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Smorty [she/her]
Smorty [she/her] @ Smorty
2 yr. ago

  • whiiii cnt i bee lik hrrrrr

  • i wsh i cud hav turtlneck lik herrr <3

  • oh nononononono Merz is lik way mor disgust :P >~<

  • u wll not beliv, but horses actually did!!! :o

    lik -.,. - the carriage has weels n hors go "bak-babuk-babak-babak-babuk" an then they go forwrd!!! :o

    realiti is crrrzy i alsuu thoght carriages were lik a mystery animl but nuuuu their reel

  • :ooooooooo i wsh i wer dis comf :oooooo

    <3< 3 <3

  • oh i thought it was gona be about a baby-ing voice u kno?

    like - - i think u kno whad i mean

  • Rule

  • nununu this ominous window looks suprrrr comf

    maybe theres a nic owrld outside n alsuuu lik -.,-- maybe its sunni but alsuu the sun is not pointin that direction -.--,-., there are suu mani cuul things there cud be, litrli notin scri, jus look an go "hmrrhehe yisyis ima goo outsid!"

  • awww i wsh i were comf lesbn <3

  • i mean like - that has to be a masculine thing too right? like - not all guys are super aggressive selfish capitalist.. right?

  • rule

  • yea--- samsies <3

  • awww i luv kritaaaa+ <3 3 <3< ~ <3<3<33<33

  • well ys.-,-,..-, but u dun hav to post it publicli lik dis >//~//<

  • :oooooo

    clothing from right character is sooooo comf looking <3 <3 <3 aaaaaaaaaa

  • oh and hopfuli also for comfies-.----,- so it feel lik ur all like - -.-,-.--.,,,- iduno, saf

  • nvidia

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    Femcel Memes

    just like her ~<3

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    Hopefully no rule against this post ~