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If one conjoined twin commits a murder without the consent of their twin, will both have to go to prison or nobody?
  • Assuming it is ever right to cage a human as punishment, i guess one would need a special room on the exterior wall of the prison.

    Inside the room (and prison?) both are unencumbered (the free one is just visiting for the twins sake), but in order to leave (as one has the right to) the other must don one of those shrouds from the Foundation series.

  • I'm here to discuss your car's extended warranty

    dall-e v3 w/ minor post-generation mods. Prompt: A robotic solicitor knocks on a home's closed front door with his right fist knuckles. The robot is dressed in a suit which has a large corporate logo on it and holds a tablet in his left hand.

    If someone were to call you a "full stack" developer, would that feel like a complement or an insult?

    I know managers love that term, but I think I've come to hear it as an insult... Sorta like being called an unprofessional "jack of all trades" budget handyman that does everything mediocre...

    If they charge by the image, and there is any expectation that AI image-generators might produce garbage results, then AI providers are incentivized to make you pay for their experimentation

    without you ever knowing about it, as well as (perhaps) swapping in a cheaper-to-operate model some percentage of the time, perhaps as request loads peak, hoping you'll just roll the dice and try again.

    Isolation Island

    This is my attempt to recreate an image from one of my friends who is an artist. After generating the image, I modified it in gimp to better capture the feel of the original artwork.

    dall-e 3 prompt: A pale human figure abstraction sits atop one of the floating islands hugging his knees facing right. The islands have round tops, crumbling dirt below, green grass on the top, and they float in a spacial void of black, blue, and purple. Some of the other floating islands are also flat-topped with grass, but some are just lifeless asteroids. There are no planets and no sun.

    Yo dawg, I heard you liked computers...

    dall-e 3; prompt: "The Linux computer system that every nerd can only dream of owning."


    dall-e v3. Prompt: 'Photorealistic. Walking off the edge of the world.'

    The old-guard

    dall-e 3; prompt: "Photorealistic. A futuristic alien stands before you holding a spear-like weapon in a non-threatening manner."

    Power overwhelming

    Workflow: I asked gpt-3.5 to describe in meticulous visual detail a single panel from "BLAME!" where Killy is firing his gravitational beam emitter (GBE) in only one paragraph. I think I used the phrase "as if to a blind person" because it kept wanting to give me a narrative. I then handed that paragraph to dall-e-3 and got this image.

    Levels of power

    dall-e 2; prompt: A homeless cyberpunk is scavanging parts from his pile of broken robots. A futuristic male police officer walks past him disinterested.

    Cube of tiny homes

    dall-e 3; prompt: Inside a parking garage where many of the slots have been converted into permanent dwellings, even alongside the vehicle ramps.


    Prompt: Sisyphus pushing the world up a hill. The Earth looks photo realistic as it would be seen from space, and resting on the slope. The sky is pitch black with many stars and galaxies. The mountain slope is a constant incline.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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