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Uhhhhhh... why are you still posting dude?

    a celebrity is “only” an A- or B-lister, until they are inspired to put aside childish things, as Obama said during his inauguration, quoting scripture. This celebrity then throws themselves into the world of humanitarian-branded, progressive-looking activism, generally three-letter State Department-connected NGOs which have been described more accurately as “the human rights-imperialism racket.” This celebrity then transcends mere stardom and becomes someone to whom we should look for not only entertainment, but moral and political guidance.

    every micro-celeb is a wannabee imperialist propagandist

  • Aw shit
  • Tom Scott

    neoliberal NPC who thinks 'rich people should build more nice fountains, wow!"

    you're really doing a great job with that Bill Gates grant money.

    a celebrity is “only” an A- or B-lister, until they are inspired to put aside childish things, as Obama said during his inauguration, quoting scripture. This celebrity then throws themselves into the world of humanitarian-branded, progressive-looking activism, generally three-letter State Department-connected NGOs which have been described more accurately as “the human rights-imperialism racket.” This celebrity then transcends mere stardom and becomes someone to whom we should look for not only entertainment, but moral and political guidance.

    every neoliberal micro-celeb is a wannabee imperialist propagandist

  • The spice must flow
  • "free association between free producers is true Marxism, we need to SMASH THE STATE for its Stalinist authoritarian regulations ruining our individual consumer freedom" - anarcho-Bidenists atlantic-council

  • This post triggered libs into mass reporting it lol
  • access to movies

    "self hosting is revolutionary! I have my own choice of content without the evil fascist algorithm ruining my wholesome fun" - PMC Liz Warren voting neoliberal redditors whose only politics is 'consumer freedom for individuals'

  • Nathan Robinson most vindicated man alive
  • dogmatic almost to a religious degree,

    "Does anyone else think Darwinian evolution is a cult?" same energy

    condescend to people who haven't read Das Kapital in its entirety.

    Mao's frequent slogan "no investigation, no right to speak" is a theme throughout the essay


  • ass thicc
  • Buttigieg isn't a diversity hire, he's a CIA adjacent agent of the finance imperialism:

    Pete Buttigieg has a "a huge resource-and-mineral map of Afghanistan" on the wall of his living room— anyways I'm sure his work on "economic stabilization in war zones" while at McKinsey and (and in naval intelligence before that) was all totally above board and 100% ethical

  • "Although he neither speaks nor reads Persian, he is a popular interpreter of Rumi, rewriting the poems based on other English translations" white liberals lmao

    check out these categories:

    >American translators


    >Poets from Tennessee

    >Sufi poets

    >University of California, Berkeley alumni

    this mf is a bit on Trillbilly's podcast lol

    "I drive a Tesla but I'm not a freak, I'm just exploiting the tax rebate lol" ideology isn't what you believe, its what you do

    "I have lots of progressive ideas in my head, I'm actually immune to propaganda despite my actual behavior that is entirely consistent with capitalist ideology"

    AOC buying a Tesla isn't "weird" or "anti-socialist", rationally navigating marketplaces to find loopholes is within the ideological framework of being a technocratic PMC under neoliberalism. The entire idea of 'tax rebates for electric vehicles' is probably one of Biden's main accomplishments lol

    neoliberal redditors literally want medical professionals who cheated their way through school and are only practiced at googling shit they don't understand AITAH 27f for not wanting to share my final notes with my nursing classmates?

    I'm not a med student.. but ultimately as a patient think this is how we should want our doctors to work.. I don't want them to rely on just the...

    AITAH 27f for not wanting to share my final notes with my nursing classmates?

    >I'm not a med student.. but ultimately as a patient think this is how we should want our doctors to work

    "as a patient" lol nope! Obama succeeded into transforming patients into consumers of healthcare, that's what Obamacare (aka "Romneycare") is about: privatization. That's why Biden put all responsibility of dealing with covid on individuals navigating the marketplace to buy products from Big Pharma corpos

    >I don't want them to rely on just the stuff they managed to memorize at some point in time,

    some point in time: (ages 12-80)

    >I'd much rather have someone that knows to research open questions

    the PMC who think "Elon Musk is saving the environment!" believes human anatomy is an 'open question'. Nobody has ever isolated a virus before!!! Nobody knew that washing your hands before surgery was important, no one knew!

