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Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
  • It took that time before the update for me as well. 1-2 minutes for every loading screen. There was a mod for that (before the next-gen update) that you could not load via nexus, bc the setup was a little more conplex, but it worked really well (see )

    The method of this mod was to speed up the fps only while in the loading screen to 300-350 bc the loading times were somehow tied to the fps. Well done Bethesda.

  • The signs are aligned.
  • It is great that you could bring up the curiosity to bust the soy myth.

    There is no moral consumption of animal products. Many people a lot smarter than both of us (or at least mor dedicated / funded / in their jobs) have made the research and come to this conslusion as well.

    The most people who oppose this fact feel attacked at first because it can't coexist with their own behaviour. It is the same as with every debate where emotion gets brought up as a reasoning though (e.g. refugees, climate change, homeopathy, etc.).

  • Top 10(+) Racing Games on Steam Deck
  • +1 for Trackmania. Very sad that the most recent game is published by ubishit, who kind of made a live service game out of it (different tiers of access, starting at 10 bucks a year)

  • With a Nintendo Switch 2 on the way, I hope Valve make a Steam Deck 2
  • They are scared because the steam deck can do everything the switch does, but better (performance wise). Which is fair, since the switch has been on the market for some time, but even back when it was released it has been underspecced.

  • Stirling-PDF: Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
  • She certainly can't break anything by using it, you can spin up a docker container and see for yourself. It's also localized in a lot of languages.

    I don't think my own mother would do well with this, mainly because I think she doesn't know what the difference between a pdf and word or libre doc is. But apart from that, it is really simple.

  • Stirling-PDF: Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
  • Have used it for some months and it's great. I mostly use it for basic stuff like splitting / merging pdfs because im too lazy to look up the pdftk command.

    But there are many more features like sanitizing (removing embedded JS code) or OCR (which works great).

  • Did Fedora 40 break something for you?
  • Yeah i know, i just prefer to use the distros native package manager. That said, i use the jellyfin client from flathub and that one now warns me as well that it depends on qt5.15 (works fine though, since flatpak can have multiple versions of dependencies).

  • Did Fedora 40 break something for you?
  • qt was stuck with 5.15 because the telegram app depended on it (sigh). Had to do a dnf upgrade --best --allowerasing for the update to qt6 (and the removal of telegram lol).

    But now everything works fine.

  • Traefik 3.0 GA Has Landed: Here's How to Migrate Traefik 3.0 GA Has Landed: Here's How to Migrate

    After 5 years of development, the wait is finally over: Traefik 3.0 is generally available! This article will focus on the beginning, the elephant in the room: the migration.

    Traefik 3.0 GA Has Landed: Here's How to Migrate

    Upgrade went mostly without a problem (had set more than one Hostname for a service before, seems to not work anymore lol), and i have a pretty large configuration that has grown over the past two years.

    What i noticed is that it is quite a bit faster. Also the dashboard shows a little more information than before and the logs have colours now.

    Bayern stellt Millionen für Cannabis-Kontrolleure bereit Bayern stellt Millionen für Cannabis-Kontrolleure bereit

    Die bayerische Staatsregierung will für ihre Cannabis-Kontrolleinheit 20 neue Stellen schaffen. Gesundheitsministerin Gerlach rechnet mit Ausgaben in Millionenhöhe, damit Bayern keine "Kiffer-Hochburg" werde. Die SPD-Fraktion warnt vor "Hysterie".

    Bayern stellt Millionen für Cannabis-Kontrolleure bereit


    Die bayerische Staatsregierung rüstet sich gegen die vom Bundestag beschlossene Teil-Legalisierung von Cannabis: Die Vorbereitungen für eine "zentrale Kontrolleinheit für Anbauvereinigungen" beim Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL) laufen, wie Gesundheitsministerin Judith Gerlach (CSU) nach einer Kabinettssitzung in München sagte. "Wir werden dafür sorgen, dass Bayern trotz der Cannabis-Legalisierung nicht zu einer Kiffer-Hochburg wird."


    Laut Gerlach sollen 20 neue Planstellen für die Kontrolleinheit entstehen. Sie rechne für die Erstausstattung mit einmaligen Sachkosten in Höhe von 4,7 Millionen Euro sowie zusätzlich mit jährlichen Sachkosten von 1,2 Millionen Euro, die durch den "Legalisierungs-Irrsinn" entstünden.


    Der Staatskanzleichef sprach mit Blick auf das Cannabis-Gesetz von einem "politischen Sündenfall". Er prognostizierte einen "Kontrollverlust mit Ansage" und einen "Rückschlag für den Rechtsstaat". Die Staatsregierung stelle sich "entschlossen" gegen die schon im Denkansatz falsche Entscheidung, "die in einer geradezu grotesken Weise umgesetzt werden soll". Dadurch entstehe ein "Bürokratiemonster".

    Der Freistaat werde das Gesetz so vollziehen, "dass klar ist, dass man hier nicht das Eldorado für Kiffer" haben werde, kündigte der CSU-Politiker an. Auch Gerlach stellte klar, dass Bayern kein "lauschiges Plätzen zum Kiffen" sein werde, "ganz im Gegenteil". Wer Cannabis anbauen oder konsumieren wolle, sei "mit Sicherheit anderweitig besser aufgehoben" als in Bayern.


    Coolercontrol - a GUI to setup fan profiles based on temperature sensors in your system (other than just cpu from the bios) CoolerControl / CoolerControl · GitLab

    Cooling device control for Linux.

    CoolerControl / CoolerControl · GitLab

    geteilt von:

    > I was just reminded of how useful this was for me, since i was too lazy to setup fan curves in the cli with pwmconfig. This took me 10 minutes of tinkering and my temps went down a lot under load on my gpu and the machine is a lot more silent when idling.

    Coolercontrol - a GUI to setup fan profiles based on temperature sensors in your system (other than just cpu from the bios) CoolerControl / CoolerControl · GitLab

    Cooling device control for Linux.

    CoolerControl / CoolerControl · GitLab

    I was just reminded of how useful this was for me, since i was too lazy to setup fan curves in the cli with pwmconfig. This took me 10 minutes of tinkering and my temps went down a lot under load on my gpu and the machine is a lot more silent when idling.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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