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My HD is chocking but I don't want to throw away culturally precious mataerial (mainly movies)

I've left wigh 10 gb in my hd, almost 300 gb in my hd are occupied by culturally relevant films (in hig deifinition) that in the future (I bielieve, and I'm afraid) won't be so easy to find and thus I am reluctant to delete.

I cannot right now buy and external HD (that in the long distance I will surely loose in the profoudities of a cupboard), is there any solutions, safe and cheap to keep them somewhere online and made them available to anyone somewhere that is interested to watch them?
Thanks to anyone who will want to help me. Have a nice day!

  • either delete the data, or move it.

    those are really your only options. if the drive you're talking about is the only one in your PC, it needs some free space to do it's thing. mechanical hard drives are pretty cheap and abundant. check with whatever is local to you, about used ones if you need something on the cheap. even new ones in the 1TB range are pretty cheap though.

  • Telegram.

    I'm in a (private *) group where someone is constantly uploading old VHS's they have to archive them, off site.

    the most important bit is making your Channel private, and Telegram then don't give a shit about DMCA's

    Plug for a movie/DVD I couldn't find on an initial arrrrr'in - https://t . me/+5hi0Y6jNLMcwMGM0

  • Are you serious? Come on.

    Get another drive and that's it.

    You cannot afford it? I can spare one for you, pm me.

    You want a different solution? There is none.