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A new challenger approaches
  • The video from their training operation goes hard

  • Cuban(or not) cigars, what are you favourites and for what reasons?
  • I love me some Bolivars. I dunno why exactly I just like the taste. They're very earthy and wholesome.

  • Cuban(or not) cigars, what are you favourites and for what reasons?
  • Chuds don't smoke them.

    Why is that exactly?

  • A Korean Air Boeing plane dropped 25,000 feet in 5 minutes
  • Another day of wonderful press for Boeing

  • She literally admitted to not knowing the word pogrom before oct 7.
  • How did I know who this was going to be about before I even clicked on it smh

  • Literally a skill issue
  • Perfect example right here (Tetris world championship 2018)

  • PHOTOS: Popular Chicago fountain closed due to "vandalism"
  • There was graffiti at the scene that said GAZA IS BLEEDING so I think it was supposed to be red like blood. Of course that was not included in the press release.

  • I increasingly feel like in the west everyone is ideologically "locked in"
  • For real, I've never seen such a huge mass radicalisation event occur in my lifetime. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Gaza solidarity protests seems like the biggest protest movement in human history.

    What's beautiful about it too is that - with the exception of Palestinean diaspora participants - very few of these protesters have any skin the the game. They do not benefit in any capacity from protesting, it's all stemming from pure solidarity and love for humanity.

  • These Designs Were Pitched for the World Trade Center Site. (This is one of the funniest fucking videos ever)
  • I gotta say, I did not expect the one that looks like an orange/green tentacle monster attacking the city, nor the big fuck-off cardboard box eclipsing the entire skyline

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Oh it’s fantastic! I’m surprised it took them this long to get the Tropican Shores content into the game, but it’s here now. The only DLC I haven’t picked up is the plague one but I’ll probably grab that eventually.

    My only gripe with the game is that once you hit your population cap the game basically breaks because you no longer have a source of uneducated workers, but you can still make it work by destroying huge parts of your economy that rely on those workers lol.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Picked up the new Tropico6 DLC. First time playing on a huge archipelago map and it’s very challenging, I dig it.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Picked up the new Tropican Shores DLC for Tropico 6. It’s great, playing on a huge archipelago map in sandbox mode and it is very challenging, I dig it.

  • Most pro mass transit, left-wing New York DemonRat
  • Making public transit free would surely be cheaper than that no?

  • How supporting Palestine landed me with a fully stocked cigar humidor 🇵🇸

    I don't really know where else to post this, so I figured my comrades at Hexbear might appreciate it.

    A couple months ago I was coming back home from the weekly Palestine solidarity rally. On my way back home I needed to somehow obtain a $5 bill to tip the grocery delivery guy that weekend, and thought "Hell, I haven't had a cigar in a while, maybe I'll pick one up". There's a cute little Cuban cigar shop down the road, so I popped in.

    The owner is a short Cuban man, and he was rummaging through his cigars doing whatever cigar-store owners do in their down-time. I walk in the door. He looks at me, then looks at my keffiyeh, then back at me, then back at my keffiyeh, and then says "...Palestine?" Not knowing his politics, I reluctantly say "...yes 😬?"

    This triggers a 40 minute long discussion, whereupon he goes off on how fucking despicable what's Israel is doing in Gaza is how they are getting away with mass murder in broad daylight, doing "exactly what the nazis did" etc etc. He had clearly been following what's been happening and was sickened by it and I got the impression he didn't have much of an outlet to express his thoughts (as many of us don't).

    I wanted to buy two small cigars (the ones on the right in the photo) and he said that he'd give me a discount, and ended up giving me three free of charge, on the condition that the next time that I was out protesting the genocide in Gaza that I "yell a little louder for him" ✊, to which I of course agreed (there are only two in the photo because I've smoked one already) I honestly tried as hard as I could to give him my money but he simply would not accept any.

    Although I left the cigar shop without the $5 bill I went in for, I did leave with three exquisite Cuban cigars free of charge.

    So, I felt I needed to repay this guy for the ~$100 of free merchandise he gave me. I ordered him a keffiyeh made in the West Bank just like the one I was wearing. When it arrived, I popped back into the cigar shop and said " I have something for you." and put it on his desk.

    > I will never forget this for the rest of my life. How much did you pay for this?

    I lied and said "Only about $60, don't worry about it."

    > You're lying. What cigars are your favourite?

