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Costs of living in Montreal
  • Depends entirely what area you’re in. Public transit passes tend to be $100-$150 per month, depending what zones you’re going. More on that here.

    Gym memberships can typically be $40-$70 per month, which will, again, depend on your area.

    Groceries and rent are really what vary the most, and are the hardest to answer, especially when you’re just looking for a room. You won’t be able to find a 3 1/2 for less than $750-800 (and that’s far from the city,) but finding a room for $500-600 a month (nothing included) is a bit easier, if you put in the research and time.

    For groceries, if you decide to hit up places like IGA, you can easily spend $150 to fill up just a grocery bag or two. If you can get to a Sami’s Fruits, however, you can walk away with a full shopping cart of produce for that much.

    I haven’t lived in or near the city in years, as I’m in the west suburbs right now, but from what I can pull and what I can adjust for inflation, you may have something that looks like that.

    Your best bet is to make as many new friends as possible with punks, hippies, and the rest of the misfits - they’ve always got the best spots with the cheapest things.

  • This timeline is wild...
  • Also, you can definitely criticize something whilst participating in it, even if you have a choice to abstain. Like I don’t have to eat spicy burritos, but when I do, I’m going to still complain that they haven’t made antacid suppositories. You can ask for a better life.

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