South African, living in Germany, left-leaning, deeply aligned with the opening lines of the Grundgesetz that declare all people to have inherent worth. Nerdy of nature and short of stature, I bend code and words to my purposes yet revel in my sports and thrive in the hills and high places.
Generative A.I. a Parasitic Cancer
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
I need to step away from my PC – for a moment – because, although I have so much to write, the statements made in this video touch me too deeply and are too closely aligned to my own views and too close to the fundamental reasons underlying my own depression and disillusionment and burn-out.
Watch it.
Seriously. Watch it. If you are well briefed on the A.I. bubble and A.I. Hell, just skip to:
- ~ 34 minutes to miss the demonstration of the tedious issue.[^1]
- ~ 38 minutes to reach the philosophical statements
- ~ 39 minutes to hear about deception – the universal "tell" of A.I. scammers
- ~ 41 minutes if you're prepared for tears: to lament what we've lost, what we so nearly had, what humanity is losing, what is being stolen from artists ¬
(I need some space.)
[^1]: I assure you this video is not about content farms, SEO or the death of search but one might be mistaken for thinking that, in the first half. Don't. It is worth your patience.
Please make it stop!
Every f•cking new-years. And days, and days before. And, now, again, one night later, and the f•cking fireworks are going, again. This "Silvester" tradition is one of the things I hate most about living in Germany.
I empathise with people who have explosion-related PTSD and I also empathise with cats and dogs and other animals and always have but – f•ck – what about ND people?
Do NT people not actually realise that, for some of us, this sensory abuse is actually torturous? We aren't just "babies" being scared by something unknown: we're just experiencing a physiological reaction to a sensory stimulus that we cannot change no matter how well we understand the mechanism?
Last year (2023-24) was worse, I guess: I went basically crazy and needed to be taken in hand.
I thought I'd actually been handling this time round rather well. Yesterday, I even went out the house while the sun was shining (brightly) and the fireworks weren't yet so bad. (Although I did joke to my partner that we
Be Alive in 2025 — Wiederspitzkehrend (my I.R.L. blog)
In no particular order, here follow a few the most inspirational things I read, last year, in 2024. They kindled my hope. Now, at the start of the new year, I revisit them and recommend them whole heartedly.
Here are some cut-and-paste teaser snippets listed entirely and inappropriately out of context:
- "When our brain is really …, we’ll dream about it."
- "I choose to open the box…"
- "Artistic Solidarity" mentioned!
- "Daydreaming is important"
- "... very weird art tools"
Zed is very interesting. I know it.
Very recently, I found a fork of Zed that gutted the AI Assistant integration and Telemetry. I forked that, myself, and took it further: gutting automatic updates, paid feature-gating, downloading of executable binaries and runtimes like Node.js (for extensions that don't compile to WASI), integration with their online services, voice-calling, screen sharing, etc.
My branch ended up down 140 000 lines[^1] of code and up less than 300! It was educational and the outcome was absolutely brilliant, to be fair. In all honesty, forking it and engaging in this experiment took less than 24 hours even though I restarted three times, with different levels of "stringency" in my quest.
[^1]: No word of a lie! The upstream repo is well over 20k commits and over 100 MB in volume. Zed is not a nice, small, simple code-base: it is VAST and a huge percentage of that is simply uninteresting to me.
This experiment was very realisable. Forking Zed and hacking on it was quite possible – the same cannot be said for just "forking Electron" or "forking VS Code" or even getting up to speed on those projects to the point of being able to fix the underlying issues (like this OP) and submit merge-requests to those projects. They have a degree of inscrutability that I absolutely could overcome but would not, unless I was paid to at my usual rates. (I have two decades of professional development experience.)
I shelved the effort – for the time being – for a few reasons I don't particularly want to extenuate, today, but I shall continue to follow Zed very closely and I truly, deeply hope that there is a future in which I see hope (and, thus, motivation) in maintaining a ready-to-go, batteries-included, AI-free, telemetry-free, cloud-free fork.
