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xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation
  • I think most people in the USA refer to the third item as a moped, which only gives you two categories for scooter. Scooter and electric scooter, and then moped and electric moped.

  • A Cool Guide to a Better Night's Rest.
  • You literally said your girlfriend forced you to change your sleep style. And you said to your back, not to your side. Conveniently your message is gone now, because you edited it to shape the narrative.

  • He's not going to go easy on you either
  • That was probably because they brokered a deal between prosecution and defense, and the jury was not needed. You’re supposed to check the website in the morning to make sure you’re needed. You probably just got very very lucky.

  • Common MythConceptions
  • I did (at least some of them).

    No, 41% of US Adults do not believe that dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

    Salty water does boil quicker, you’re just not going to notice the difference unless you add a big handful. Completely different than just saying it doesn’t do anything.

    Flushed water depends on the direction of the jets in the toilets.

  • Please teach me about images
  • yes. it's going to completely depend on the project, but you can build it, then push it to dockerhub, though I wouldn't push it to a public repo unless the license permits it. else you can just build it locally and push it to your own private dockerhub or to a container store like github or ECR.

  • Can't press that key: F35

    I would love to have that many keys. means I could program my keyboard to output those on certain layers and tie them directly to unused IDE actions. Because no software maker is going to use those keys by default since no keyboard has them. But my keyboard can have them :D

  • Zero-carbon recycled cement
  • Also, yeah that's literally how recycling works.. do you think they recycle the labels on glass bottles? no they burn them off to get the glass. Then they make a new bottle, then they put new labels on it. literally doing exactly what you're saying "isn't recycling".

    Still, that's not at all what happens when recycling concrete.

  • Zero-carbon recycled cement
  • That's literally not what's happening. Did you even read the article you posted? Or did you just google, find something that you thought supported your position, then cherry picked that bit out not realizing that the entire article completely disagrees with you?

  • Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h
  • Especially a TOS violation that isn’t a violation in the more expensive package. It’s clearly a tactic to kick out customers who cost them too much.

    it's because the cheaper tiers share IPs with literally every other CF customer. Of course it's more expensive to not do that, it has nothing to do with trying to make a sale.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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