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2024 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix - [POST RACE] discussion thread
  • As interesting as it was to see KMag hold up the pack to give space for Hulk, I do wish drivers had to serve their penalties in the race, in a timely manner. With 20 seconds of penalties, his race was basically run. I get that it's teamwork and why he did it etc., but it just feels very very cynical

  • What's on your gaming sh*t list
  • Microtransactions.

    Microtransactions flogged in main menu.

    Paying full price for a game to advertise ways I can pay more money for it, sometimes before I've even played a single minute of it.

  • ‘Hard month’ for pubs as UK’s dry January set to be driest ever
  • I bloody love a good night out, but I am really not a fan of being rinsed. I know it's London prices and whatever, but the closest pub to me is £6.70 for a pint that isn't Carling, and something nuts like £8 for a double voddy. Couple that with a pack of cigs (£15) and maybe a cheeky little kebab at the end of the night (£10) and you're looking at an easy £75 - £100 for one fun night.

    It's rough, because I really do love to socialise. Nowadays I don't drink or smoke for the first half of the year because they're too expensive as habits. If I want to go out in the evening to wind down after work and catch up with friends, I don't want to pay £20 to sit in the pub for an hour or two and then go home - but I can't reasonably afford to do much more than that -- so sod the whole thing.

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    What's happening?
  • I don't know about others, but I'm personally not fussed about perks. Plus, building any sort of perk functionality would mean extra workload for the two of you in terms of devving and managing it. But it's definitely not a bad idea, I just know I wouldn't be too bothered either way personally!

  • Avoiding tunnel vision when debugging

    Hey guys! Sorry if this isn't the best place for this but I couldn't really find anywhere else.

    I've been working for 6/7 years as a web developer full-time now, and I'm still plagued by one mega frustrating habit. When I'm working on something complex on one page, and it gets completed, I'll fairly often get notified either by the client or my boss a day or two later while they're testing the whole site that there's something broken on another page.

    Almost always, it'll be down to the fix I've recently made.

    Is there a way to avoid this kind of tunnel vision? I try to keep my code localised as much as possible, avoiding interacting with global scope and, if it's really for one specific thing, tying it down to that page in particular, but short of testing the entire site every time I make any change... is there anything else I can do?


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