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an injured old man
  • Thanks a lot for your extensive message, good insight and kind words. I appreciate your advice. I've gave a look to theragun, but it's rather expansive, at least here in Europe. I'll check out also the channel.

  • an injured old man
  • Ouch! flaccid, in Italian we use it also for a limp penis, but isn't the first thing that comes in mind, :). Could you give me a synonim? toneless, maybe? Could you suggest a program for beginners, or link maybe a video or something like that? thanks a lot for the answer!

  • an injured old man

    Morning, until 4 months ago I used to train at least three times a week. Running (9 km) and HITT. I'm 50, and I began to feel a lack of motivation toward both running and training. Then I've injured my shoulder, there's an hole on my tendon, thus I should use the elastic fitness band, but I don't. I became ~~flaccid ~~and I don't like my body, I'm still skinny, but I've lost all my muscles, I have to start from zero again (sore muscles, lactic acidosis and all that). And here comes the reason why I am posting here. I need a sponosr or someone who gives me some motivation and advice to begain all over again. Right now I feel sadly at ease (depressed but I don't kind of care, but I care at the same time, difficult to explain) with my body loosing shape, strength and agility. I also note that in the last month I've catched on of the most virulent bronchitis ever; I tend to think this is one of the fallout of my interrupting physical activity. Does someone want to help and old man with advice and motivation? (I'm Italian, thus forgive me English)

    Howard Zinn people's history of America, I'm reading it at the moment, is there any alternative?

    Hello, I'm Italian and I'm reading what I understood to be a classic in American HIstory. I'm throug 100 pagesi in and I have the feeling that the author is a bit too partisan and unbalanced. Sometimes I feel that he had already decided what happened and then he tries to find facts that confirm his prejudices. Hence, I'm asking if someone out there knows another book about the same subjecst that is not at all celebratory toward America, actually I'm looking for a book that is very critic and severe toward America, but at the same time that is more balanced. Any advice?

    (Sorry if this message could sound confused or badly written, I'm not mother tongue and, also, the feeling toward the book is there but still blurry, but there's something about this book that doesn't convince me.)

    AI tools (chat gpt 4)
  • the subject is superboring, I need to study in a short time and I am not a schoolboy (unfortunately) anymore. I need to do it for a teaching recruitment competition. The book -- probably written by a bot -- is foul. I love study and I love reading, but this is a torture. I turned to technology to save some of this torture. That's all.

  • My HD is chocking but I don't want to throw away culturally precious mataerial (mainly movies)
  • thanks, I've never thought of it, but the won't never do such things, that would have seen as 'peculato'. Here in Italy where corruption is a major problems that is an hyperlegislation to avoid it. Peculato would be, I believe, in English embezzlement

  • About Google and Degoogling in schools
  • Public school in general are place out of time and out place. The majority of people, the princpals do not have a clue about anyting pertaining these fields. Most of the teachers don't feel the privacy issue as a major problem and often talk to each other and with students via what's app. It is a mess, a big one. No strategy, no plan whatsoever. Not even the need to learn and become slightly litterate about this matter. what's look cool and American, siliconish valley is right and felt as modern.

  • AI tools (chat gpt 4)
  • I appreciate the irony 😀 😀 .
    There you go: manuale per la provascritta del concorso scuola con schede di sintesi su competenze pedagogiche, psicopedagogiche e didattico metodologiche. Really, a digital copy doesn't exist.

  • AI tools (chat gpt 4)
  • the title is a bad translation I did from Italian. If you are very very curious I can write down a list of book I desperately want to read but I can't because of this friggin' book

  • AI tools (chat gpt 4)

    I know it's unethical and unfair, but I have to, I cannot do otherwise, study a very badly written and boring book. I turn to chat gpt to make notes and summary of the page by uploading photos of the text and asking to do a summary, organized and useful to study in view of a concourse. Chat gpt (4) refusese to do so becaue it cannot read images and therefore gives vey unuseful advice to create a perfect summary. Is there any app, extension or software that could to this dumb slavish job? The book is written in Italian.

    My HD is chocking but I don't want to throw away culturally precious mataerial (mainly movies)

    I've left wigh 10 gb in my hd, almost 300 gb in my hd are occupied by culturally relevant films (in hig deifinition) that in the future (I bielieve, and I'm afraid) won't be so easy to find and thus I am reluctant to delete.


    Out of curiousity, some of the movies are: Fellini's 8 and a half; Metropolitan by whit stillman; Lust; by Ang Lee; Ice storm by Ang lee; The Dresser by Peter Yates; Another woman, by woody allen;

    I cannot right now buy and external HD (that in the long distance I will surely loose in the profoudities of a cupboard), is there any solutions, safe and cheap to keep them somewhere online and made them available to anyone somewhere that is interested to watch them? Thanks to anyone who will want to help me. Have a nice day!

