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Impressed by Fedora Sway Atomic!

I'm preparing for a new PC build, and I decided to try a new atomic OS after having been with NixOS for about a year.

First I tried Kinoite, then Bazzite, but even though KDE has a lot of features, I found it incredibly buggy, and it even had generally poor performance, especially in Firefox. I don't really have time to diagnose these issues, so I figured I would put in just a little more effort and migrate my Sway config to Fedora Sway Atomic.

I'm glad I did. The vanilla install of Fedora Sway is awesome. No bloat and very usable. I haven't noticed any bugs. Performance is excellent. And it was very straightforward to apply my sway config on top without losing the nice menu bar, since Fedora puts their sway config in /usr/share/sway.

I'm also quite happy with the middle ground of using an OSTree-based Linux plus Nix and Home Manager for my user config. I always thought that configuring the system-level stuff in Nix was the hardest part with the least payoff, but it was most productive to have a declarative config for my dev tools and desktop environment.

I originally tried NixOS because I wanted bleeding edge software without frequent breakage, and I bought into the idea of a declarative OS configuration with versioned updates and rollback. It worked out well, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't a big time investment to learn NixOS. I feel like there's a sweet spot with container images for a base OS layer then Nix and Home Manager for stuff that's closer to your actual workflows.

I might even explore building my own OS image on top of Universal Blue's Nvidia image.

Hope this path forward stays fruitful! I urge anyone who's interested in immutable distros to give this a try.

Bad news for coders: The US is past peak software developer
  • Apparently it's hard to get hired in software. Meanwhile, some of the worst software ever made is being written today. Have you tried using literally any software recently? We're in this "barely good enough to function while being heavily supplemented by tech support" phase. I guess capitalism breeds incompetence as long as it's still profitable?

  • It's called attaining divinity
  • But quiche is tasty!

  • Alex Murdaugh’s son sues Netflix over docuseries linking him to 2015 death
  • Weird article. Suddenly switches to talking about some other lady suing Netflix over an unrelated incident, and then the last half is only about that.

  • Is there a way to keep Linux responsive when at ~100% CPU usage?
  • Sounds like Kubuntu's fault to me. If they provide the desktop environment, shouldn't they be the ones making it play nice with the Linux scheduler? Linux is configurable enough to support real-time scheduling.

    FWIW I run NixOS and I've never experienced lag while compiling Rust code.

  • Linux user survey!
  • Very biased survey in general. Should have more open-ended questions and less tailoring of questions based on previous answers.

  • Linux user survey!
  • What is the difference between "Versioned" and "Stable"? And which one is NixOS?

  • Can I get some feedback / review on my code?
  • def path_is_valid(path: Path) -> bool:
        if not path.exists():
            return False
        return True

    There's no reason for this function to exist. Can you see why?

  • guess I'll die
  • Awwwww there goes that plan.

  • Exploring Gleam, a type-safe language on the BEAM!
  • Gleam is cool. I wrote some services with it to see if I wanted to use it for more projects. It seemed like a good option because it would be easy to teach.

    Things I like:

    • fast build times (I only tested small apps though, under 2000 LOC)
    • strong static types
    • runs on the BEAM
    • easy to learn
    • pattern matching
    • immutable + structural sharing
    • currying (with parameter holes)

    Things I don't like:

    • no re-exports
    • it's possible to have name collisions between packages; authors have a gentleman's agreement to always create a top-level module with the same name as the package
    • some standard library APIs seem missing or immature (it's still pre-1.0)
    • it can be hard to get good performance out of idiomatic code for specific tasks (see immutability)
    • no format strings; best you can do is "Hello, " <> name. It starts to get cumbersome
    • parsing/serialization is all quite manual boilerplate; there's nothing quite like serde
    • no field/argument punning
    • no method syntax; you just have to scan the docs to figure out what functions can be used with a given type
    • you can't define the same variant name twice in the same module; I believe this is a limitation in how the types are translated to Erlang records
    • you can't call functions in pattern matching if guards
    • you can't have dependency cycles between modules in the same package
    • hard to write FFI correctly; you lose all the comfort of types
  • What programming language ruby, python og javascript?
  • I think it would help narrow things down if you described what kind of website you want to build.

  • What programming language ruby, python og javascript?
  • They explicitly said they want to build a website. Not that you can't go far with a Java server + HTML(X) but JS is the de facto standard for interactive websites.

  • Development in Windows vs Linux
  • How exactly do you debug code when your build process is separate from your code editor? Having to compile my code, run it until I find a bug, then open it up in a debugger and start it all over sounds extremely inefficient.

    There's a lot of incorrect assumptions baked into this. While you may choose to invoke your debugger separately from your editor, many modern editors support the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). This is a protocol developed by Microsoft for VSCode, and the VSCode debugger is quite powerful. I've only used Visual Studio many years ago, but from what I recall, the VSCode DAP is essentially just as powerful. And if you're not interested in VSCode, the Helix editor and probably NeoVim also support DAP.

    how to make the transition from a Visual Studio user to a Linux programmer

    You are also coming in with the constraint of programming in C++. For this specific language, I think I agree with others here that either CLion or VSCode+CodeLLDB are your best options today. Maybe after you get comfortable in the Linux environment, if you want to try something more keyboard-centric, install a Vim emulation plugin or even jump right into Helix or NeoVim.

  • Trans man wins $4.7 million from school district that didn't let him use the restroom
  • And how has this penalty incentivised any change in behavior? I assume the money will come from the school district, which is earmarked from local and federal taxes. So now there's less money to pay for schools. In practice the school board may do as they wish with less funding until they are not reelected. Do you think they will be firing or docking pay of the people who are actually to blame?