    >and is comfortable collaborating with others to finding the answer.

    Neoliberals: "collectivism is Stalinist red fascism"

    also libs: (demi-human borg drones whose brains (and souls) are so atrophied they can only resemble an actual person with the help of a herd of ChatGPT zombies surrounding them and gibbering like Kamala Harris)

    The Woke Left HATES The Precious Christmas Puppy, They Refuse To Pray For His Survival

    "Milk and baby food aren't good for young dogs" adding the precious Christmas puppy to the black book of communism list of deaths

    Haus of Decline's "you are not special" nihilism comic made radlibs very mad because Biden's "mental health" regime is the mandatory positivity of soy Ted Lasso fascism

    >"Curse of The Author", December 22, 2023: In this podcast episode, I talk about a comic I did...(he talks about this recent incident of being hated on by everyone on Twitter like halfway through, and mentions the Hesse X JoCat social media harassment incident)

    You can be anything you want!...As long as you are a soy uwu smol bean who stays delusionally positive despite living in hellworld where having skills (lol Obama neoliberals) or natural talents is required to not be homeless and dying in the streets

    (Kamala Harris voice) "You will be special and have some value to the market to extract, or you will perish" :kamala-gun:

    naively looked at the front page of Mastodon, found the most cringe Ted Lasso neoliberalism lol

    >'Obamacare'...Republicans hated Obama so much that they wanted to associate his name with the worst thing they could imagine: caring."

    (angry Felix noises) !gun-felix

    its actually ideologically consistent because "Obamacare" was originally "Romneycare" (a neoliberal project in MA designed to turn patients into healthcare consumers who navigate the free market) and the GOP mostly hates Romney now lol

    is Lethal Company a critique of neoliberalism, or neofeudalism? The company is an intermediary which treats workers as disposable independent contractors, not employees

    Neoliberalism is when you are an atomized, entrepreneurial subject, but you're still living in a mostly traditional liberal society despite having a LinkedIn page and a side hustle in the gig economy.

    Neofeudalism is when you are fully transformed into smartphone app platform serf who takes initiative on a daily basis with no boss telling you what to do. But ultimately you must earn enough wealth to pay your feudal lords the yearly tax of grain harvested trash you found in an abandoned post industrial hellzone.

    "retrofuturist aesthetic is so cool! Such an epic aesthetic choice, wow this game is awesome!" !matt

    Thermal paste is a scam, just use minty fresh toothpaste on your CPU

    "this stuff absorbs probably tastes cool and refreshing?" (eying forbidden thermal paste tube)

    speaking of settler homonationalism: "On Power’s Doorstep: Gays, Jews, and Liminal Complicity in Reproducing Masculine Domination" On Power’s Doorstep: Gays, Jews, and Liminal Complicity in Reproducing Masculine Domination

    This article explores the gender complexities of men caught between social power and powerlessness. Specifically, I consider the cases of Jewish men and gay men

    >This article explores the gender complexities of men caught between social power and powerlessness. Specifically, I consider the cases of Jewish men and gay men in the late modern West, two demographics with deep historic ties to both abjection and privilege. Such "in-between-ness” steers many, especially those who are white, cisgender, and/or otherwise privileged, toward what I term liminal complicity, a normative adaptation whereby men embrace manly ideals while disavowing femininity in themselves and others.

    >> “The logic of homosexual desire,” Bersani suggests, “includes the potential for a loving identification with the gay man’s enemies.” Indeed, Perez argues that modern gay subjectivity has, since the late-nineteenth century, been intertwined with sailors, cowboys, soldiers, and other hetero-masculine frontier icons, figures whose continued cultural salience is evident in their portrayal by the Village People

    gays love settler colonialism and fascism? Gorky was right!

