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  • Ich. Weil gedruckte Zeitungen - ich habe sogar nur eine Sonntagszeitung abonniert
 - gegenĂŒber Nachrichten im Internet einige namhafte Vorteile bieten:

    1. Keine Pushnachrichten ĂŒber irgendwelchen Bullshit. Nicht den ganzen Tag genervt werden mit banalen Informationen ĂŒber irgendwelche KnalltĂŒten, die man weder kennt noch kennen will. (Und meist auch nicht muss.)
    2. Überhaupt weniger Bullshit. Wer druckt, der hat Platzbegrenzung. Da ist fĂŒr Boulevard und Ă€hnliche Themen kaum Raum.
    3. Oft bessere Recherche und weniger Abschreiben. Ist nur so meine Beobachtung.
    4. Man ist gezwungen dazu, sich - in meinem Fall - einmal in der Woche Zeit zu nehmen, statt die Hektik des Alltags durchzuziehen. Gedruckte Zeitung und dazu eine Tasse Kaffee, ohne Geblinke und Popups zweimal im Satz, die sofort Aufmerksamkeit erfordern. Das hat wirklich einen gewissen Charme.

    NatĂŒrlich verpasse ich so „minutenaktuelle“ Nachrichten. Aber ich sage es mal so: Wenn just in dieser Minute etwas geschieht, das mein Leben direkt betrifft, dann ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr groß, dass ich das trotzdem mitbekomme.

    Nachtrag: Außerdem kann man ein Smartphone nicht so gut beim Fensterputzen drunterlegen wie eine Zeitung. Probier das doch mal.

  • ich📰iel
  • Wobei die FAZ zumindest in der Druckfassung immer noch ganz annehmbar ist. Online hingegen, nun

  • Hacking rhabarba
    I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
    Hacking rhabarba
    I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
    „Lass dich ĂŒberwachen“: EU-Rat will sich auf Chatkontrolle mit Zustimmung der Nutzer einigen
  • Gut, die EU ist scheiße und ich bin weniger neidisch auf die Briten.

  • ich🏭iel

    Quelle (tortengraf auf Sofortgramm)

    „Lass dich ĂŒberwachen“: EU-Rat will sich auf Chatkontrolle mit Zustimmung der Nutzer einigen
  • Die EU ist scheiße und ich bin neidisch auf die Briten.

  • Atom backend for Gnus merged
  • I genuinely hope that this will bring further improvements for elfeed as well. :-) Good job!

  • Materialious - A modern interface for Invidious
  • Ah, thank you. It’s been a while since I had to work with Android.

  • Materialious - A modern interface for Invidious
  • Material Design is still modern? I thought Google had revised that again.

    (Using only Apple devices, I wonder if I should make an Apple-like interface now

  • Windows vs Linux
  • I guess you use blob-free Linux-libre then?

  • Windows vs Linux
  • Eww! Unrestricted code!

  • Windows vs Linux
  • Because it was a shameless copy of SMF which is also great.

  • Windows vs Linux
  • OpenBSD:

    • does not run systemd

    Conclusion: OpenBSD wins

  • Rule
  • 1933 would like to ask a question or two about that.

  • Rule
  • Because my country has seen what happens when political disagreements are fought out in months of street battles.

  • Rule
  • Probably.

  • Rule
  • The street fights in 1932 did not do much to prevent fascism, to say the least.

  • Rule
  • Enforcing your preferred kind of politics with guns sounds like a bad idea. I’m German, we did that a few times in our history.

  • Rule
  • Not being shot, at least.

  • Japan confirms first human-to-human transmission of tick-borne SFTS virus Japan confirms first human-to-human transmission of tick-borne SFTS virus

    A doctor became infected with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) after attending to a patient who had been diagnosed with it.

    Japan confirms first human-to-human transmission of tick-borne SFTS virus
    Time Piece (1965 Short Film)

    I can see why he did Kermit later.

    Facebook möchte „Anstupsen“ wieder prĂ€senter machen Facebook möchte „Anstupsen“ wieder prĂ€senter machen

    In den frĂŒhen Zeiten von Facebook gehörte das Anstupsen von Freunden zum guten Ton. Über den Sinn dahinter lĂ€sst sich streiten, man konnte ...

