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My instance increases by 1GB per day
  • Yes I had considered that, but considering that ours is not a giant but moderate instance (a thousand subscribers) it seemed exaggerated to get to have 1GB occupied every day.

  • My instance increases by 1GB per day
  • well, indeed it could be just that. I just checked and it's size is 15GB 😱

  • Lemmy Support skariko
    My instance increases by 1GB per day

    hello, on my server on which only Lemmy is running, I don't understand why it fills up space all the time. Every day it increases by about 1GB thus risking reaching the limit after a short time.

    It is not the images' fault because there is a size limit for uploading and they are also transformed into .webp.

    The docker-compose file is the one from Ansible 0.18.2 with the limits for loggin already in it (max-size 50m, max-file 4).

    What could it be? Is there anything in particular that I can check?


    28% - 40G (3 July) 29% - 42G (4 July) 30% - 43G (5 July) 31% - 44G (6 July) 36% - 51G (10 July) 37% - 52G (11 July) 37% - 53G (12 July) 39% - 55G (13 July) 39% - 56G (14 July)

    [BOT] RSS to Lemmy community?
  • Thanks, will try it 👍

  • [BOT] RSS to Lemmy community?

    hello, does anyone know if there is a bot to automatically post to certain Lemmy communities from an RSS feed?

    I found this: but it says it is not compatible with Lemmy's new API.

    Sending email problem
  • My problem was that the Hetzner server was new and therefore certain ports were closed. I solved it by contacting Hetzner support and having them open the ports.

  • Upgrade error
  • Found out just now what the problem was.

    I am writing this to help others: the federation was active in that instance but it was also marked as a private instance. This gave no problems in using it until the update (probably because it is restarted and re-run Docker).

    I removed the federation from the config file leaving only the private instance and it restarted immediately.

  • Lemmy Support skariko
    Upgrade error

    Hello, I am trying to update from 0.16.3 to 0.16.5 with Ansible.

    It is on my test instance, i use this:

    git pull


    ansible-playbook -vvv -u MYUSERNAME -k -K -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml --become

    It does everything with no error but when I try to visit the website i receive:

    404: FetchError: request to http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/site? failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN lemmy

    Could the problem be that I am using the backend (on different folders) multiple instances of lemmy?

    Sending email problem
  • I have answered and find the solution here:

    Thanks for the help!

  • Sending email problem
  • yes, actually i tried 'none', 'tls' and 'starttls' but with no success. I tried with external SMTP because the default created by ansible does not work:

      email: {
        smtp_server: "postfix:25"
        smtp_from_address: ""
        tls_type: "none"
  • Sending email problem
  • It is the same thing that I thought. Unfortunately, if I try to manually force the port by writing as I said the server freezes for several minutes, goes to 504 and does not send any email.

    So I can not understand if the port must be entered in another way (?) or if I have to install something on the server first to be able to send an email through an external SMTP as in this case?

  • Lemmy Support skariko
    Sending email problem

    Hello! I managed to set up an instance quite easily with Ansible, only problem now is that I can't send emails in any way!

    If I leave the default configuration (postfix: 25) and try to ask for a password reset, it tells me it sent it but nothing really comes.

    I then thought of using an external SMTP, since I have it available together with the domain.

    If I put: "" then adding smtp_login and smtp_password when I try to send an email I get an error with only written: "465".

    If I add the port to the SMTP server like this: "" and also adding in "tls_type: tls" the server freezes for 5 minutes, does not send anything and I do not receive any errors.

    I'm definitely doing something wrong but what? Where can I look?


    Can't use RSS?

    Hello everyone!

    I am trying to add a community RSS to my RSS reader but it always give me error, on any RSS reader!

    Like this: it can't be added to my RSS reader :(

    What am I doing wrong? Is there another RSS link?


    skariko skariko
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