Part of maintaining a fork would include sending merge-requests upstream even though I should hardly expect that my fork would be viewed favourably by the Zed business. But, from what I can tell, Zed seem to act true to the open-source principles – unlike many other corporate owners of open-source projects – and I see no reason (yet) to believe they would play unfairly.
I don't see it as a "lol" matter.
The Electron project made an extremely stupid decision. Individual people who are left to wrangle with the fall-out and manage the PR have nothing but my utmost sympathy, as do all the down-stream projects (Signal, Discord, VSCodium…) who have to do the same. Even the developers of xdg-desktop-portal
are facing unnecessary backlash because of this. Their release schedule and time-line for when org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser
v. 4 could be reliably expected to exist in the wild was surely not kept in secret!
This doesn't only affect Flatpak apps. The xdg-desktop-portal
mechanism is used by many things. Even "gtk native" applications like Firefox use it when running on a correctly configured KDE environment and one of the nuances of this issue is that those applications – today – continue to work perfectly. Electron is not part of their stack.
I have flatpak
on my desktop just for Steam and even flatpak'd steam still seems to work, correctly.
It's a good question for the package maintainers.
In their defence: it isn't a direct dependency, it isn't advertised, and it is likely that the distro package maintainers just don't know about it – Electron hardly announce that they chose to depend on something that they know isn't released, anywhere, yet, and won't be for months.
To lighten the mood, here's a screenshot of one of the lowest points I achieved while hacking away, trying to resolve the issue:
- pixelated menu
- "Cancel" button at the top left??
- "Open" button at the top right??
- clearly Adwaita but not actually Adwaita as configured – the VSCodium window (behind) shows how Adwaita is actually configured on my system and that's how all native gtk applications actually draw.
PSA: It's Electron, vscodium or vscode, not your KDE desktop.
I spent the morning trying to work out why all the Electron applications on my desktop (vscodium, the Signal client …) were once-a-fuc•ing-gain showing me clunky, foreign file-open and file-save dialogues (presumably from gtk) instead of correctly showing KDE's dialogues via the very-cursed XDG-desktop-portal mechanism.
I'm on Gentoo. Had I, perhaps, broken something?
Nope. It's just yet another regression up-stream, in Electron:
Once again, despite knowing that nobody has support for something because that thing has not been released as stable at all, yet, the whole Electron stack follows the belief that it's perfectly OK to release a change that depends on that thing and, without it, bre
I found this through other means[^1] and appreciated it. It introduced new ideas to me while also describing a lot of things that resonate with me, personally, in words that I wouldn't have strung together, myself.
[1]: Unbelievably, 'twas the YT Algorithm. Is it because I block ads? Perhaps YT has truly given up all hope of brain-washing me and just fallen back on giving me more of what I want[2] like a parent tired of a child's nagging? Is this some kind of gas-lighting initiative? Are Alphabet actually not that evil?
[^2]: Kinda wish the creator didn't have to skirt around "acceptable content" policies to survive YT, though. While watching it, I felt their frustration at needing to self-censor coming through and it did threaten to frustrate their argument.
In summary, the argument it makes is that "inclusivity" in games is performative at best and, nearly always, just a token gesture that looks good on the tin and gets praised by the mainstream press but is always implemented in a way that is aimed squarely at cis-het. male players.
One of the strongest examples used to support this is how female player-characters are usually intended to be characters that the player observes, like a voyeur, in the second-person, and player-characters which are intended for the player to identify with and project themselves into are invariably cis-het. males. Lara Croft vs Geralt.
I'm intending to watch it through, again, soon and it might not stand up to the scrutiny of a second, more critical viewing but I certainly found it thought-provoking on round 1.
I'd love to hear other opinions on the video's arguments, though.
Ooh. Good. "Victorian" also comes to mind, now.
