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What app is so useful, you can’t believe it’s free?
  • Syncthing allows you to sync directories between devices. I have different folders synced between by Windows desktop, Pi4, Android, tablet, and laptop.

    Joplin is an open source note-taking app that I use with Windows and Android. I use Syncthing to sync the notes between my different devices.

    Libreoffice is a replacement of MS Office.

  • Baked chicken
  • Maybe because it's marinated in soy instead of a salt rub.

  • Baked chicken
  • Thanks for the tip!

  • Baked chicken
  • Marinated overnight, and in the oven for about 90 minutes.

  • Baked chicken
  • Thank you!

  • What app is so useful, you can’t believe it’s free?
  • Syncthing, Joplin, and Libreoffice are programs I use on a daily basis.

  • I love using Thunder
  • After the latest update, the app started showing a blank screen and clearing the cache didn't help. An uninstall/reinstall did the trick for me, with everything working as expected.

  • Is having an Android really a deal-breaker for some people?
  • Doesn't really matter to me what device my friends use. But as someone who likes to try apps and different configurations, as well as FOSS, using an Apple device is a deal-breaker for me.

  • Reddit users lost?
  • I was mostly a lurker on reddit, but as others have inspired me to do, I comment and have made a couple of posts to help generate content.

  • [Poll] All useful file-sharing and media organizing software.
  • As the post said, it's got a lot of details and options you can fiddle with. qBittorent's got it beat with its search option though. Tixati has that, but afaik, that search only looks for files between Tixati users.

  • Can someone still viewing Reddit explain how it is doing as of right now in terms of content quality and engagement?
  • I haven't really gone back to Spez's fiefdom ever since the blackouts began. But I've got plenty of saved comments to go back to, which I need to offload before I'm gone from that site for good.

  • [Poll] All useful file-sharing and media organizing software.
  • Tixati is an alternative torrenting program that I switched to from QBitorrent.

  • Can someone still viewing Reddit explain how it is doing as of right now in terms of content quality and engagement?
  • Haven't deleted rif yet and have been opening the just to check every couple if days. On July 1, I was getting errors (429 I think), then the login page after a couple if days. Earlier, I was seeing posts, but the front page, popular, and all were the same. Also, all the multis I created were gone. Haven't checked on desktop yet.

    I've found my Lemmy experience much better, even though many of the subs I was subscribed to haven't migrated yet. But it's early days and I have enough patience to see the Fediverse grow.

  • reffugit reffugit
    Posts 1
    Comments 13