a similar strategy by recruiting economically disadvantaged Hindu Indians from regions like Uttar Pradesh, aiming to manage demographic and political challenges seamlessly.

    The move is also an attempt by Israel to pull the rug out from under one of the thorns on the side of colonialism. Colonialism requires squeezing blood out of a stone, yet this squeezing depends on the sweat and tears of those who are at the bottom of the barrel.

    Simardone notes the inherent risks for the colonizer in relying entirely on an indigenous labor force, as workers will rebel when colonialism reveals its true nature.

    To steer clear of this predicament, colonizers bring in labor from other parts. These laborers are often pushed to the sidelines as well, but unlike the Indigenous population, they go with the flow rather than swimming against the tide when it comes to the colonial project.

    The plight of Palestinian laborers Since Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza began over six months ago, the closure of the occupied territories has severed the economic lifeline of approximately 100,000 Palestinian workers, cutting off their main source of income and depriving them of a financial safety net.

    Worse yet, many Palestinian workers did not receive their September salaries as the war commenced before their scheduled pay date.

    The fact that so many Palestinians are unable to support themselves in Israel may have disastrous effects on the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) economic agenda and, inadvertently, worsen the occupied West Bank’s security situation.


    Poast owner was bragging about poisoning the results Cloutier of Bird.Makeup gets from their server, if you use that service we need an alternative lol. Currently I use my friend's small Nitter.

    From looking at their posts they were able to get enough performance to start caching popular tweets, that doesn't sound that expensive to me. Might get into hosting that soon but putting this out there in the hopes someone else does, I'm happy with my secluded option.

    Still, having you all using something being routed thru people who poison results with Israel tweets for teh lulz seems like bad for everyone no?

    CyberInt promo: “I prefer to detect threat actors when they are young or starting out at 14 or 15. That's when I start observing and documenting their malicious activities." Mastodon is in these ads.



    It looks like Lee Fang is part of some kind of limited hangout thing where they turn this into a vaccine issue. Whenever something can't be omitted it's turned into a tug of war issue nobody wants to spend time thinking about because it's annoying discourse. Just my hypothesis. Still, he's the person I heard about this from first in my RSS feed.

    The fact is none of us actually have a threat model for what the people coming at our communities from these orgs look like. All that is put into the code of conduct is a set of rules for slapfighting with whoever is put into the cage next to us. That's putting everyone right where these organizations want.

    From the promotional material at least, we can glean security by obscurity is something they expect targets to seek out and something that clients are looking to pay to get past by default, as it harbors the fringes. While this extensive data collection could be said to result in a kind of informational overload in most interpretations, it looks like these low-level tendrils of the intelligence community either have taken their own initiative to groom kids to be terrorists, or it's working as intended, and there is in fact a lot of combing that happens of people's activity well before they're arrested for anything unrelated. I think it would be easy for one really effective data processing employee to keep tabs on dozens of people. We have to assume all these tactics are being used against union organizers obviously.

    There's honestly got to be a shift to more secure communications to the point where Starbucks can't get close to pulling employee text records like judges will do for gangs. If it seems like I'm brewing up reasons to worry about this, it's because I remember all the Sbux labor litigation very clearly and how scared people I knew who'd been relying on insecure communications channels became when shit started to hit the fan. But all people tabled was hit like Signal which if not legally accessible seems obviously compromised.

    Philosophy panned_cakes [none/use name]
    Heidegger in ruins? Grappling with an anti-semitic philosopher and his troubling rebirth today Heidegger in ruins? Grappling with an anti-semitic philosopher and his troubling rebirth today

    German philosopher Martin Heidegger was one of the 20th century’s most feted thinkers. A new book examining his Nazism in light of the now-available evidence, is a troubling, timely read.

    Heidegger in ruins? Grappling with an anti-semitic philosopher and his troubling rebirth today