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Firefox stops loading pages seemingly at random, shows NS_BINDING_ABORTED, have to restart
  • I don't have time to browse all the tried solutions but this happens to me when my DNS gets wonky, especially systemd-resolved with dnssec enabled sometimes just stops resolving random domains, even with allow-downgrade.

  • Factorio taaz
    Friday Facts #413 - Gleba | Factorio Friday Facts #413 - Gleba | Factorio

    IntroductionAlbert Making a new world in Factorio is relatively "easy", just create a new set of tilesets for the ground, add some new models of trees, create a bunch of new decoratives, some decals (optional), a new skin for the cliffs (optional), and bam! you get a new planet. Well, to be fair,...

    Friday Facts #413 - Gleba | Factorio
    Mesa 24.1 is out of testing
  • Does anyone here already have daily-driving experience with the NVK? Couldn't find much information about general stability, not even Arch Wiki has a page for it (which could be considered a good sign in a way).

  • Do you have a more complicated shell history scheme than the distro default?
  • I have been pretty content with just zsh with fzf - extends the ctrl+R with interactive fuzzy search across the history.

    In theory some session like behaviour should be easy to make with a little script that changes $HISTFILE

  • (Solved) Question about Python-packages
  • Using pip to install packages outside of venv was always a risk, (newer) pip now has this mechanism to really drive the point home that this can break stuff.

    Do I have to do this everytime I start the script via console?

    Yes, one way to get rid of this requirement is to package the script as binary/executable package (add pyproject.toml with some sane defaults and with proper [project.scripts]) and then install the project using pipx - pipx install -e path/to/the/project/, the -e flag stands for editable and is nice to have here as you won't have to reinstall everytime you change the script.
    What pipx does is that it creates the local virtualenv, installs everything the package declares as needed and adds a special executable script into location like ~/.local/bin/ that first sources the venv and then starts the entry script - keeping everything isolated.

  • (Solved) Question about Python-packages
  • pipx won't work for that, it's a library.

    If you are working on your own project/script, you should use virtualenv for development and install all required libraries there.
    If you need it because some system installed application or part of your system does not work without it then... you are in bad place - pip is python package manager primarily used for general python development (installing depending packages, and in theory also for packaging python projects) but it should never be used as system wide package manager - you will break stuff (especially when used with sudo).

  • (Solved) Question about Python-packages

    If you need to install an executable python program, use pipx it will create special environment for the python program so it won't break anything else in the system but it only works on packages (pipx install some-package) that have entry scripts (so can be called directly, libraries usually do not have that as you use them from other python program).

    In short that error you get that tells you to use zypper is there for an important reason.

  • Question about Active Noise Cancellation alternatives
  • Afaik you have to replicate the same wave but in opposite "direction" (up/down sinus) to cancel out incoming sound so any anc earbuds have to have microphones and are dynamically shaping the sound.

  • Linux 6.9 released
  • For me, Steam (on Linux) has been periodically corrupting the ntfs disk, I do use it on windows too and not even win hybrid/fastboot/hibernation disabled helps.

    May I see what mount options you use for the ntfs3 driver in fstab? I do not currently have the nocase and windows_names ...

  • Factorio taaz
    Friday Facts #410 - Rocket turret & Target priorities | Factorio Friday Facts #410 - Rocket turret & Target priorities | Factorio

    Hello, We know you love to blow things up, and the Space Age expansion will be bringing ever more advanced and powerful ways of bearing arms against your enemies.

    Friday Facts #410 - Rocket turret & Target priorities | Factorio
    How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

    I think this should be seen by more people, it's also not just a US thing.

    Factorio taaz
    Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio

    Hello, Today we're going to take a look at a feature some of us have dreamt of changing for years now - the beacon transmission. The main purpose of beacons is to allow massively increasing your production in the late game while being more than just a module or a faster machine. To make use of be...

    Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio
    [Enigmatica2] Fed up with multiple mods doing same thing/Modpacks with Forestry Bees?

    cross-posted from:

    > I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now. > > I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice. > > Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish game generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what. > > > I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined. > I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees. > > Thanks for any tips!

