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A cool guide on Identifying different types of insect bites
  • I am posting this comment before checking myself because I'm worried I'll forget what I was doing and not make the post.

    Isn't that tick bite indicative of Lyme's disease? (The bullseye welt.) Most tick bites end up looking like amped up mosquito bites, or a small wasp sting from my personal experience (small/medium welt with puncture in center, inflamed red circle radiating outward, no white ring)

    Also, what is the bug in the tick image? Doesn't look like a tick. And the bed bug silhouette looks like a stink bug.

  • now imagine a dog with a propeller hat
  • Isn't this how those Chinese popcorn makers work?

  • Rule
  • The Bare Necessities

  • Parents of lemmy, at what age did/would you give a smartphone to your kids ?
  • My son has had access to an iPhone 6s and iPad 2 since he was 1 or so (7 now). His devices have always been moderated to prevent him from seeing inappropriate content whether by accident or on purpose, and as he gets older I ease up on the restrictions. We have had little to no issue with him being attached to the devices, and my opinion is because he had mostly free reign over his usage barring bedtime. Even to this day he prefers to be outside playing.

    I'm sure we're all familiar with getting something we all wanted later in life than most people. We get super attached. I did get my son an Xbox one rather late (he had wanted one for at least a year before he got one), and he is attached to that. Because he spent a good amount of time dreaming and fantasizing about it.

    My son is also high functioning autistic, (as am I), if that means anything. But this is my parenting style. Allow freedom within reasonable limits to promote individuality, unlike my parents. He sometimes watches the dumbest stuff on YouTube, but we all did and do. It's not up to me to mold his sense of humor, I just make sure it's appropriate for his age. Regardless if I think it's dumb or not. I'm not 7 anymore.

  • ruling the same food
  • Peanut butter jelly sandwich club

  • Endless torment
  • I was expecting her to snap back into her body and wake up with disappointment after astral projecting

  • Which one should I play first?
  • Yeah, like others have said, play them in order starting with 1. If you play them backwards or out of order, you aren't very likely to finish the first one, maybe the second, the first is kind of a slog, but worth playing. This way they just get better each time you go to the next

  • Wage Slave Rule
  • That's rich!

  • Who said that?
  • Same here, buddy...

  • Georgia Is Trying to Make It Harder for Workers to Unionize
  • I want to leave the country

  • Lunchables
  • Nice! How was it?

  • Massive Pokémon Fan Game Site Taken Down Without Warning Via DMCA
  • Nintendo has kind of always sucked as far as passionate fans are concerned. Their products are some of the best out there, sure, but they are ruthless.

    Playing devil's advocate, they're just protecting their IP. Problem is they can't spend resources or time figuring out who is or is not profiting from their work, so they just stamp out all the bugs in the house that get big enough to be noticed. I guess, I really don't know.

  • How often had I overlooked women's contributions ?
  • The gender-bigotry comes from the "what man needs to mark 28 days?" There's snark behind the comment, and it's unnecessary. That said, a woman could be just as likely as a man to mark moon phases. But saying "man" doesn't mean "male" when talking about us as a species from my understanding. Seems like a broader term to use which includes the entirety of the homo-whatevers.

    I'm just some guy here and am not educated in this stuff, though!

  • Google reshapes Fitbit in its image as users allege “planned obsolescence”
  • And here I am, still using my Pebble Time watch

  • response to recent trends rule
  • This changes everything

  • I cut out AvocadoToast™ and now I'm a millionaire.
  • Can you stop by me in 2012 when I bought up a bunch of Bitcoin and tell me not to waste it, hold onto it for a few years because it will make me a millionaire? Thx

  • Get gud
  • Idk man. I am shoving respect into my son's head at all times, I show respect and love to my wife/his mom all the time, and he is misogynistic AF. I don't get it. I am trying so hard to raise him to be respectful towards women and he just doesn't accept it.

    He's 7, ADHD, Autistic, etc. But I really don't know if that even has anything to do with it because I am, too.

    I wouldn't say it's been debunked. Probably improbable, but in no way debunked

  • Just install EndeavorOS lol
  • Mint was my first used, was straightforward and easy to get going. Still use mint.