EDIT: I rather like "victorian" because it's secular and more recent and has the right connotations suggesting how contrived the very concept of "proper" sexuality is – and how absurd. I fear that "puritan" might get bogged down in concepts of religious phobia and zeal which are certainly appropriate but could be a distraction – it's adding trees to distract from the wood.
Fruit & Vegetable Emojis?
Is there an emoji[^1] that is recognised to mean any genitalia, sexual organ, erogenous zone or the like in a wildcard or reader's-choice kind of way?
[^1]: It doesn't necessarily have to be a fruit or a vegetable or flower or anything particular. The question can be interpreted more generally.
We all know about brinjals, peaches and certain blossom emoji but I'm looking for a single emoji, likely a little suggestive, that people in the LGBTQ+, non-binary, sexually freed and queer community interpret as meaning their parts – whatever those happen to be, whether expressed or observed at birth or chosen, freely, in life – and welcomes their own free will to choose what that means, for them.
Although I have recently chosen new levels of acceptance of the ways in which I deviate from the "traditional"[^trad] gender binary I remain, alas, uneducated in how others talk and communicate about their sexuality and so I find myself scared to express my own sexuality for fear of perpetuati
We won't.
It might look likely through the lens that is appropriate for the rest of the "democratic" world but that lens is not reliable for Germany. In the rest of the "democratic" world, the extreme fascists are hidden much like a dirty secret and so any noise from them that slips through is hugely amplified because it signals the existence of a much larger and more significant fascist movement. In Germany, the extreme right are in clear sight and much more of their noise gets through and the lens that amplifies that noise makes it seem that they might win.
That same democracy will ensure that they do not. In Germany, we can see them for what they are and their seats in parliament represent a more accurate measure of their support base. That support base is tragically large and significant but not enough to give them more than seats in parliament: they do not have a majority and would only form a majority through a coalition with other parties and, here, the transparency is a disadvantage: other parties who stand to be part of the next coalition won't join with the AfD.
Our democracy is not a two-party system. They will not win by jerrymandering or by playing the game. They cannot even sneak power by having a better candidate for key seats because individual seats are won through "first votes" while winning a majority in parliament would require them to take a majority of "second votes" – the system would put those "better" candidates in their seats while correcting the share of seats, overall.
The reason that they are given any space at all is also to their detriment: in Germany, there is exactly one way a political party can be blocked and that is if they contravene the constitution: Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar, usw.
This is why we tolerate their presence and one sees the noise they make: they haven't – yet – violated that consequentially, and so they cannot be blocked. Blocking the AfD would be great – I'm all for it, in isolation – but it would compromise something about German democracy and the cure would be worse than the disease because it would only silence their noise: the movement would proceed apace and their movement is, itself, a symptom of a greater problem: there are people who are ill served by the status-quo and the AfD seem to be an "alternative."
If the AfD ever did gain power, however, they simply could not do what they insinuate because that would tear it and the constitutional court would smash them. This is also true if they form part of a coalition: that coalition could not execute on the plans they hint at.
Now, "unantastbar" is a fantastic German word that cannot readily be translated to a single English one but one aspect of it implies immeasurability. The AfD could never pass legislation that discriminated against LGBTQ+ people because that would necessarily divide "people" into two groups and apply a comparator between them and that cannot be done if people's worth is immeasurable. The constitutional court knows this, as do the defence teams who have surely prepared this argument for the day when it becomes necessary.
Germany is by no means perfect and even German democracy is flawed in some ways but, largely, Germany is a good place to live. There are many archaic laws that persist – the gendered language and gendered baby name things count among a legacy of problems – but, largely, these are being progressively overturned. (Albeit slowly.)
Sometimes, we make a few steps forward and then a few (hopefully fewer) backwards but, largely, I think Germany is on the right track.
Taiga is too broad. I tried it out with all the best intentions and, quite simply, it is too big. It is too complex and complicated and feels extremely heavy to use.
From decades of professional experience, I know that all forms of planning are performed breadth-first and not depth-first. One jots down a bunch of titles or concepts and delves into them, fleshing them out and adding layers of detail afterwards. Taiga just doesn't seem to facilitate that workflow.
