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Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Humans psyche is a meaning inference recursive engine, semiotically I mean, following Charles Sanders Peirce's Theory of Signs, it generates meaning and thus needs a story to explain it, or simply to tell itself.

    The story doesn't need to hold sound logic or any objectivity true to reality, it only needs to convey the meaning that it generated so that the mind can believe it more than questioning its validity.

    Long story short, humans really likes being told and believing stories, and often they are the ones telling the story right to themselves.

  • Let me pull this out of my ass
  • A girl I've dated for a while worked as photographer for live events reportage, clocking even thousand shots for event and saving at least a hundred of them for the job, and she told me rather often she was being later contacted by the client, or someone of his entourage, or even some other person from the public, months past the event and asking if she could send them e.g. "that picture where I'm standing with that friend of mine wearing a white shirt...", and all that of course without even being able to tell her the actual date of the event.

  • EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones
  • Fucking ridiculous. If you want to prevent CSAM spreading across Europe do this instead:

    • Ban churches, cults and other forms of self indulgent mass-schizophenia which promote the letargy of the mind and the seclusion, especially when it comes with the baggage of a self-validating autonomus and indipendent legal sysyem (yes I'm winking at you vatican), as a moral virtues.
  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • Yeah but doesn't hubzilla ( applies a privacy layer to how its content it is distributed? The issue then lies also in how the social network gets implemented in function of its purpose, in hubzilla vs lemmy case for instance is a public board vs a social network

  • Neutrinos: The inscrutable “ghost particles” driving scientists crazy
  • Scientist: Made up a particle

    Technically all particles are "made up", since the effects of the energy they carry can also be expressed as a waves too and altogether, indeed their nature in our current model is dual, see the utterly interesting double slit experiment.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • But I will raise people one more. Waterfox

    Never heard of it, I prefer LibreWolf

    but I'm gonna list some other popular forks

    TOR Browser (anti-censorship enhanced fork, bundled with TOR network)

    GNUzilla IceCat (GNU version)

    Pale Moon (able to use old XUL based extensions)

    Mullvad Browser (a security hardened fork, IIRC based on TOR, made by Mullvad VPN company)

    ANDROID (Fennec/Fenix)

    Fennec F-Droid (Fennec version available on F-Droid, clean of propietary blobs)

    Mull (hardened fork of Fenix)

    IceRaven (yet another hardened fork of Fenix, able to install an extended list of extensions)

  • Chinese scientists develop cure for diabetes, insulin patient becomes medicine-free in just 3 months
  • Oh crap! If this is true then avoid spending a ton of money in insulin supplies each year could give an actual reason to politicians for reducing the healthcare state budget, which they normally do at every occasion just without a proper explanation... I don't know if my mind is ready for rationality in politics /s

  • Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales (Update: He Was Talking About Made-In-Mexico Chinese EVs)
  • I don't know.

    I'm perplexed honestly.

    I live in italy and here too government took a steep turn to the right since last elections.

    It is like the most roborantly bamboozling idiocy someone from a stage can scream the more he gets applauded as the folks' hero for speaking their unsung voices.

    On the other hand if you try to build an organic and critical dialogue you only get yawned away as utterly boring.

    I don't think it is the ones screaming from their stages being the morons, well not the most moron at least, but instead they are those who give their precious votes, hard conquered from their ancestors who gift them with a life in a democracy, to these unambiguously unmistakable frauds, and who hide in the self-obliviousness of the guilty conscience for the vote they have cast their incapability of admitting their own deep existential self-inadequacy.

  • Right wing trash site headline: "The New Charges Against Trump 'May' Carry the Death Penalty" The New Charges Against Trump 'May' Carry the Death Penalty

    From the beginning, the Biden regime has wanted to render Donald Trump politically dead. Now they’ve opened the possibility of death of a more physical variety.

    The New Charges Against Trump 'May' Carry the Death Penalty

    #HOPE 2023

    --- EDIT: edited out the link to the trash article, sorry for anyone who felt offended, I thought it was obvious from the post text that the intent was to turn around the ridicule point of view of this pathetically right winged "subscription-biased" media outlet, and simply use their mad headline instead as if it was a piece of the past Obama campaign around the HOPE hahstag. I initially left the link for objectivity and context purposes.

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