    I've always read it doesn't really matter what distro you choose, just to pick one you like. That's confusing to a noob because they don't know why they should or shouldn't like a specific one.

    Mint is very simple to setup and works very much like a windows PC by default. Can even set it up to work like a Mac if you want to.

  • rule
  • I would argue real-life is also like this

  • Lunchables
  • In a kids show called Bluey, the dad often refers to currency as dollar-bucks when talking with his kids!

  • How to read this Landis & Gyr electric meter?

    My provider keeps screwing me with estimated readings in excess of $400+, when my actual usage has been consistently under $200/mo. Granted they do credit the average when they actually take a real reading, I'm not a loan company and I'm getting frustrated overpaying.

    Is this a fuse? If so, what kind? if not, what is it?

    I'm learning about electronic components. I believe this is the part which has broken and made this heating pad unsafe to use. Well, unusable, not just unsafe lol.

    I made a boat elevator for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20

    I tried posting to the Minecraft subreddit, but the post would get deleted immediately. I just want to show someone!

    It's mostly silent, minus the dispensers clicking and occasional water splash, but it's much smoother than a flying machine, and not to terribly slow, rising at a little over 2 blocks per second. It's a good way to transport things vertically

    How to add hard-coded website to square space?

    I have a couple sites on Google and since they sold to square space I thought I'd try to keep my stuff there. But I can't figure it out. Square space is a site builder with a GUI and I can't find anywhere to just deploy my site to them as a react app. I have found a few areas where I can add some code, but they are for specific areas of the provided templates. I've even tried to use developer mode, but it looks like you still need to follow their template rules to get anywhere.

    It's been a huge headache, Google made it so easy.

    Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old?

    My son loves the adrenaline rush of getting scared, particularly with jump scares, however, I have a lot of difficulty finding a game or show which is appropriate for him. He is prone to nightmares, and more adult-oriented "kid horror" is too much (Poppy's Playtime, Cartoon Cat?) And others like Siren Head. His peers exposed him to those things and made my own nights pretty sleepless for a while.

    It's a tough plate to fill, but surely there's gotta be something. He's played Luigi's Mansion and got a kick out of that. That game would be a good example I suppose.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    [Subnautica] Do not fire your propulsion Cannon at your cyclops if you have lockers on the interior walls...!

    I know I'm playing this very late. Anyway I was pretty deep in a certain cave (1,200 ft) with a leviathan and I was taking care of some stowaways on the hull of the sub. Thinking it'd be more fun to use the cannon instead of the knife, I blasted away. A couple seconds later I watched in horror as all my lockers clip through the cyclops and sink to the bottom.

    The leviathan would attack on every pass and the lockers would either get blasted away even farther apart or respawn entirely. In the end, they all despawned... I was working on building a base with a platform shield over top so I could collect everything again, but it all went poof.

    Luckily, I saved within the last 30 minutes... But if I hadn't have, I would have lost all the resources (about 40+ lockers full) and I probably would have just quit the game lol.

    I'm a new developer and I need help learning how to get code running in the cloud

    I have looked at Google Cloud Run, Microsoft Azure and Kamatera so far. These are free trials, and I deleted and removed all projects after playing with them.

    I am working on a chatting application for my portfolio. I'm using MERN to create the app and I can run it locally and connect to the local server with any device on the network. Before I got into this I didn't realize setting up a cloud server was going to be so confusing, and that's after trying to watch tutorials on youtube and going through documentation.

    On google, people have talked about VM Instances, (Bare Metal Solution?) Servers, networks, VPC's, VPC Networks, serverless VPC, etc. and I have explored all of these things and I just don't understand why it's so hard to get a node.js file running somewhere remote.

    Microsoft Azure and Kamatera were pretty much the same experience.

    I'm not the smartest or faster person, I've got cognitive issues, but if anyone can kind of give me some simple steps or explanations to get me started in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.

    I don't need a complete write-up or guide, just a push in the right direction for my specific project, which is just getting my node.js code somewhere so the client can connect to through it. I think?

    reric88 reric88🧩
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