    The desire to build a self-defense kit from Google and the Internet as it is today

    (if you don't want to go through all my strident words) Thus, after this rant, my question is: where do I start from to build my surviving kit and my right to be private and disclose personal information to who and when I want to. How I become the actual owner of my device?

    (I'm Italian, sorry for my Englishi) I feel I'm enduring too many aspects of my everyday life. Because of my scarce knowledge on many things I am enforced to accept other's companies decisione. My approach toward The mega companies who, in my view, are owning Internet is obsolete and definitely ineffective: I don't use X, FB, instagram, TIK TOK and I boycott Amazon. I just use YT, via freetube, reVanced and Newpipe, until this will be possible. (but, alas, I pay to use chatgpt 4, rather useful tool sometimes) I don't own a sufficient knowledge to use the net ad the mobile phone to riaffirm my independence and anonimity in this once beautiful world of collective enthusiasts and clever people that once was internet. Also I find infuriating that I'm spied constantly for the simple fact of using a device that I bought with my money and that from the has never be mine but Google's. I am just sick of it, but I, repeat, don't have the knowledge to switch and turn into a citizen who strolls in the world of internet without being followed by 'people' who wants to sell you constantly something and wants to profile you. I find this too aggressive and unbearable. Thus, after this rant, my question is: where do I start from to build my surviving kit and my right to be private and disclose personal information to who and when I want to? **** How the f**k I defend myself from these greedy psycopaths (in the film 'Don't look up: Peter Isherwell, the billionaire CEO of BASH Cellular, was a pricelees portrait of people I cannot stand and for humanity are more harmful thant covid-19) ****

    About Google and Degoogling in schools

    Here in Italy, often schools, the educative relationship betwenn teachers and students is kept through google classroom. Once I've worked in a school that had both solutions: Moodle (the usability is very very scarce) and Google classroom. During the years I've developped an increasing grudge toward Google, because in the very beginning I've had pinned a lot of hopes in this company, naively thinking that it could have changed the world for the better (don't be evil, a multibillion company who choose this as a motto! I was hopeful and impressed): I was very naive. Now I would like to know if there are systems (because Google classroom works very fine, I have to admit) that works equally fine or even better that are disappeared under the magnitude of this monopolistic leviathan. Could someone help me?

    Traffic Engineering: a help from Italy

    Good morning, I write from Italy and here, where I live, but it is not only here the problem, are launched public roads projects that are breathtakingly bad and obsolete. I am no expert, I just think to have a minimum of good sense to understand that projects that are raping the countryside to build streets and welcome the circulations of more cars, more pollution and that conceive human beings like automatons that are staring the tv, then the windshield and then again the monitor at work. Imagining human life this way, in 2023, is a bit of a nightmare. Thus I would like to educate myself on traffic egineering. Is there someone out there that can point me YT channels; podcasts or worth to read books about this subject? At least, when there will be a public meeting, a city hall pubblic assembly I can think of intervening and say that there's something better that just open roads after roads, after roads. Thank you

    why is it so difficult select text from posts?

    Good morning, English isn't my first language and it happens quie often that I need to select a good chunk of text to translate it with DeepL, why, in often cases, is impossible but select the title of an article that Lemmy's bot has summarised? I would appreciate, and I am pretty confident I am not the only one, if the operation would be much handier or possible. Thanks for reading this and for any tip or hint.

    ADHD - zero tech literacy - want to learn Obsidian. Any help?

    Good morning (excuse my English, it's not my first language), I am very disorganised and forgetful, I always live in a state of anxiety because if I don't make any reminders (for this I use 'saved message' onTelegram) I literally forget appointments, deadlines, so: I always live under persistent stress due to the strain of keeping a lot of things in mind. Of course I own a paper agenda, but I forget to use it. I'm looking for something that keeps in 'his mind' the things I should keep in mine, so that I can invest energy in other tasks. In essence, I feel completely unstructured. Obsidian, inevitably, intrigued me: the idea of looking at one's brain from the outside is an enviable condition, rather than being inside the terrible tangled cage that is my brain. I saw some tutorials, some of which are very long and some of which are super-fast. I began to think that it is not the tool, but the way one memorises and organises one's notes (in the broadest sense) that makes the difference. I'm afraid that if one has a lot of confusion in one's head, and is always working in a state of emergency, with the fear of having forgotten something, this is the real problem, and there is no Obsidian to help. How could Obsidian help me? And also: is there any video or document that teaches how to learn it properly? Thank you very much for your advice. p.s. Is there any possibility to sync Obsidian with laptop, mobile and tablet avoiding (for the moment, then if I start using it regularly, I'll happily subscribe) to pay the 8$ monthly fee, also avoiding using Gdrive or any other nosy tool that overbearingly imposes its policy on users?

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