Let me pull this out of my ass
Let me pull this out of my ass
Let me pull this out of my ass
Some guy opened like 10 jira tickets asking a bunch of data that is already available for them on the BI. I show it how to extract it himself, and then marked all the other ones as duplicated and for a moment I felt myself as an stackoverflow mod.
I don't think that's how the where clause works
The original didn't have the where clause.
Yeah, that's more appropriate for a WHEN clause or possibly even a WHOM
I'm still waiting for the WHY clause
Just chuck an =1 at the end, bam
If I had a cookie for every time someone asked me if I could pull together some obscure metric during a 30 minute meeting I’d have the beetus
Same. Especially since I've been building EDWs for most of my career. People are always surprised that it actually takes time to integrate with different systems.
"What do you mean you can't just pull all the data out of this system that we don't have database access to and are still building out the APIs?"
I kid... The people asking for stuff don't know what backend databases and APIs are.
Just hit the magic ETL lever, what’s the big deal?
Heres a great idea write a frontend that u can type a human request in then pass that to chatgpt to generate an appropriate sql query then automatically send it. What could possibly go wrong.
This is sarcasm, right? Right??
A girl I've dated for a while worked as photographer for live events reportage, clocking even thousand shots for event and saving at least a hundred of them for the job, and she told me rather often she was being later contacted by the client, or someone of his entourage, or even some other person from the public, months past the event and asking if she could send them e.g. "that picture where I'm standing with that friend of mine wearing a white shirt...", and all that of course without even being able to tell her the actual date of the event.
Ai solves this
Well, can you just give me access to the database then?
Acess granted to the homologation DB that haven't been fully updated since 2018
That’s not an unreasonable request unless the manager is a dumb asshole and doesn’t understand that such request can take more than one day and other tasks will suffer because of it. Done it dozens of times by request of my immediate manager.
You can make an unstructured database? I thought the S in SQL stood for "structured", that it was built into the language itself or something.
“Structured” refers to the query language.
SQL doesn't actually enforce the database to be normalized at all.
Database is organized collection of data, so a disk full of porn in different formats from json to mp4 can be a database, as long as it's organized in some way
Doesn't it stand for "supposed to be structured"?
It is "structured" but not well architectured/designed/structured
You would be amazed!
I mean, if you're really good at SQL these requests are doable in 10-30m + the time it takes to run and export.
It’s not just being good at SQL, it’s knowing the data and relationships therein.
Even then, 5 "quick" requests takes up most of your day
If I designed the schema it is most certainly going to be structured. Unstructured databases are awful.
Even when you give them the tools to pull the data themselves like Tableau they'll still ask you to pull the data for them.
I got pretty good at pulling sql data together from multiple tables using joins at a prior job, but no job before or since had data that easily accessible.