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  • 3 weeks without mains. Bad storm, very rural. We ran a generator to keep the freezer and fridge going. Had antique tools to work with so we were fine. Thankfully it took place in the summer.

  • As another commenter mentioned, longest period of time without electricity for me would be about two weeks in Algonquin Park, Ontario Canada. A couple of our canoe trips were ten days at least… the drive back to civilization is always a bit strange, 40 km/h feels really fast at first, it’s a bit scary getting onto the highway and the lights everywhere are very distracting for the first couple of hours.

    Longest period of time at home would be about two weeks without power during the 1998 Ice Storm. We had a wood stove, so we did okay for heat and managed to cook on the flat metal top. It hit in several rainstorms over the course of about a week, and took years to clean up afterwards. Power went out on the first night and didn’t come back on until at least ten days later, not sure exactly now.

    I remember being 8 years old, watching the rain come down in waves, gently, onto bent over tree branches that were sparkling as they swayed back and forth in the wind, thousands of gems on the tips of the branches, reflecting orange glow from the streetlight beside.

    By the third day of that, there was cannonfire in the back fourty. Branches were breaking under the weight, falling to earth with a thundering “boom” as they made the 2” sheet of ice over the snow vibrate like a giant’s drum. A tinkling sound, like tiny bells, would follow as the shards bounced upwards and settled across the surface.

    Strange times. Lots of candles. Gets boring at night when you start running out. Wasn’t allowed to go outside for a long time because of the falling branches.

    When we finally did go outside, I almost died because we went sledding. Turns out plastic “crazy carpets” go, well, crazy fast on that kind of ice. Luckily I went through a patch of small trees instead of smashing into one of the big ones. In retrospect, we picked a really bad spot to go sledding. Learned pretty quick that just sliding down on our bellies like otters worked better. Didn't go back to school until almost the end of January so we had lots of time to practice, it was great.

    The bush was a mess for years afterwards. Just a tangle of fallen branches and small trees shooting up between. The rabbit population exploded as a result, it was perfect habitat out there for them. I found a patch of snow at the end of June that year, hidden away under a whole pile of pine branches. We tapped the trees that spring but shouldn’t have even bothered, we only got about 5 litres of maple syrup instead of the usual 20 to 25

  • Huge tree fell across our one lane road in the mountains when I was growing up. We had a big snow storm and we got something like 6 feet of snow in two days.

    Thankfully everyone out there had wood stoves for heat. Plenty of fresh snow to melt for water. After the snowing stopped everyone trapped behind the fallen tree worked together to cut the trees and get it off the road. It was a pretty big pine tree so it took like 15 people with several chainsaws all day to get it cut apart and off the road.

    Still took like a week for a plow to come out and make the road clear enough for the power and telephone people to come out and fix it up for us.

    I'll never forget how unbelievably dead silent it was when I was laying there in 5+ feet of fresh powder. Because the power lines were down there wasn't even that faint buzz/hum of electricity that you don't usually notice but it's always there. Absolute pure silence. You could hear your own heart beating and every little sound your clothing made when you did so much as even breath.

    Truthfully I loved that week. The whole family slept in the living room by the fireplace. We had candles around at night since we didn't have a ton of flashlights and batteries. My mom would send me brother out to get snow with the biggest pot she had. We would like it as high as we could while still being able to carry it. It would melt down to like half the pot haha. We cooked on the wood stove which took some adjustments. I think my mom treind to make spaghetti squash by wrapping a whole squash in foil and tossing inside the fire place on the red hot coals. Ended up burning it pretty badly but we had fun anyway. Played lots of board games and just kinda hung out as a family. Went on some hikes to see what our usual paths looked like with so much snow on them.

    10/10 would get snowed in again.

  • 2 weeks. I resolved it by tracking the exact area of the power outage and calling the power company:

    "Look, I know it doesn't do any good to call you guys and go 'wah! my powers out!' so here's the deal, it's out from x street to y street East to West, and from 0 street to z street North to South."

    "WOW! That's a big area!"

    "Yes it is."

    Power was back on the next day.

  • About a week. There was a very early season snowstorm. Deciduous trees still had leaves and caught a lot of snow. The weight broke limbs which took down power lines everywhere. In older neighborhoods with above ground lines and mature oak trees, nearly every line and every house had to have crews working them.

  • Probably one winter where the power went out for maybe a couple weeks. It was kinda annoying because at one point the people on the other side of the street got power because they are on a different part of the grid. I can remember sitting in the living room watching a video when suddenly the lamp turns on. Immediately called my parents to let them know the good news.

  • 2-3 days. Where we used to live in the mountains we'd loser power half a dozen times during the winter. Kind of enjoyed it. Everything slowed down, you hunkered down, and appreciated lost activities.

    Still, we were never really without all power as my dad could run some appliances off his welding machine acting as a generator.

  • Two weeks after a hurricane. Couldn't get out of the driveway for a few days either. Fortunately we were renovating a bathroom and had an empty bathtub in the yard that filled with rain and were able to use a gas stove to boil water.

  • Electrical power? I mean, not including camping, I think 4-5 days after a major storm.

  • We lost power for a week when I was a kid after a hurricane. Our house was in a neighborhood out in the country, maybe a ten minute drive from what was more inside the city limits. I didn’t fully experience it, though. I was 13 at the time (I think this was 1996) and mom took me and my siblings into the city and we crowded into my grandmother’s house, which only had one guest room (I can’t remember if I slept on the couch or an air mattress, something like that). Dad stayed out at our house, I guess to guard it. I’m not sure why I went back out with him after a week; maybe the weather was cooling off? But as we were driving out we were listening to the radio and people were calling in, excited to have the power back on, and as we drove out we kept seeing lights on the houses as we got closer to home and were very happy to find the power was back on when we got home. I think everyone else came back home the next day.

  • A few days. A windstorm came and knocked everything out several years ago now. A decade?? We were still among the first to get it back here because there's an emergency service nearby.

  • A weekend. Our power got cut off on a Friday morning and they could only send someone out to reconnect it on Monday evening. Monday was also the start of a week-long hospital stay for me which was inconvenient...

  • Honestly, probably not longer than a weekend. And even that was due to being at a festival, not because of any outage. I can't remember an outage longer than an hour tbh

  • Week long camping trips mostly.

    Otherwise, I was alive during the coal miners' strikes in the 1970s in the UK which lead to widespread powercuts on a regular basis but I don't remember them myself. Though I do remember that my parents always kept some candles and a couple of oil lanterns around the house.

  • 15 billion years [1] before I was born
    ::: spoiler [1] age of the universe according to the Big Bang theory ::: .