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Car Talk with Martok: The True 'Alien' (Part 1)

Car Talk with Martok. All new episodes every... whenever

Season 3 Episode 13 - The Season Finale!

Looking for a list of other episodes? Check out this megathread!

Original Source: DominionMediaTV

Just to clear up any confusion
  • "One is my name. The other is not." You serve that cunt Data. You fucking serve it.

  • Gay Water Rule
  • Man.... If I wasn't already a recovering alcoholic this would shove me into sobriety so hard

  • Gay Water Rule
  • I will always upvote a 30 Rock Reference

  • The Paradox DLC model is good
  • Your last paragraph is just untrue. One of the biggest complaints is that they routinely lock stuff in a DLC that should be in the base game.

  • "Lagrange Point" — Star Trek: Discovery Episode Discussion
  • The entirety of this season was riddled with examples of characters acting nothing like themselves. Burnham outright says she'll let terrorists get away unless she's added to a mission, Rhys/Owo mention that people can cloak but they have a way to track them then never use it and get surprised after visually clearing a room, S1 Burnham during that weird time skip episode acted nothing like her Season 1 counterpart, Book had access to information that was said in Season 3 he couldn't possibly have... It's like they just let random people guest write every episode of the season.

  • Paramount Acquisition Deal Falls Through
  • Thank Q....

  • Car Talk with Martok: One Klingons Trash...

    So I got a job which involves being up at 4AM which has made things a lil weird. Sorry for the delays...

    Car Talk with Martok. All new episodes every... whenever

    Season 3 Episode 12

    Looking for a list of other episodes? Check out this megathread!

    Original Source: DominionMediaTV

    Stupidity and cuteness often go hand in hand

    I love my lil moron

    Good to the last drop
  • Citrus soda is lemonade in certain parts of the world. Australia for example.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • So was I. I was so excited and gung ho about this final season. I've never been so depressed and demoralized by a TV show before.

  • Beam me out of this party please
  • Me 5 minutes into work

  • Got a good feeling about this
  • I got this card and I remain currently unelectrocuted. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get into my Benjamin Franklin cosplay and fly a kite. Clouds look a lil iffy but I should be fine.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • Oh it's a quote from True Blood. I'm just replacing the characters name in that with Michael.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • That's not a good contrast. It's a bad contrast. Discovery and SNW take place in two very different time periods. In SNW, Federation is still strong. When Adira comes out in Discovery it's during a period where Earth is xenophobic as fuck and the Federation is crippled. It's a big deal for Adira because they don't live in the same Universe as the character from SNW. Then there's the fact that the other non binary character was on screen for a single episode while Adira is a supporting character.

    You can't compare those two so easily while dismissing the surrounding atmosphere.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • Thanks for getting a genuine laugh out of me. Kinda needed that.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • Sorry. I didn't sleep. A few things going on but this stupid fucking show has really been bugging me.

    Apparently according to the EPs, Michael was chosen because Trek has a history of switching things up. Michael has been used in the past as a womans name so they decided to use it here. Basically the skant but in name form. It's fucking dumb.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • I did not post spoilers. You could have just not responded instead of saying "Sorry, I didn't read what you said."

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • Conclusion: Needs fucking any Reno. Or anyone other than Burnham.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • So many parts of the show are great but have been smothered by parading around Michael Burnham and trying to give her the world that she doesn't deserve. The new season showed her to be an outright psychopath who is willing to put the needs of the many above the needs of her relationship. And that was in Episode 1. Every episode from there demonstrated how the writers of the show did not give a singular fuck about anyone or anything other than Burnham. The final scene of the series ends on something that, when you give it a second of thought, is HORRENDOUSLY FUCKED UP. Especially when we saw a glimpse of what that kind of thing would do to someone (hint, it's really not good) and they still fucking do it anyway.

    I am so sick of Sookie Michael and her stupid fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name. FUCK SOOKIE Michael.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though
  • Season 4. Characters are learning and growing and carrying on. Ends with a big event and a satisfying open ended narrative conclusion.

    Season 5 undoes every ounce of character development and abandons every single character that isn't Michael Burnham. Throughout the season various characters keep dropping with no explanation, slowly whittling down. The tacked on epilogue for the entire series does not have a single line from any Discovery-crew main character that isn't Burnham. She gets 20 minutes of bullshit about her that ends with the most wildly unsatisfying narrative tie-in to something else. A tie-in that undoes everything that happened since Season 3 and leaves a future that is objectively depressing and hopeless. And that's not even talking about the fact that Burnham does something in the first episode of the Season that is worse than mutiny. What she does in that first episode is so overwhelmingly fucked up that it proves she didn't learn a singular fucking thing.

    It is fucking mindboggling to me that the final season was greenlit.

  • Soap operas are able to keep a coherent storyline though

    I'm sorry to anyone I gave shit to about the writing or about it being the Michael Burnham Whining Hour. Y'all were right.

    Expect a name change soon.

    Best crewman
  • That'd be a great idea. Get Neelix back without the nightmarish amounts of prosthetics they'd have to lay on Ethan Phillips again.

  • The Real Slim Shady (Trumpet Cover) - Oli Parker

    Every single one of Oli's covers is pretty fucking incredible. I'm torn between this one and Havana personally.

    Gaming Stamets
    Ignore me, I'm not here