It is focussed on fixed ideas like "epics" and "user-stories" and its workflow needs one to understand how your planning should fit into those boxes. I never work like that: I don't know whether a line-item on a scrap of paper is an "epic" or a "story" or just destined to be an item in a bulleted list, somewhere within something else. I don't want to have to choose what level of the plan the line-item fits before I capture it in my project tracker – I just want to type it up, somewhere, and be able to move it around or promote it or add stuff to it or whatever, later.
In summary: Taiga seems "fine" but just isn't for me.
I guess the KDE team just triggered my "see red" response. I saw an unfamiliar notification and immediately went on the offensive because of how often attention-stealing and attention abuses in general are exploited by bad actors.
I know the concept of startle-training very well. It has, in fact, been part of my training for certain volunteer roles that were carried out in stressful, objectively dangerous and high-risk scenarios but those were all In Real Life. They were all for a cause in which I believed – I volunteered to be there.
It is precisely so I have patience and resilience to handle those In Real Life scenarios that I so jealously guard my attention when I don't judge that frittering it away on silly annoyances is warranted.
additions into files in /etc/portage/env/
and then associate those files with packages via /etc/portage/package.env/
. One can discover which package a file belongs to with equery b
. Once that package has a package.env
entry that applies an INSTALL_MASK
, manually delete the unwanted file and run emerge -1
to re-emerge it, then double-check that the file was not restored.
If you – like me – run Gentoo and have a working knowledge of Portage, you can configure it not to install the KDED modules that provide the donation popup thusly:
INSTALL_MASK="/usr/share/knotifications6/donationmessage.notifyrc /usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/kf6/kded/"
Even without the nag popup, one might still donate:
Software Fails to Understand ADHD & OCD, today.
Even the very best software fails to understand ADHD & OCD, today, along with many other neuro-divergent traits that exist but aren't directly in scope for this particular topic.
I'm thinking about what happened to me at around 01h30, this morning, when I turned on my PC to quickly check the weather before retiring.
My PC runs Linux, has an SSD, and boots in eleven seconds from a cold start so I actually shut it down to save electricity whenever possible. I had forgotten to check the weather forecast. What should have happened was this: I press the power-button, I open Firefox which navigates to about:blank
(the only remaining safe-haven on the web) and I click a bookmark that takes me to a Norwegian weather service that presents a delightfully details and entirely unanimated forecast page – no fear of surprises – then, I shut down.
Eleven seconds after pressing the power-button, KDE Plasma 6.2 popped up a nag for donations.
Now, I understand that KDE is a rather excellent, f
I know Bugzilla from the days of yore. I haven't actually used it since about 2007, I estimate, and I'm happy to say that your post didn't trigger any hyper-ventilation or other post-traumatic-stress reactions so I do appear to be recovering. 🙃
You are right, though: it is very classic. And libre.
I do like putting task-cards in columns and dragging them from left to right but I'm explicitly not going the Kanban route nor the Scrum route. I reject the prescriptivism that inevitably accompanies those "brand name" methodologies, even while I acknowledge that both methodologies do encompass several excellent ideas one might usefully borrow.
In fact, I always rather liked Trello simply because one could do whatever the heck one wanted with its boards – and the hotkeys were brilliant. (If I test out Planka, hotkeys will be evaluated for sure!)
Sadly, Trello devolved into and, yeah, I wouldn't touch any Atlassian[^1] product with a barge pole, today, nor have I in years.
[^1]: Do they still charge for dark-mode in some of their products? Anyone who has managed a large team that includes neuro-diverse developers knows that dark-mode is tantamount to an accessibility feature and charging for it is just a dic•-move.