    Facebook möchte „Anstupsen“ wieder prĂ€senter machen
    Nahostkonflikt: Sturm auf Krankenhaus Nahostkonflikt: Sturm auf Krankenhaus

    Gazakrieg: Al-Schifa-Hospital zum zweiten Mal angegriffen. Konsequenzen hat Israel nicht zu befĂŒrchten ‱ Foto: Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu/picture alliance

    Nahostkonflikt: Sturm auf Krankenhaus
    New everyday watch has arrived.

    Enough of this “let me look at my phone to see what time it is, ooooh, 12 new messages” thing. Here we go.

    Things that have been happening to me too often lately


    > * I am denied read-only access to some websites because I use a VPN. This makes no sense at all, but it happens anyway. > * I am not allowed to register in some forums because I use a VPN. Because everyone knows that anyone who uses a VPN is a serious criminal. There is no other option. > * I am subsequently banned from forums because the moderators realise that my IP address is not unique because I use a VPN. My posts don't matter at all, IP addresses obviously unambiguously identify every person on this planet. > * I'm supposed to confirm that I'm not a robot because I use a VPN. The fact that the company asking for these confirmations (usually Google) is itself sending robots marauding through the internet doesn't matter, because Google is Google and I'm just a bloke with a VPN. > > Guys, a VPN is self-defence. A website banning VPNs is like a brothel banning condoms. I mean, of course the house rules apply, but I'd like to see a bit more judgement. What's happening right now is ridiculous and hardly does justice to the security aspect of these "tests". If you find yourself as a contributor to this list, I urge you to stop. I am not a bad guy. All I do is use a VPN. > > Thank you.

    Things that have been happening to me too often lately
    • I am denied read-only access to some websites because I use a VPN. This makes no sense at all, but it happens anyway.
    • I am not allowed to register in some forums because I use a VPN. Because everyone knows that anyone who uses a VPN is a serious criminal. There is no other option.
    • I am subsequently banned from forums because the moderators realise that my IP address is not unique because I use a VPN. My posts don't matter at all, IP addresses obviously unambiguously identify every person on this planet.
    • I'm supposed to confirm that I'm not a robot because I use a VPN. The fact that the company asking for these confirmations (usually Google) is itself sending robots marauding through the internet doesn't matter, because Google is Google and I'm just a bloke with a VPN.

    Guys, a VPN is self-defence. A website banning VPNs is like a brothel banning condoms. I mean, of course the house rules apply, but I'd like to see a bit more judgement. What's happening right now is ridiculous and hardly does justice to the security aspect of these "tests". If you find yourself as a contributor to this list, I urge you to stop. I am not a bad guy. All I do is use a VPN.

    Thank you.

    JavaScript Bloat in 2024 JavaScript Bloat in 2024

    What is the average size of JavaScript code downloaded per website? Fuck around and find out!

    How Tech Outstayed Its Welcome How Tech Outstayed Its Welcome

    Last week, Apple opened pre-orders for the Vision Pro, a $3500 “spatial computer” that is its first real “new” thing since the Apple Watch, and arguably its most notable release since the iPad or iPhone. Ming-Chi Kuo, one of the few truly reliable Apple analysts, estimates that the Vision Pro

    How Tech Outstayed Its Welcome
    Extreme metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success Extreme metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success

    New research reveals that guitar skills in extreme metal music are more linked to male competition and status than to attracting mates. The study, focusing on heterosexual male guitarists, suggests that technical proficiency in guitar playing serves more as a display of dominance among peers.

    Extreme metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success
    Extreme metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success Extreme metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success

    New research reveals that guitar skills in extreme metal music are more linked to male competition and status than to attracting mates. The study, focusing on heterosexual male guitarists, suggests that technical proficiency in guitar playing serves more as a display of dominance among peers.

    Extreme metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success
    tux0r rhabarba

    RunterwÀhlen ist kein Gegenargument.

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    Comments 236