    I insisted that he not give me any more cigars because I was trying to pay him back, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He ended up giving me four deluxe Cuban Bolivar cigars straight from Havana. On the way out he gave me a fist bump accompanied by a "Free Palestine".

    So Hexbears, this is how I unintentionally stocked my cigar humidor with solidarity for Palestine 🇵🇸✊

    I'm going to save a spare one so that maybe one day I can smoke it on the beaches of Gaza when Palestine is free.

    as someone who worked in kitchens for many years this hit very close to home

    RIP. Pour one out for our comrades just trying to help. Death toll has risen to 7 foreign aid workers.

    Damn you, Israel.

    Link to post (fixed)

    Rest in power, chefs !fidel-salute, and the same to the countless thousands of Palestinians murdered in the last 6 months who just wanted to live a normal life.

    I'm so fucking gutted.

    Israeli government passes draft bill to shutter Al Jazeera

    > Israel's government approves in telephone vote a draft bill to close Al Jazeera's Israel offices, following revelations that one of their 'journalists' was a Hamas commander.

    I'm honestly surprised it took them this long tbh.

    Moroccan hashish suppliers 'boycott Israeli dealers' over Gaza war

    > Moroccan hashish suppliers are refusing to sell to Israeli dealers in protest against the war in Gaza, according to a report in Israeli media on Friday.

    > The Israeli news site Mako cited several Israeli drug dealers complaining about the drop-off in trade.

    > "The hashish dealers in Morocco are not willing to sell us more hashish either directly or through intermediaries," said one dealer.

    > "They decided that because of the war they are boycotting us. Since the war, we have lost a lot of money. Tens of millions of shekels at least."

    > The outlet also quoted a Moroccan hashish dealer saying they were refusing to sell to Israelis over the war.

    lol, lmao even

    My favourite Biden gaffe of all time

    Biden's team seems to have tried to scrub this video from the web almost entirely. It used to be easily available on YouTube, but it was replaced with a shortened version which cuts off the part where he just goes off the rails about Xi Jinping. I guess then they can just blame it on his "stutter".

    Anyway, I found it on an old Facebook post from a year ago, so enjoy, and save it to your devices folks lest it be permanently memory holed.

    Ok apparently it is still available on YouTube, it was only showing up with the shortened version when I looked earlier.

    In any event, still an amazing gaffe.

    Edit: PolitiFact: Joe Biden described America as “the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping.”FALSE Five Pinocchios ! !maybe-later-kiddo !maybe-later-honey

    Edit2: I replaced the stupid Zuckerberg URL with the regular YouTube one as pointed out by comrade because apparently I don't know how to use a search bar

    So this pic is AI generated, right?

    There a lot of little details in this picture that seem off, I dunno.

    KISSENGER IS DEAD Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

    Dr. Henry Kissinger, a respected American scholar and statesman, died today at his home in Connecticut.

    Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

    !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party

    Edit: My wife says that I seem happier than the day that we got married. She's not wrong.

    Edit2: I realised that I spelled Pissingers name wrong in the title. Pity.

    Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

    By Betsey Piette November 14, 2023 In 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered the existence of natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza, at a depth of 375 miles.

    Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

    > In 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered the existence of natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza ... In 2019, UNCTAD estimated the net value of the Gaza Marine natural gas at $4.592 billion

    > The Palestinian Authority was “granted” the right to exercise sovereignty over its own maritime territory by the Oslo Accords in 1995.

    > In December 2008, in total contravention of international laws, Israel declared sovereignty over the Gaza Marine area, and BG closed its offices in Tel Aviv.

    > ... Israel continued to prevent Palestinians from developing and benefiting from their natural resources, in clear violation of international law that governs who has rights to these resources when a country is occupied.

    > Renewed interest in pursuing development of the Gaza Marine field surfaced in early 2022 following the war between Russia and Ukraine, the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, and the sanctions placed on Russia that caused a global energy crisis.

    > On Oct. 29, Israel announced that it awarded 12 licenses for exploring additional offshore natural gas fields to six companies

    North Korean news sources?

    I get a lot of my news about the world from outlets like CGTN, Al Jazeera and Telesur but it occurred to me that I've not heard of any such news source out of Best Korea.

    A quick search for English-language North Korean news brings up Pyongyang Times, but does anyone have any other recommendations?

    virgin cyclist vs. chad skater

    now that autumn rain is here I can no longer skate to work and have to cycle instead so I made this meme as a coping mechanism
