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Trans Megathread from January 20th, 2024 to January 26th, 2024

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  • Planned Parenthood is trying to claim I'm 2 inches taller than I was BEFORE I started HRT. There's absolutely no way I'm that tall and I'm calling BS

    EDIT: measured again at home, i'm exactly as tall as i thought i was, PP is wrong

    • I lost like 3 cm of height, legitimately, since I started HRT. Dunno where it went

      • Same, but it was so long since I last measured myseIf before I transitioned that I'm wondering if the reason is I just coped so hard about being short for "a guy" that I had just decieved myself into thinking I was taller

        • For me at least, it's obvious from any of my old boy clothes I still have and my medical records. Can't even fit my E ass and thighs into them but they go lower past my ankles and didn't really before.

    • Sometimes I measure myself just to see if it’s changed somehow.

      I think my parents have just lost a bit of height from aging and that’s why I feel like I’m taller than I think sometimes.