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Call me Lenny/Leni @ shinigamiookamiryuu
2 yr. ago

  • It depends on the kind of individual we are talking about and the circumstances behind them. So many different things potentially spring to mind when I hear the word "asshole" that it's impossible to generalize. In most conflicts I've observed, both sides are referred to as assholes in some way, which means, either way, you're going to be accused of defending an asshole. Sometimes you are even surrounded by assholes.

  • This was actually a huge problem in medieval times. The people back then adhered to the existence of the death penalty, but they also didn't see it as anything aside from a kind of state sanctioned murder rather than how you'd expect many people to see execution. Executioners were thus highly stigmatized, to the point where we have that stereotype today of medieval executioners having that black veil over their heads to conceal their identity, and out of necessity, the role of executioner was inherited like that of a monarch rather than acquired, since often nobody would've otherwise sought the job. Executioners were considered so much of an outcast and felt so little incentive to be executioners that it was medieval law that they would get a lifetime supply of free food in order to reduce the burden of the job. They were considered a hesitant necessary "evil" that put a cap on other "evils", like adultery (oh the horror). Or so they say.

    Times have evolved though, and I go by a different school of thought (schools of thought where it's much more difficult to get to the bad place and stay there if your intentions are good). I cannot help you out of legal issues should something happen, but I have faith that doing what you consider to be a favor won't be eternally punished.

  • I'm sure it does or doesn't depending on the situation. There's no blanket answer to this, but I know it's not without its effects. I've noticed a lot of people who are considered attractive who get more tolerant treatment by others, all while some get worse treatment because the envious channel their disappointment on them. Often I wonder which one I am given the kinds of people (who are male-majority in some cases) don't like me.

  • I'm not a mom at the time of saying this. The closest I get to being one is being a childrearing aid to a pair of twins. They are young, innocent, and without those political passions yet (I don't blame them), so I'm guessing Musk comes off as a passing circumstance to them, but at one point that one diplomatic meeting was airing and they asked if "that strange guy" (Elon Musk) was breaking the rules because he wasn't "wearing his school uniform" (i.e. he wasn't wearing a suit like everyone else). Probably the only thing they understood of it all, but it speaks a bit about what is starting to develop.

  • Just a theory, but speaking from experience, perhaps people are just tired of hearing that particular accusation, especially in the instances where it's not even correct. It's the easiest thing to throw around and have some kind of large desired effect.

  • I prioritize staying informed over well-being. But I also don't trust everything I see. Which is the real reason (or one of them) why I mainly watch local news. I wouldn't be like "I don't want to see who among us is in danger of being nuked, nuclear bombs are so unsightly to watch". It is best to prepare for longer-term benefit.

  • Pavlova.

    Working in the kitchen requires good coordination and an intuition I will never have in my current setting because it's not the form of intuition I was raised on. The ability to cook to precision without everything spelled out comes off to me as almost psychic, and I don't have that. So I will never be making myself my favorite dish.

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