    >>Gay men have worked to distance themselves from the stigma of gender deviance by various means, including physical fitness training, masculine self presentation lessons, male bonding, and militarization.

    psychotic steroid using Instagram neoliberal gays

    >To this day, liminal gays assert normalcy by disregarding fems as friends and partners. Liminal gays use similar contempt and condescension to distinguish themselves from women

    are fems friends? !thinky-felix

    >If liminal gays are so often denied, on account of their sexuality, the manly dominance promised to them in youth, wielding what limited power they have against others helps compensate for feelings of impotence. In the sexual marketplace, this involves sexually assaulting, coercing, and/or manipulating those marked as attractive while inferiorizing those marked as unattractive. Exemplifying the latter, Ayres’ (1999, 89) recounts the “overt belligerence [of] drunk queens who shout in my face, ‘Go back to your own country.’” Such verbal aggression, together with an “almost imperceptible feeling of exclusion” (ibid.), ensures that BIPOCs feel unwelcome in implicitly white settings, thus enabling white gays to maintain their implicit control over those spaces. >details how homonationalist discourses have increasingly brought white gay subjects and their Western nation-states together in opposition to “backward Islamic extremists.” Displacing anti-queer stereotypes of deviance and perversion onto Arab Muslims thereby facilitates imperial aggression in the Middle East with the implicit support of patriotic gay citizens.

    "patriotic gay citizens" !racist-lorry-driver

    >Where assimilationist Jews challenged Aryan hegemony by pursuing equal citizenship, colonial Zionists would embody Western values from afar, embracing a tough, masculine, but ultimately unthreatening posture for Western elites. U.S. Zionists likewise elevated themselves by supporting both Israeli and U.S. projects of masculine dominance. In a similar vein, affluent white Western gays attained relative acceptance in the LGBTQ rights era in part by limiting their demands and making themselves useful to commercial markets and nation-states

    "making themselves useful" listen, twink, !amber

    Lil B's AI generated story about anime girls in wheelchairs with wings that can fly

    heard about this on Beep Beep Lettuce podcast

    >These girls, blessed with the ability to fly despite being bound to wheelchairs, possessed a burning desire to catch the attention of the famous social media influencer , Lil B.

    men who can fly: "I must keep this a secret from the feds"

    women who can fly: "based god, hello"

    >With their hearts filled with hope, the Winged Wheelchair Squad set off on their adventure. They soared through the skies of Aetheria, their wings carrying them gracefully above the bustling city. People on the ground marveled at their ethereal beauty, unaware of the purpose behind their flight.

    "those big booby animes gonna do a 9/11" !scared

    >Together, they proved that dreams can come true, even for those who are bound to wheelchairs with wings.

    bruh what lol

    these AI images are fucked, anime girls becoming one with their wheelchairs, Cronenberg horror:

    new standard for the "Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act", protecting kids from furniture

    >The STURDY Act requires the CPSC to adopt a mandatory stability standard that uses a test weight of 60 pounds and simulates real-world use. The STURDY Act also requires clothing storage units (CSU) to pass objective, repeatable and measurable tests that simulate real-world use, taking into account the weight of small children, impact on stability resulting from placement on carpeted surfaces, drawers with items in them, multiple open drawers, and dynamic forces.

    they changed it from 50 lbs to 60? American kids getting more obese lol

    >CPSC staff are aware of 234 fatalities resulting from CSU tip overs between January 2000 and April 2022, including 199 child fatalities. Product instability that leads to a tip-over incident can be caused or affected by an unstable dresser design, use on a sloped or unstable surface, such as carpet, not using a restraint device or using a defective tip-over restraint device, heavy objects placed on top of a dresser such as a TV, or multiple dresser drawers opened simultaneously.

    Putting a heavy TV on top of my cheap IKEA furniture as my child walks around grasping at things, "this is fine"

    >The rule applies to CSUs that are freestanding furniture items, typically used for storing clothes. Examples of CSUs include but are not limited to chests, chests of drawers, drawer chests, armoires, chifforobes, bureaus, door chests and dressers. It does not cover shelving units, such as bookcases or entertainment furniture, office furniture, dining room furniture, jewelry armoires, underbed drawer storage units, occasional/accent furniture not intended for bedroom use, laundry storage/sorting units, or built-in units intended to be permanently attached to the building.

