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If evolution isn't real, how did Glenn Beck de-evolve into a Japanese Snow Monkey. Checkmate Creationist
  • I think he's one of those guys who only only eats red meat to trigger the vegans.

  • Human missions to Mars in doubt after astronaut kidney shrinkage revealed
  • Imagine still having to negotiate with private health insurance as a Mars colonist. Oh, Kaiser didn't cover your kidney shrinkage medicine? Just fill out a form in our office on Earth to start a review process.

  • Settlerman brain is a sight of wonders
  • They have to pretend they don't know that the protestors are protesting a genocide, because the alternative to feigned ignorance is admitting they're counter-protesting an anti-genocide protest.

  • Comrade Trump, welcome to the revolution
  • Folks, the bourgeoisie, they’re no good, more and more people are saying it. Let me tell you, All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, "Comrade Trump, there is a specter haunting Europe." And you know what, they’re right. These bourgeois are very nasty people, very, very, rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me every day and they say "Comrade Trump, will you lead the revolution?" And I gotta turn to them and say, "Look, the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction, believe me. You gotta trust me on this one."The means of production, Obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I’m seizing them. Landlords? They’re done for, folks. Everyone told me, they said, "Comrade Trump, you won’t be the vanguard of the revolution." And they would laugh, the media laughed, the Democrats laughed. Well, guess who's laughing now? Believe me, folks, nobody can lead a proletarian revolution better than me. Bourgeoi-ller Clinton is another capitalist social democrat in disguise. "Social fascists" I call them, they're the moderate wing of fascism.

    And then you have these capitalists, those are real beauties! This is their new hoax- they take a piece of machine, a big beautiful shiny new means of production, and they buy it and y'know, they own it, it's a big beautiful shiny new machine, all the bells and whistles, bing bing bing, and then they have the workers- who are totally not being treated fairly in this country, folks, BELIEVE ME, totally exploited, and they have these workers-and they pay them a certain amount, could beee... $20 per hour, could be TEN, could be FIVE, could be TWELVE, they pay them a certain amount, okay, and with their labor they build the product.

    And the owner of the machine, of the capital, they turn around and sell the product at a yuuuuuuge markup, they call it "profit." OK, so they call it profit! They don't sell it at the cost it took to make it, okay, so what do they do with this extra, you know what I call it? I call it surplus value. I call it surplus value, and do they share the surplus value with the people whose labor PROVIDED the value it took to make that product? I don't think so, folks.

    They stick it in a bank and then they say "Ohhhh, I can't afford to pay you more!" Bad- BAD people. It's totally phony, folks. Raw deal, our proletariat are getting a raw deal. But not for long! We're gonna- and, by the way, it never occurs the workers to pool their resources and buy the big beautiful machine in order to share the profit that they created in the first place with their labour! And you know why? Because the capitalists pay the workers such a low wage they can't afford to then invest and pool their money and share in ownership... of the means of production! Can't do it! This is the biggest scam on the planet, folks! Boy, I've heard some real beauties but that one, WOW, that's a doozy. That's a real beauty. But we're gonna fix it, folks, we're gonna fix it, okay? and you know what the laborers are going to do? They're gonna WIN.

    Folks, what we did in 1917–the Revolution I call it, with a capital R–it's never been done before. So many big beautiful red flags, you couldn't even–now that, folks, that's a flag we stand up for, we don't kneel for our terrific red flag–and you couldn't even see the Winter Palace, you know. You know the Mensheviks, you take a look at what they said, and they were a, uh, a failed party, and Renegade Kautsky, very nasty to me but that's okay, they said we couldn't do it! They said, "Oh, Vlad, the material conditions are bad, we have to have a bourgeois republic to develop the forces of production." You know what that means, right? Semi-feudal economy! Okay, you get Semi-Feudal, and I said, I told them we can't have Semi-Feudal. Well, look at where we are now, Julius. We are going to develop the forces of production so fast it'll make your head spin. We are going to do in a generation what it took them many, many years to do. BELIEVE ME.

    And then we have these imperialist states. These are- these are very bad players, folks. Bad hombres. Very deceptive- it's horrible. Sleepy Joe is probably working with these fifth columnists. I know all about columns, believe me, ok? I've built- probably millions- I've probably built millions of columns. But all sleepy Joe will build is a bourgeois capitalist tyranny, ok folks?

    We're bringing back bread, folks! And not just bread, but peace too–and you know, the Left-SRs, they're very nasty to me about Brest-Litovsk, they say I make bad deals with the Germans, even though nobody does treaties better than me, and the Germans are tough, but when they deal with me they know my reputation, they know I make the best deals, and you know, many people in Germany, they say they want Lenin too! Little pickelhaube man is scared, because he knows that we have built an incredible movement, and we are gonna have world revolution, the biggest revolution anyone has ever had. But, still, you know, the fake bourgeois media, the white guards, they say "He colluded with the Germans, he got on the train, did this did that"–and they're just crazed. They are really crazed. Right. And we can't just let that happen, because there's nothing to do with Germany, nothing at all. Total witch hunt. Very unfair.

  • That alone should be a crime.
  • I mean, it's not like the game doesn't treat you like a shithead for doing any of those things. The Racism path never, ever makes things easier. It only ever blows up in your face and you lose the respect of every single character in the game besides Measurehead and the nationalist chud outside the convenience store. And even Measurehead will still think you're subhuman, even if he likes you personally.

