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Found in a public bathrule
  • i put a few "a trans person peed here and you had no idea" stickers at bathrooms in my university

    the picture was also nicer

  • ich🏝iel
  • ich verstehe de witz zwar nicht, aber dinkelvollkornbrot ist sehr lecker

  • [Weekly thread] GNU+Linux help: ask anything!
  • the default systemd service will run caddy as the caddy user i think

    otherwise you can choose any user to run a systemd system service

  • Maths rule
  • thanks and sure

    i just tried to keep the situation as simple as possible for the thought experiment

  • Maths rule
  • If you are in possession of a penis, pull your pants down slightly and put said penis in someone's mouth, you achieve clothed oral sex outside of bed without dividing any legs and any chance of multiplying.

    So nope.

  • How could she
  • nah i think they are a one time password

  • ich🤝iel
  • 😖

  • Sorry, Iceland.
  • that's not upside down, just viewed from the north

  • Burning Up
  • Why not Centikelvin?

  • (How) can a modem spy on you?
  • That's exactly why I want OpenWrt on my router. To have that kind of control.

    Anyway your answer is completely unrelated to my question.

  • (How) can a modem spy on you?
  • The modem manufacturer might send traffic data to themselves. But the modem would need router capabilities for that, wouldn't it?

  • (How) can a modem spy on you?
  • Thank you!

    After posting this yesterday when lying in bed trying to sleep (i posted directly before going to bed) I thought of a similar reason:

    Since (as far as i understood it) a modem is just a device that converts between 2 different types of internet signals, the ISP also needs one on their end to connect me to their data center. So it would be way easier for them to spy on their end of the cable (or signal, or whatever type of modem is used) than on my end, since there isn't really much happening in between.

  • (How) can a modem spy on you?

    I'm planning to buy a router and modem and put OpenWrt on it for maximum control and privacy. While I could get a router with an integrated DSL modem, the previous tenants had cable internet so I'm not sure if the DSL connection even works and DSL internet is also more expensive (at least where I live). Fiber optic is not available. The problem is, there is apparently no open firmware for cable modems so I would have to buy a standalone router and a standalone cable modem. I would put OpenWrt on the router and use whatever proprietary firmware came with the modem.

    So my question is:\ Can a standalone modem that doesn't do routing, spy on you?\ If yes a rough explanation how would be appreciated.

    It seems that modem and router are used interchangeably on the internet (probably because they are mostly combined) so it is really hard to find any information on modems. Here are both Wikipedia articles for reference:\ \

  • auf Wikipedia wird der aber mit aufgelistet

  • I'm looking at you, ubisoft
  • tbh i'm pretty happy installing everything through Lutris

    it works great for gog games and pirated games

  • Where to find FLAC music?
  • deezer arls and qobuz access tokens from to dowload with

  • ich_iel
  • Unter Braan war auch Walter Leel für 9 Tage Kanzler.

  • ich_iel
  • Olol Scholol
    Angelo Merte
    Gehard Schrööö
    Kehlmut Hohl
    Schmelmut Hidt
    Wilil Braan
    Kurt Kies
    Ludwig Eher Hart
    Konrawr Adé-nauer

  • ich✅❎iel
  • ich kann "Ich schere mich immer noch nicht um Kekse" sehr empfehlen

    so wird man zumindest das schwarze pferd los

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Cock and Ball DoRture

  • Whats your go-to naming convention?
  • to make a good interactive shell

  • Cartography Anarchy zitrone 🍋
    chile hasn't changed
    ~97€ of mostly local organic groceries bought in Heidelberg, Germany (some details in description)

    Most of the fruits and vegetables are Bioland certified, and most of them are from a local farm near Heidelberg. The melon and obviously the bananas are not from Germany.

    The Bread is organic whole-grain spelt bread from a local bakery. The grains are probably also local.

    The oat milk is from organic locally (Baden-Württemberg) sourced and produced oats.

    ~5,50€ Meal in Mensa in Heidelberg, Germany (I already ate half a Frühlingsrolle, 2 potatoes and a bit of veggies)

    This Meal is heavily subsidized by the government. Probably about half the price or something similar. (edit: 0,92€/100g for Students, 1,20€/100g for University Employees and 1,94€/100g for Guests)

    Also I am very late to the party because I always forget about posting when delicious food is in front of me.

    Wooow an Arrow

    cross-posted from:

    overhyped crowd rule




    you can combine almost everything with GNU/Linux and like 40% of the times you get GNU/<that thing>, a lot of the times you can combine that again with GNU/Linux to get GNU/<that thing>/Linux or even wilder combinations

    proprietary rule

    exponential growth of wolverines


    The feeds "subscribed" and "local" are really slow or don't load at all.

    I just created my account yesterday because is so broken at this point that I can't use it anymore. At first everything worked flawlessly, but today I couldn't load my subscribed and local feed from Eternity and Voyager and now in the web version it loads really slow.

    Is anyone else having this problem?

    quantenzitrone zitrone 🍋

    Mainly here for the memes, other than that I'm interested in computer science, free and open source software and all sorts of general science topics.

    other socials: mastodon website code

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