Ta. Along with Taiga – which is presently first in the queue to try out[^1] – I've added Planka simply because it looks so immensely and elegantly simple and down-to-earth. I shall not be surprised if Planka wins out from pure simplicity: that would be the same reason why I migrated my self-hosted environment to Gitea (from GitLab)
Planka actually looks to do precisely what I want where as Taiga appears to be an Eierlegende Wohlmilchsau. The latter is great when one actually wants wool, milk and pork, but I'm thinking I only want the eggs. ;)
[^1]: Planka's live demo is just so easy, too. And it does Markdown footnotes which Taiga doesn't. I could live without them but... I LIKE FOOTNOTES.
I did know about the association with PenPot but hadn't actually looked at that because that's not what I'm seeking, presently. But, I did, now, and they are the same people and I also find it very reassuring to see this as No 1 in their FAQ, too:
Penpot is Open Source, and self-hosting Penpot will be free forever.
There are many recommendations in this thread – Wow! Thanks, Lemmy – but I think I shall begin with trialling Taiga, first, and report back on my findings.
I'm fairly certain that the original authors recommended using another generator – like split-mix-64 – to extrapolate low-entropy seeds to the required state width. Using high-resolution time as a seed is common practice throughout software development and I think they were envisioning split-mix-64 to be adequate to get decent seed entropy from a linearly increasing timestamp. I'm certain it would be adequate to widen 32-bit seeds to the required width.
If my memory is correct, the reasoning was that split-mix-64 – although not as robust a PRNG as the XO*SHIRO family – is trivial to compute and reaches a reasonable level of entropy without needing many iterations.
It looks like[^1] the state width is 256-bits, anyway – not 64 bits.
[^1]: I've lost my references and don't have time to go digging through archives right at the moment but I pulled up my Rust library that implements my PRNGs (which is a port of a C++ re-implementation that exploited learnings from implementing a C# library to replace Microsoft's original, slow .NET PRNG, which was based on the research paper's reference implementation, and ran in production for years and years...)
I'm thinking to try Taiga, next, but not today. Their pricing page doesn't seem to indicate that self-hosted instances will be limited and there are other overtly positive signs on their site, too.
Self-hosting is an option they openly promote on the landing page. If you use ctrl+f
to search for self-host
, you immediately find a link to documentation on how to do that.
Has anyone any experience of Taiga? Horror stories? (Save me time!) Or good recommendations are also welcome.
FOSS Task / Project Management that's actually free to self-host?
In preparation for the new year, I've been looking for a "better" way to manage what I'm "doing" and looking for a better task-board / ticket manager / project management solution to replace my current unholy and very-cursed mess involving paper notes on a whiteboard (magnets FTW), issues in Gitea (self-hosted) and a whole bunch of .md
files in a git repository.
I tried out self-hosting Leantime in my development Docker environment. That was a waste of effort. It's crowded chock-full of "premium" links that just take you to the paid plugin store. I fully expect artificial limits and nerfs to be enforced, too, if one doesn't pay. (Their "pricing" page even alludes to this, stating that "self-hosted" includes the same as their cloud's "free" tier. That would be 150 tasks. That's borderline useless!)
Why ever would I self-host that? Even if I did, how could I trust it to remain free for the features I need, if it paywalls features in the self-hosted scenario? If I self-host it, I'd al
Attention, ADHD, Sleep & Dreams
Here's a thought that fell upon me[1], last night, in those wee frosty, dark and restless hours: sleep is immensely important for everyone but it is even *more* so for us with ADHD[3] simply because we typically suffer from difficulties directing and commanding our attention and train-of-thought, whilest awake, and sleep, bringing dreams, brings relief.
When I do find myself struggling with control over attention – including getting lost in thoughts, inability to focus, inability to disengage and a propensity to obsess on topics – I also notice that I have absolutely no ability to let my mind drift and sort through the things that are challenging or bothering me, or it, in any kind of cathartic or therapeutic way.
I imagine that that's what the sleeping mind does and, even more so, that is what the dreaming mind does: sift and sieve thoughts and experiences and memories.
It's probably also succour for one's corporeal body. Anyone post-puberty (or sufficiently far embroiled in it)