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Pivot To AI is launched! Elevator pitch: “Web 3 Is Going Great, but it’s AI.”
  • Excellent, but it needs another QA pass on mobile dark mode. Black hyperlinks and headings on dark gray backgrounds are unreadable. (Firefox on Android)

  • Featured
    [DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] Deadpool (2016) [REWATCH]
  • It's super weird how Colossus has been treated in basically every X-Men film he's in. He's a pretty dynamic character in the comics and everyone has left that shit completely alone in the films, opting to instead treat him as a fan service cameo or one-note paladin.

  • A Rant about Front-end Development
  • Hey, I was in a similar situation at that inflection point but veered into PHP application development and couldn't quite get away from the front end. Let me tell you: CSS Flexbox and Grid are amazing. AlpineJS is "just the good parts" of jQuery. You can go back now. Check out 11ty.

  • Software with politic opinion is are security threat
  • "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

  • Self hosting kids-friendly multiplayer games on Raspberry Pi 4
  • Romm might fit, if you've got the patience to map controllers. Remember, it's a BYO rom situation, but that's nothing the guys over at can't help you with.

  • Locked
    The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went away
  • Did you read the article? What are you trying to say?

    Just after Summer Game Fest finished, the anti-woke gamers found a new target: a report at IGN, which credibly and comprehensively lays out a history of sexism at the developer of upcoming Planet-of-the-Apes-meets-Sekiro action game Black Myth: Wukong. The response – surprise! – was to go after the woman who wrote it, while also spinning up a ludicrous conspiracy theory that IGN was blackmailing the developer.

    Targeted harassment of a journalist isn't, "reviewing products poorly." I went to go find an example of exactly what was being slung their way, but they took their whole profile private.

  • Two definitions of self hosted
  • If I have a closet with two Raspberry Pis running Docker Swarm, it's a Private Cloud.

  • Two definitions of self hosted
  • Fucking hell. Teach me more money spells, wizard.

    (I already know about Scotty Time, framing sexy upgrades as "tech debt reduction," and fending off trendy frameworks as "lacking maturity.")

  • understanding many2one, one2many and many2many relationshit
  • Laravel's documentation does a very good job of describing these types of relationships. Even if you're not a PHP developer, their docs cover the basics.

  • When do conditions end if not explicitly specified?
  • Since the hazard resets after one hour, I'd rule that the spirits that haunt you return back to the spot after an hour.

  • When do conditions end if not explicitly specified?
  • You are correct. The words "until then" refer to "before the end of your next turn."

  • Firefox development is moving from Mercurial to Git
  • We will continue to use Bugzilla, moz-phab, Phabricator, and Lando.

    Although we'll be hosting the repository on GitHub, our contribution workflow will remain unchanged and we will not be accepting Pull Requests at this time.

    The cool thing about distributed version control is that it's distributed. It sounds like GitHub will just be a public remote, rather than the place where active development happens.

  • best lemmy app for android
  • so always compatible and up-to-date with the server development is this true? Do you release Jerboa in tandem with Lemmy versions?

  • best lemmy app for android
  • Summit is the best.

  • PCGamesN's talks with multiple minds behind the upcoming Marvel Rivals, a hero shooter using comics
  • Not Marvel but I'd pay for a Judge Dredd survival shooter. Maybe even an asymmetric 30 v 2.

  • BARONESS - Borderlines [OFFICIAL]


    Charles Leclerc summoned to stewards at the end of FP2 for using Intermediate tyres when track was not declared wet
  • 100%. KMag penalized 4 minutes with 40 laps left to go? Slap those WETs on.

  • Dealing with D&D5E Hate and Pathfinder 2E
  • his first instinct is to go to Reddit or do a google search, which turns up with results from Reddit. He then maybe sees an answer to the question he was looking for, but he also sees unneeded hate directed towards the game he loves.

    Doctor, it hurts when I do this.


  • Lemmy 0.19.4 compatibility

    Hey, is Summit compatible with 0.19.4 or should I hold off upgrading my instance? Do you develop Summit on latest stable, release clients, or latest (like an insane person)?

    WIND ROSE - Diggy Diggy Hole (Official Video) | Napalm Records

    This is a cover of a Minecraft meme and I fucking love it.

    homelab shnizmuffin
    [Request for Recommendations] 1U-4U Uninterruptible Power Supplies

    I recently stated out loud that my homelab was stable, and now my UPS is posting less than 30 minutes of estimated normal load. What's everyone using as a UPS?

    I've been rocking the aptly-named CyberPower OR1500LCDRT2U for the past few years. Should I just replace the cells or upgrade the whole unit?

    shnizmuffin shnizmuffin


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