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What vegetables and fruits do you wish were commonly available in the US?
  • I remember getting one when one of the supermarkets around here carried them and theyre huge fruits. Probably 20 pounds of fruit that we ate from it and by the time we were done I never wanted to see another one again lol. I wouldn't mind trying them again now but probably maybe just a pound not a whole fruit.

  • Anyone else feel like their ADHD was always there but got progressively worse as an adult?

    I just wonder if it actually did get worse or it just seems like that because as an adult you have a lot more on your plate than you did when you were a kid/teen

    You ever fix something and have no idea what you did that actually fixed the problem?

    Usually its something computer related and every time it happens, something about fixing something without knowing why it works now bothers me almost as much as never fixing whatever it is.

    Whats your favorite nostalgic cartoon?

    eg. I was obsessed with Teenage mutant ninja turtles as a kid

    Minecraft world design

    I have been working on a minecraft mod pack that has a mechanic where the player can fly between different worlds via the elytra. eg. the overworld -> moon -> mars etc. I have a few different directions I can take Mars' design:

    • Dead world with remnants of the extinct martian civilization. Environmental storytelling used to convey a mystery to be solved by the player

    • HG Wells' war of the worlds inspired with the martian statues referencing their 3 colored pupiled eyes on a villager model and red weed plants growing underground that infect plants like trees and spread on corrupted dirt (basically dirt that has had blood within 4 blocks of it) and eventually turns white and dies if its in one of the overworld dimensions

    • harmless/benevelant living martians based on the barsoon series

    Or some combination of those


    Time management

    It was a phone call. That's literally it. I spent months procrastinating making a phone call that ended up being short and virtually painless.

    Excellent work brain Formal frog

    An image tagged formal frog

    Formal frog

    Every time its a 5 minute borderline painless task that my brain has built up to be the equivalent of deciding which finger Id prefer to lose.

    Anyone notice that a large chunk of their friends are ADHD or otherwise neurodiverse?

    My childhood best friend is ADHD, all but 1 of my other childhood friends is ADHD and about half of my current friends that I hang out with are either ADHD, on the autism spectrum or likely to be but as yet undiagnosed.

    DAE feel like theyre just eternally burnt out?

    I dont mean depression or anxiety (this feels different), I mean feeling like you never really recharge, like youve never gotten time off ever. Which I think is partly due to a tendency to put literally 100% into something until you feel fried, move on to the next thing rinse repeat. Even "down time" doesnt really feel like down time because I am stuck between either boredom, working on yet another thing or thinking about things in general.

    Is there a way to unhide downvotes on posts?

    I noticed that after switching to boost for lemmy the downvote count no longer shows and out of morbid curiosity I like to know the upvote/downvote count where it is tracked. Is there a way to restore those vote counts in the app?

    Whats your current hyperfocus?

    This week mine was homemade soda. Fermented sodas, citric acid + bicarbonate sodas, different juices and flavors like lime + lemon + cherry and pomegranate or mango peach or cola (homemade knock off)

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