  • What's been the craziest moment of your life?
  • If I tried this again today I would perish need to be rescued

    But with discipline and training, this climb is very achievable! You don't need to be a technical climber for this one.

  • What's been the craziest moment of your life?
  • Probably climbing up the West Ridge of Quandary Peak in CO. I was with 3 college friends. I didn't expect the altitude to affect me as much as it did, but I got pretty winded. It was a little snowy and wet, so our holds were sketchy at times. Along the ridge it's class 3 climbing, and the crux is a crack in a steep rock with a dangerous fall behind you. That was probably the biggest adrenaline rush I've ever had.

    Thankfully we were greeted by some friendly mountain goats on our descent.

    Here's a good video of the climb. The harder stuff starts about 9 minutes in.

  • BIP BIP mf !
  • Did y'all know that microwaves aren't magic and you need to mix your food?

  • Spotify is raising the cost of Premium subscriptions, again
  • Tidal is great but IIRC it either doesn't support Amazon Echo or the integration is poorly implemented.

  • What do you call application modules that are responsible for business logic?
  • Perhaps "domain modules" if you want to be more agnostic about the actual shape of the code.

  • Critique my idea for a language

    I've never felt the urge to make a PL until recently. I've been quite happy with a combination of Rust and Julia for most things, but after learning more about BEAM languages, LEAN4, Zig's comptime, and some newer languages implementing algebraic effects, I think I at least have a compelling set of features I would like to see in a new language. All of these features are inspired by actual problems I have programming today.

    I want to make a language that achieves the following (non-exhaustive):

    • significantly faster to compile than Rust
    • at least has better performance than Python
    • processes can be hot-reloaded like on the BEAM
    • most concurrency is implemented via actors and message passing
    • built-in pub/sub buses for broadcast-style communication between actors
    • runtime is highly observable and introspective, providing things like tracing, profiling, and debugging out of the box
    • built-in API versioning semantics with automatic SemVer violation detection and backward compatible deployment strategies
    • can be extended by implementing actors in Rust and communicating via message passing
    • multiple memory management options, including GC and arenas
    • opt-in linear types to enable forced consumption of resources
    • something like Jane Street's Ocaml "modes" for simpler borrow checking without lifetime variables
    • generators / coroutines
    • Zig's comptime that mostly replaces macros
    • algebraic data types and pattern matching
    • more structural than nominal typing; some kind of reflection (via comptime) that makes it easy to do custom data layouts like structure-of-arrays
    • built-in support for multi-dimensional arrays, like Julia, plus first-class support for database-like tables
    • standard library or runtime for distributed systems primitives, like mesh topology, consensus protocols, replication, object storage and caching, etc

    I think with this feature set, we would have a pretty awesome language for working in data-driven systems, which seems to be increasingly common today.

    One thing I can't decide yet, mostly due to ignorance, is whether it's worth it to implement algebraic effects or monads. I'm pretty convinced that effects, if done well, would be strictly better than monads, but I'm not sure how feasible it is to incorporate effects into a type system without requiring a lot of syntactical overhead. I'm hoping most effects can be inferred.

    I'm also nervous that if I add too many static analysis features, compile times will suffer. It's really important to me that compile times are productive.

    Anyway, I'm just curious if anyone thinks this would be worth implementing. I know it's totally unbaked, so it's hard to say, but maybe it's already possible to spot issues with the idea, or suggest improvements. Or maybe you already know of a language that solves all of these problems.

    What's the point of terminal file managers (mc, ranger, nnn, etc)?

    Who are these for? People who use the terminal but don't like running shell commands?

    OK sorry for throwing shade. If you use one of these, honestly, what features do you use that make it worthwhile?

    How do you balance rapid iteration and merging/upgrading?

    More specifically, I'm thinking about two different modes of development for a library (private to the company) that's already relied upon by other libraries and applications:

    1. Rapidly develop the library "in isolation" without being slowed down by keeping all of the users in sync. This causes more divergence and merge effort the longer you wait to upgrade users.
    2. Make all changes in lock-step with users, keeping everyone in sync for every change that is made. This will be slower and might result in wasted work if experimental changes are not successful.

    As a side note: I believe these approaches are similar in spirit to the continuum of microservices vs monoliths.

    Speaking from recent experience, I feel like I'm repeatedly finding that users of my library have built towers upon obsolete APIs, because there have been multiple phases of experimentation that necessitated large changes. So with each change, large amounts of code need to be rewritten.

    I still think that approach #1 was justified during the early stages of the project, since I wanted to identify all of the design problems as quickly as possible through iteration. But as the API is getting closer to stabilization, I think I need to switch to mode #2.

    How do you know when is the right time to switch? Are there any good strategies for avoiding painful upgrades?

    How to handle "bad" moderation?

    I just commented on this post and it got removed very quickly. Then I noticed that all of the comments had been removed and the post is locked.

    I cannot understand why this happened, as the comments section had seemed pretty reasonable to me.

    This seems like bad moderation and I'm now less inclined to post or comment in the world news community. What should I do?

    I tried messaging a mod that is seemingly online and actively posting, but I got no response.

    Why does a small Lemmy instance perform better when accessing federated content?

    After moving from to, I've noticed that web responses are fulfilled much more quickly, even for content on federated instances like and

    It seems like this shouldn't make such a big difference. If a large instance is overloaded, it's overloaded, whether the traffic is coming from clients with accounts on that instance or from other federated instances.

    Can this be explained entirely by response caching?

    tatterdemalion tatterdemalion

    Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, amateur historian, stoic, democratic socialist

    Posts 9
    Comments 313