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I remember people like the account whose name is so politely obscured
  • My only criteria for the 2020 Presidential general election was not actively trying to divide the country and not trying to make enemies of our allies internationally. This became the case because all of the candidates I actually wanted didn't have the support.

    I still feel Biden is much better than Trump in those two areas. Is Biden good? No. It's he actively trying to destroy things? Also no.

  • Is there a Jrpg you could always play?
  • I've definitely played through 7 about 15 times. 8 and 9 twice.

    Mario RPG I knew like the back of my hand growing up, I had played it so much. There's been a few others as well.

    Legend of Dragoon got a few play through. Grandia II as well.

  • Is there a way to add "Run as Sudo" to context menu like with Windows?
  • It's not attitude they are giving you. It's strong recommendation. It's the strong recommendation of the entire Linux community.

    Sudo is different than run as admin and is not intended to be used to do things the way Windows does them.

  • Got a Switch today, need some recommendations.
  • I love Mario Maker, but I would suggest skipping 2 at this point. It's been out so long that most of the hype has died on it and there is so much garbage content that somebody picking it up right now is likely to get frustrating for new players.

  • Looking forward to Disco season 5
  • I'd rather just more farscape. Or a whole new IP. My biggest pet peeve with scifi is that they keep hinting at trying new ideas by leveraging old IP just for name recognition.

    It's good for business but bad for creativity.

  • was this not allowed before?
  • This interaction is so indicative of the reality of device fandom.

    The Android user isn't storing information about the iPhone in their brain.

    The iPhone user is responding like everybody knows everything about iPhone features and it was dumb of the android user to not know this thing.

  • Trump's Truth Social loses $4 billion in value in one week, while revealing wider loss
  • Trump has people trying to get his base to buy the stock with the express purpose of pumping it up to give him more assets to work with to fund his legal battles.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the SEC is currently investigating it because they haven't been trying to hide it at all.

  • Indie developer has a plan to keep parts of his game secret, even from data-miners
  • Dude is effectively open challenging data-miners. Regardless of how people feel about them, this is going to motivate them to try.

    Even if this one game limits them until things are found, the techniques likely won't work again as the data miners will then look at how they could have discovered the keys given knowledge of how to find them.

    This is what is meant by it being an arms race.

  • FFXVI - Am I crazy?

    I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 for the last couple of weeks and feel really let down by the hype and reviews of this game.

    While I enjoy the deviation of the combat the rest of the game feels very incomplete. The vocal animations are frequently off. The travel from area to area is just an overworld map to select travel from one small area to another. There are like 2 or 3 side quests at a time and a whole vendor that will send you to side quests in different areas, but his menu is always empty.

    In general, the graphics are roughly the same as FFXIV. The animations and music seem ripped right out of 14 as well. And the combat and akin to the main series Kingdom Hearts games.

    Overall I'm enjoying it, but these 7-9 out of 10 reviews that are calling it some massive achievement seem really undeserved.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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