whiiii cnt i bee lik hrrrrr
pls send to meeee <3
i wsh i cud hav turtlneck lik herrr <3
oh nononononono Merz is lik way mor disgust :P >~<
u wll not beliv, but horses actually did!!! :o
lik -.,. - the carriage has weels n hors go "bak-babuk-babak-babak-babuk" an then they go forwrd!!! :o
realiti is crrrzy i alsuu thoght carriages were lik a mystery animl but nuuuu their reel
:ooooooooo i wsh i wer dis comf :oooooo
<3< 3 <3
oh i thought it was gona be about a baby-ing voice u kno?
like - - i think u kno whad i mean
nununu this ominous window looks suprrrr comf
maybe theres a nic owrld outside n alsuuu lik -.,-- maybe its sunni but alsuu the sun is not pointin that direction -.--,-., there are suu mani cuul things there cud be, litrli notin scri, jus look an go "hmrrhehe yisyis ima goo outsid!"
awww i wsh i were comf lesbn <3
i mean like - that has to be a masculine thing too right? like - not all guys are super aggressive selfish capitalist.. right?
yea--- samsies <3
awww i luv kritaaaa+ <3 3 <3< ~ <3<3<33<33
well ys.-,-,..-, but u dun hav to post it publicli lik dis >//~//<
clothing from right character is sooooo comf looking <3 <3 <3 aaaaaaaaaa
homophobes ruined flannels for me ;(
oh and hopfuli also for comfies-.----,- so it feel lik ur all like - -.-,-.--.,,,- iduno, saf
Yesyes, that's why5%
Is there a genere for like - only the piano parts of these kinds of songs? (like from "Laur" and like from certain rhythm games...)
For tool-result data: how do u let the llm know?
When nVidia says "5070 is as strong as 4090", they also said "possible with the power of AI". Meaning: it's complete BS