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Heather Mills Tells UN Officials To 'Eat Vegan' If They Care About The Planet
  • It's funny because governments need to see behavioral change of their voters before they think about policies against cheap consumer goods. It just doesn't make sense politically to fight climate change right now. Especially if only taking about it's importance gets the same number of votes

  • Beautiful but worrying 🌍
  • This representation looks pretty

  • Cutting forests for solar energy ‘misses the plot’ on climate action
  • I know people who argue that burning wood pellets is grean because it's marketed as "renewable". It's difficult to convince them that the wood their burning is not part of a renewable cycle and neither is it just wood scraps that would be there anyways. Same as growing "biofuel" for consumer cars. It's just not a good use of the limited resources we have

  • Britain’s climate action plan unlawful, high court rules
  • Happy to hear that courts start calling these ruses out for what they are

  • Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps
  • The flood of AI generated anything is really annoying when looking for an actual human created source.

  • 12TB for $80 -
  • Thanks for clearing up the confusion

  • Angebliche StromausfĂ€lle in Deutschland: Alarm im Mittelstand
  • Sich bei Problemen an die Presse statt den Stromversorger zu wenden ist auch kein gutes Zeichen. WĂ€re man an der Lösung des Problems interessiert, wĂŒrde man doch auf Kontaktanfragen reagieren.

  • From solar to EVs: With China's overproduction and state subsidies, the US and EU are working to ensure that their clean-energy sectors aren't wiped out by unfair competition
  • Unable to can. On an uncorrelated note, I got a yacht to play on now. Such a nice system we have, isn't it

  • SchwangerschaftsabbrĂŒche: Unionsfraktion droht mit Klage vor Bundesverfassungsgericht - DER SPIEGEL
  • Das passiert ja schon in der Bevölkerung kaum. Hab mich letztens mit jemandem unterhalten, der alles glaubt was alternative Medien berichten. Wenn man deren Falschaussagen StĂŒck fĂŒr StĂŒck mit wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und Artikeln belegt kommt zurĂŒck, dass man ja gar nicht allen Details zustimme und an der vermittelten Botschaft ja schon was dran sei. Die Menschen wollen nicht wissen, nur glauben und wem sie glauben ist leider sehr unterschiedlich.

  • Journalistische Arbeit wird in China immer schwieriger, klagen die dortigen Auslandskorrespondenten. Jeder zweite berichtet von Schikanen der Polizei.
  • FĂ€nde gut, wenn Politiker westlicher Nationen dieses Problem öffentlich ansprechen wĂŒrden. Das Land hat ansonsten viel zu viel Einfluss auf die Berichterstattung ĂŒber sich selbst

  • Hottest March adds to 10-month run of record-breaking temperatures
  • Those are rookie numbers, if we continue like they gonna get so much higher

  • Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar
  • Why would they block that? I understand that a company might not want the reverse to happen but this just seems counterproductive

  • Enshittification Continues: Discord to begin showing advertisements on it's free platform
  • Just because I use Lemmy doesn't mean I was able to convince anyone of my social circle to join (with lack of content as the primary reason). Building communities requires users and a lack of those is an issue with many FOSS projects.

  • Enshittification Continues: Discord to begin showing advertisements on it's free platform
  • Ubtil they go to the Netflix model where users can experience both a subscription and ads at the same time.

  • I love my players
  • That's a good point, i haven't played long enough for that to be an issue.

  • I love my players
  • Just an idea but couldn't the DM stretch out a fight artificially? Not the first time this happens, that could make for an awesome story. In other fights after that though, just add xx extra hp if the fight only took 1 or 2 turns.

    It is a fine line but as a player I'd be fine with not steamrolling over every enemy my group encounters

  • How to drop files from Android to home server?
  • It's amazing how often this program can be used to solve a problem someone has with their file sharing. And in my opinion it's an elegant solution and does it's job very well

  • Vim Shortcuts

    I know not everyone likes using vim but I thought those who do could share a good reason to get into it. For me its the repetition of the last change with the push of the dot key. Replace the current word with another and move the cursor to the next word you wish to replace. It makes the editor so versatile and feels very satisfying.

    tlf tlf
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