  • The Yassification of Silent Hill
  • Modding female characters in Silent Hill 2 to look more like fuck-dolls has to be a whole new level of missing the point of the story.

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • I remember Kamala Harris being the only DNC candidate to say she found Tara Reid's story credible and worthy of investigation...

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.

    True Anon episode 146, Mandalay ft. Felix

    It's all quite the rabbit hole.

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • I remember Katie Couric quietly admitting she had to cut out a lot of her interview with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because RBG was being shockingly racist and Katie "didn't want to tarnish the idea of her."

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • I remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiating the wedding of two major DNC donors who basically hit the "you donated X amount so you can force a Supreme Court Justice to sing and dance for you" threshold.

    They wanted to show the whole world how special they were, having The Notorious RBG officiate their wedding. That's how official a wedding it was.

    And then she contracted a virus at the wedding and died of it.

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • I remember the 9/11 episode of Well There's Your Problem where Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in the middle of their mid-recording break, and when Justin is the last one to hear the news he just starts cackling maniacally, like actual instant jokerfication in real time. Still my favorite episode.

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • Oh my god that's right. Did I even remember that by the end of the day?

  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • "FOOD FOR EVERYONE!" (leaves immediately)


  • NSFW
    Memories that cost you sanity points every time they resurface.
  • West Wing Story is a song parody of "America" from West Side Story; the song depicts a sing-off between President Donald Trump and the "Squad" (Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley), in which Trump loses the sing-off. Trump is chased out of the White House and then joins the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in a can-can line, where Trump runs out of breath and falls down.

    Classification: KETER

  • Come read about Loukanikos the Riot Dog

    >Loukanikos (Greek: Λουκάνικος: "the sausage loukaniko"), initially named "Theodor", was a Greek riot dog that participated in almost every anti-austerity protest in Greece. He was commonly known for joining protests, barking at police, helping in street battles with the Greek police as well as participating in anarchist rallies and picket lines, at least since December 2008. Loukanikos had a reputation of being fearless, usually being in front of the protests and having tear gas thrown at him multiple times. He was active throughout all Greek protests and often leading the protesters towards the police. Initially a stray, he moved from building to building, but was said to have preferred to be on the streets. He was groomed and cared for by multiple left-wing organizations.

    Good Dog


    Least Genocidal Liberal

    The Antifada Episode 17: The Working Class Goes to Hell w/ Matt Christman and Virgil Texas

    Posting this episode because the plot of "Gung Ho" (1986) is basically happening all over again, with the US TSMC plant. The Taiwanese company is treating American workers they way they treat their Taiwanese workers (terribly), the company only wants to import Taiwanese construction workers because they don't trust the Americans, and now Arizona may ban TSMC from importing more workers because this whole thing was pitched as a jobs program.

    Some Arizonans who applied to work on this fab have indicated that TSMC is so distrustful of the local labor force that they are requiring some roles to relocate to Taiwan for 6-12 months for on the ground training, and offering below market rates for the privilege.

    So if you haven't heard it, here's The Antifada episode where !matt-jokerfied and !virgil-sad talk about Gung Ho.

    >In this very special Antifada offering, Andy, Jamie and Sean are joined by your favorite sons: Matt Christman and Virgil Texas of Chapo Trap House.

    >Gang begins by addressing the central questions of our hyper-digital age: what if God friended you on Facebook? Is QAnon just a benign hobby for bored Boomers? And, holy shit, what if GOD WAS QANON?

    >Matt, Virgil and Jamie reveal - for the very first time - their respective political tendencies. Everyone marvels at how high-T Jeb(!) managed to lose the primary despite the PR coup of offering a poorly branded guaca bowle.

    >Crew get knee-deep into Paul Schrader's 1978 classic "Blue Collar" starring Richard Pryor, Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel's genitalia. How does this movie about struggling union autoworkers help us understand the 70s as more than just bad hair and bell bottoms? (C.f. Jefferson Cowie's "Stayin' Alive" and the upcoming "Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts and Reason")

    >How did the "Golden Age" of US capitalism break down? How the hell did we end up in neoliberal hellworld when the 70s saw the most massive wildcat strike wave since the 30s? Why can't we return to decadent late social-democracy complete with coke benders, shag carpets to bang across, crushed velvet noodie posters and modernist chairs made to look like cocks'n'balls? Ugh.

    >After the depressing grind of Blue Collar, Matt suggests we lighten the mood with "Gung Ho" (1986) starring Michael Keaton. What's more uplifting after watching a film about declining racial solidarity among the US working class than one that uses stereotypes about the Japanese for cheap yuks? What's more laughable than watching a town full of autoworker rubes look to a washed up high school jock to solve their employment crisis?

    >In a startling twist, the entire crew turns on the American working class as the indolent, entitled chuds they are: you will all wear Ribbons of Shame in the highly disciplined and sadistic Japanese-dominated future!

    >Luckily, this week's viral wildcat video by a Hero of Socialist Labor saves us from going full MAGA. Spoiler: in the end our various tendencies are synthesized into Antoine Dangerfield Thought.

    Narcissistic Neoliberal Loser Talks About How Lonely He Is Being The Only Scab on Campus

    Found this on the neoliberal sub. Just openly whining about how there’s nobody he can talk to about his contempt for unions and worker solidarity.

