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Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub.
  • It was purposefully designed that way so it’s not a bug. It’s just bad design. Like they say at the end of the article, people view private vs public as a security boundary. So it’s incredibly surprising and unintuitive behavior that has clearly resulted in security breaches.

  • I swear I check them often enough!
  • Last year I had 2200 or something like that open, but I haven’t counted this year. FF handles it fine. Chrome wasn’t ever able to handle more than a hundred or so. I haven’t used chrome in 6 or 7 years now though.

  • I take it there’s no Lemmy app?
  • Voyager is good in some ways but I think Mlem is better in a bunch more ways. I really dislike that in voyager when you are typing a comment you can’t pull down to see the thread or anything at all as it tries to delete your comment. Why in the world would I want to delete my comment by pulling down like that? So many apps do that, like YouTube.

  • I don't understand Catwoman.
  • I mean with that definition of joker, catwoman makes just as much sense. Catburgler who dresses like a cat and acts like a cat. Joker has just as many problems with the character.

  • What's holding you back from trying Codeberg?
  • I'm gonna go ahead and say that the lawyers I implemented it for understand it a lot better than you (and yes even Google's lawyers).

    If not in the EU, this doesn’t impact a business not planning to operate there.

    it does if you ever will operate there though. Many many companies eventually need to do business in the EU. So not following GDPR is just asking to never be allowed to operate there ever. Fine for local newspapers, not fine for a finance company that eventually needs to do business across national boundaries.

  • Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say
  • You're defining hack as a very small subset of what an actual hack is. Many, many exchanges have been hacked due to security flaws, or phishing attacks, etc. You're clearly defining "hack" to mean a protocol 0-day or something like that, which is honestly ridiculous.

    Or you can just go ahead and generate valid wallets and hope that there's money in them.

    That’s not downtime, that’s congestion. It never stopped processing transactions. If you paid a high fee, you would go through immediately. And that’s happened rarely and doesn’t effect lightning transactions which are the ones you use if speed is a priority.

    -_- you're insane. good luck.

  • Advanced Terminal Tips and Tricks
  • I have fzf-git for all of that, but honestly I don't ever use it, as I'm hardly ever switching between branches and tab complete is enough for me in most cases.

    # FZF GIT
    # Deciphered from fzf-file-widget. Somewhat unclear why it doesn't exist already!
    function fzf_add_to_commandline -d 'add stdin to the command line, for fzf functions'
      #git checkout $1
      read -l result
      commandline -t ""
      commandline -it -- (string escape $result)
      commandline -f repaint
    function fzf_checkout -d "git checkout"
      read -l result
      git checkout $result
    function __git_fzf_is_in_git_repo
      command -s -q git
        and git rev-parse HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
    function __git_fzf_git_status
      __git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
      git -c color.status=always status --short | \
        fzf -m --ansi --preview 'git diff --color=always HEAD -- {-1} | head -500' | \
        cut -c4- | \
        sed 's/.* -> //' | \
      commandline -f repaint
    function __git_fzf_git_branch
      __git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
      git branch -a --color=always | \
        grep -v '/HEAD\s' | \
        fzf -m --ansi --preview-window right:70% --preview 'git log --color=always --oneline --graph --date=short \
          --pretty="format:%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s %C(magenta)[%an]%Creset" \
          --print0 \
          --read0 \
          (echo {} | sed s/^..// | cut -d" " -f1) | head -'$LINES | \
        sed 's/^..//' | cut -d' ' -f1 | \
        sed 's#^remotes/##' | \
        # fzf_add_to_commandline | \
    function __git_fzf_git_tag
      __git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
      git tag --sort -version:refname | \
        fzf -m --ansi --preview-window right:70% --preview 'git show --color=always {} | head -'$LINES | \
    function __git_fzf_git_log
      __git_fzf_is_in_git_repo; or return
      git log --color=always --graph --date=short --format="%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s %C(magenta)[%an]%Creset" | \
        fzf -m --ansi --reverse --preview 'git show --color=always (echo {} | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7,\}") | head -'$LINES | \
        sed -E 's/.*([a-f0-9]{7,}).*/\1/' | \
    function git_fzf_key_bindings -d "Set custom key bindings for git+fzf"
      bind \ca\cs __git_fzf_git_status
      bind \ca\cf __git_fzf_git_branch
      bind \ca\ct __git_fzf_git_tag
      bind \ca\cl __git_fzf_git_log
  • GOP threatened to sue over November ballot if Biden dropped out. Experts call that 'ridiculous'
  • We literally are discussing single states. The Federal government doesn't run the voting, it's individual states that do. So all voting improvements literally happen at an individual state level.

    Everything works fine in a small network.

    what a hilarious excuse for your state being shitty. This is such a tired and untrue trope it isn't even funny anymore, it's just sad.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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