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Anon thinks about Google
  • Sorry i think i meant theme colors, not system colors. In any case it was better before the "you" thing that's currently used which has restricted customization significantly.

    I think it may be google account settings, which are not android I'm aware. Though i recall phone settings becoming default whenever a settings menu was overhauled instead of something reflecting the previous selection.

    No I'm on windows 10 still. Well aware of the difference lol

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • There used to be tons of customization options which have been removed/limited under the guise of "personalization". For example you used to be able to do things like choose system colors that weren't from a selection of 5 pastel themes. For some reason Google believes that pastels and pastels alone accurately reflect the "personality" of every user and that users wasn't their "personality" reflected.

    There's a ton of settings that have been removed over the years, volume button behavior changed, various privacy settings reset to default with random updates, privacy settings removed...

    It's still fairly functional but if it weren't for certain apps i need i would be trying out graphene or whatever.

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • Interesting, is that not info people have voluntarily input? It looks like which AFAIK is like old school yellow pages where you put your info in and it's combined with publicly available things like the business register.

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • There's also a lot of tracking of who is accessing personal info. Most often you need to provide your own identity to look something up like property or vehicle owners if it's not given freely by the individual on a public site.

  • So...
  • If your jokes made around stereotypes in queer communities are offending people the jokes are probably just veiled insults. You can do things, you just need to be at least a little versed in the community and understand how to make respectful jokes instead of demeaning ones.

  • So...
  • "Several months ago" ... Not exactly suggesting it would happen over night. Recognizing a schism and supporting eachother through the changes in life is preferable to doing so depressed and hatefully, no?

  • A cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
  • Objectivity can by your own logic be subjective as it is a judgment about a concept made by the condition of general consensus. Have fun word smithing your way out of any conceptual discomfort or useful conveyance of thought related to the human condition.

  • Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone Can’t Let Go Of Stardew Valley
  • He seems very happy to keep working on it and he's bringing on help as he needs. He's even taking breaks from other project to prevent burnout. Seems like he's practicing good balance. Why does someone need to move on from a passion project they're approaching with a level head and have invested their career in?

  • Coming to terms with no longer having privacy and control over my technology
  • Yes, 100%. If company is awful enough to the creator then I'd even be ethically in agreement without purchase but just donate direct to creator or whatever. Though risk varies more with legality in the latter case.

  • Coming to terms with no longer having privacy and control over my technology
  • Ofc. Always good to choose the source that treats the consumer well. FOSS alternatives are also becoming competitive for lots of things which is great to see.

    But where you used to be able to purchase physical media it's practically impossible now. Even physical cases of games or audio-visual are usually just packaging for an access key to stream it. It sucks that we have to rely on market force through user-based action (e.g. Helldivers vs sony). These forces simply don't work against market caps like Microsoft or practically any commercial software (cad, sim, business management) or media service (streaming, music, etc...) where companies can leverage nigh infinite debt to overcome the user base action in favor of market growth.

  • Coming to terms with no longer having privacy and control over my technology
  • Like your points and generally agree, but companies deranging their products and adding post-hoc internet reliant licensing is one core message of OP. This has been forced on people on many platforms. Blizzard and WC3 was given as an example by OP. Microsoft is probably the most flagrant example as many people need to use windows for various software, and you need to rip the system apart to kill forced updates or shutdown invasive services.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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