    Lemmy Support taaz
    Spikes of "WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Unknown" in logs

    lemmy-1 | 2024-03-04T00:55:02.006942Z WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Unknown: lemmy-1 | 0: lemmy_apub::insert_received_activity lemmy-1 | with ap_id=Url { scheme: "https", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("")), port: None, path: "/activities/announce/like/19396dee-b18d-42d4-ba74-31986d4726e0", query: None, fragment: None } lemmy-1 | at crates/apub/src/ lemmy-1 | 1: lemmy_apub::activities::community::announce::receive lemmy-1 | at crates/apub/src/activities/community/ lemmy-1 | 2: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request lemmy-1 | with http.method=POST http.scheme="https" otel.kind="server" request_id=13f38a7a-8814-4350-bf3a-b5a7e1dd3906 lemmy-1 | at src/ proxy-1 | XX.XX.XX.XX- - [04/Mar/2024:02:55:02 +0200] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 400 47 "-" "Lemmy/0.19.3; +"

    Considering the timing this is probably a side effect of .world upgrading to 0.19.3 and their federation kicking into "higher" gear. I see 20-50 warnings like these in logs every minute all from I am guessing .world thinks at least one of my users are subscribed to a community but they are not (?) so my instance drops the federation (?)

    Best of Anime 2023 | Gigguk
    Best of Anime 2023 | Gigguk
    What should I use my RPi4 for?

    I have a unused RPi4 (the 8Gig one) running DietPi. I did use it as a playground but ever since I am renting a Hetzner machine for (playground) stuff that I want web accessible, I don't have particular use for the Pi.

    I am currently running (outdated) Home Assistant on it but there isn't much I can connect it with (yet, getting the flashable/compatible ikea smart lightning zigbee? bridge thingy is on my bucket list). Obviously I do have a pihole there.

    Shoot me any other ideas I could run there. Some kind of monitoring of my rented infra would be cool (I already have uptime kuma on the dedi hetzner box). One idea I had was if there are some OSS security scanning "daemons" I could use on to monitor my other infra.

    Thanks a lot!

    6 Years of Game Development Led To This... | VOIN - Devlog #0

    Looks pretty great to me.

    Boychesser - Winner Of The Sebastian League's Tiny Chess Tournament

    cross-posted from:

    > 79 6f 75 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 63 68 65 73 73 69 6e 67 20 62 6f 79 73 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 79 6f 75 > > ::: spoiler ⠀ > > you like chessing boys don't you > > (taken from the outro of the video) > ::: > ⠀ > > TLDW: > Sebastian League is a youtuber making videos about programming and computer science. He has been hosting a bot chess tournament where he limited the size of the bots. A bot named Boychesser has won.

    Boychesser - Winner Of The Sebastian League's Tiny Chess Tournament Rule

    79 6f 75 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 63 68 65 73 73 69 6e 67 20 62 6f 79 73 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 79 6f 75

    > you like chessing boys don't you

    (taken from the outro of the video)

    TLDW: Sebastian League is a youtuber making videos about programming and computer science. He has been hosting a bot chess tournament where he limited the size of the bots. A bot named Boychesser has won.

    Stellaris Nexus Playtest: Playable With Experimental

    tl;dr it's a strategy game, kinda like Stellaris (but... dumbed down?), it's free (for now) and fully playable with Proton Experimental, I have enjoyed playing it.

    Stellaris Nexus, dubbed by devs as Stellaris experience under an hour. If you love Stellaris or strategy games in general then I would recommend trying this one, there is a week of playtest (after which it will release as beta/pre-release, dunno the cost).

    There is a lot to be polished (especially UI-wise) but I definitely do not regret sinking the last hour into first play-through of the Succession game-mode.

    Sorcery: Contested Realm TCG Sorcery: Contested Realm

    An "old school" fantasy card game for players with a rich imagination, tactical nerve and an appreciation for hand-painted art.

    Sorcery: Contested Realm

    Interesting new TCG, the art seems really nice.

    Does YouTube block mentions of uBlock Origin or Sponsorblock in comments?

    I was trying to give pointers to people in comments but it seems whenever I wrote uBlock Origin, "u B lock", SponsorBlock or "S p onSor Block" (without quotes) the comment would vanish within first minute.

    Is this happening only to me/on this one specific video (in Czech, don't want to link because I don't agree with the points they said, though it was video about the adblock blocking of YT)?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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