    "jewelry armoires” bourgeois children dying like they’re in an Edgar Allan Poe horror story

    I can't believe Israeli settlers think its normal work for Palestinians to get paid a few dollars to sell blood!...oh wait that's woke DSA Jacobin settlers and Mexican blood The US Plasma Industry Has Blood on Its Hands

    America’s blood plasma industry is the largest in the world and preys on the economically desperate.

    The US Plasma Industry Has Blood on Its Hands

    crossing the border (which shouldn't exist!!!) to sell blood is normal work

    Ukrainian teens going to Epstein's private island to sell sex is normal work

    we must SMASH THE STATE for its cruel and paternalist regulation of the black body! Free association between free producers in a free market is true Marxist communism, not racist regulation by the Stalinist state. !maybe-later-kiddo

    "buh? why do Americans have solidarity with Palestinians?" workers in the US never get surveilled by drones or have their power or electricity shut off by finance capital!

    one struggle against cops trying to evict you from your home for the sake of a soulless petite bourgeois landlord to do real estate development. What's the difference between gentrification and settler colonialist displacement?

    broke: Palestinians who attacked the psy trance concert never saw an Israeli before due to apartheid. Woke: black teens killed by the CHAZ never saw a Liz Warren DSA PMC settler

    beloved /r/Stupidpol neoliberal eugenicist Freddie Deboer: crying to his PMC class of proto-Jeffrey Epstein high school teachers about "(((those ghetto kids))) must have bad genes to not be educated by me, an epic redditor"

    woke leftoids: "uhh actually I'm not a settler because our genocide is over, the book Settlers is stupid and outdated and doesn't apply to an epic decolonization radlib like me. By the way free markets for individual consumers are superior to Stalinism, we must work with Reaganites to smash the state like our anarchist comrades did to Ukraine!"


    so funny how Cornel West radlibs tell themselves they're different than the previous worthless utopian/idealist socialist grifter opportunists wandering around Jerusalem in Jesus's time

    "I am a religious scholar" haha yet another failure of bourgeois education, these dorks have read every book but have never looked in a mirror, sad!

    >worthless utopian/idealist socialism

    "nooo my art and culture zines are vitally important to the working class humanity! I am DOING THE WORK (#DoingTheWork) to uplift our social consciousness by making PMC whining about kids not learning the classics" !maybe-later-kiddo

    the neoliberal brand "Super Best Friends" were not best friends, "Taylor Swift" is also merely a branded identity as a commodity object in the marketplace

    the so called "Best Friends" explicitly described their marketplace venture as a "zaibatsu", which is like the Japanese word for "corporation". Very curious to be so honest about their neoliberal subjectivity!

    the "Game Grumps" are not actually grumpy, Vinesauce actually hates Deleuzean rhizomes. I could go on

    "Not bad" (taking less than 1,000 morale damage). "That's a good take, for a lib" (taking less than 2,000 morale damage)

    >Quote 3: "Argh! There must be something I can do, but what?" (When taking >2,000 morale damage or taking damage when you have less than 3,000 morale points remaining)

    >Quote 4:"Ugh!"

    >Quote 5:"Argh!"!_Power_of_Chaos:_Yugi_the_Destiny#Yugi's_Quotes

    I love Yugioh NPC dialog lol:

    >Quote 1: "A Tribute Summon!"

    >Quote 2: "No! Fusion!"

    >Quote 3: "What?" (When you use a card (usually a trap card) to cancel or he destroys the card he activates or when he destroys your flip effect Monster as soon it was flip/fusion/special summon)

    >Quote 4: "C... can't be!" (When you destroyed Yugi's high level monster of 6 stars or more, or Curse of Dragon)

    >Quote 5: "You're going to activate a Spell Card?" (... in disbelief)

    >Quote 6: "Oh no!" (same as quote 3)

    really funny

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