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Trans Megathread from January 20th, 2024 to January 26th, 2024

Hi Everyone! I'm planning on adding stuff here but first enjoy your new weekly mega <3

Join our public Matrix server!

As a reminder, please do not discuss current struggle sessions in the mega. We want this to be a little oasis for all of us and the best way to do that is not to feed into existing conflict on the site.

Also, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • hi, does anyone wanna make the mega in the upcoming weeks? if so, reply to this post and i'll add you to the list!

    the list as it stands:

            SILLY* (1/27 - 2/2)
        AshenWolf* (2/3 - 2/9)
        GayTuckerCarlson* (2/10 - 2/16)
        oscardejarjayes* (2/17 - 2/23)
        EstraDoll (2/24 - 3/2)
        Eco* (3/3 - 3/9)

    ​ * after name denotes someone who has posted before and will be skipped by first-time posters

  • I dont post in these megas often but...

    Today is my hrt removedversary. Gonna get all dolled up in a cute dress and put on some makeup and put some bows and flowers in my hair and then not go outside at all. I'll be staying in with my dear woof and watching some anime :33333 .

  • "Relationships with parents can be difficult, but mine aren't that bad, they tried to make me detransition and almost murdered me, but it could be worse


    this is like half of the trans people I know and it makes me concerned

  • When I hope trans mega posters will support me doing risky behavior, but they instead insist that my behavior is risky

    (fine, i will get my ears pierced at a studio instead of doing it in my bathroom)

  • Going from dating as a cishet man to a trans lesbian is both a blessing and a curse

    The relationships are so much better but holy shit it's so much harder to just get a date

    Not sure if it actually has to do with being trans but it's so painful to my self esteem

  • Hello trans thread, I have been in a three month depression hole because I got unlawfully fired. I had to move out of my apartment because my unemployment isn't enough to cover it. I am fortunate enough to be living with my partner. I also ran out of my medications, which has been even worse for my mind and caused me to go through withdrawals. Today is the first day in three months that I am going to bother to dress well or wear makeup, because spite is simply the most powerful motivator I have ever known. Death to America and death to all fascists.

  • I thought this site was actually purged of this, but no... We still have a bunch of fuckers running around calling people AMAB'S and AFAB's for zero reason and refusing to acknowledge that their langue is harmful. They use AMAB as a noun literally as just a "woke" replacement for "biological male" when using any other kind of langue would have sufficed. ACTUALLY would rather just be called slurs on this website than that shit.

  • Planned Parenthood is trying to claim I'm 2 inches taller than I was BEFORE I started HRT. There's absolutely no way I'm that tall and I'm calling BS

    EDIT: measured again at home, i'm exactly as tall as i thought i was, PP is wrong

  • Came out to another friend and had a great 2 hour conversation catching up. And this morning my partner sent me a very risque selfie and many positive affirmations. I wish for all of my trans comrades to experience this amount of love all the time

  • Just shaved and I think this is the best I have ever looked. Honestly really surprised with just how far I've come along! Comparing new photos to old ones is like looking at a new person

  • Cursed bit idea: “trans broken arm syndrome” but it’s where the republicans ban medical treatment for broken arms because some of the people utilizing it happen to be trans

  • Behold, my 1000th comment!

    So finally, a decade after cracking my egg and 5 years of HRT, I’m going to legally change my name and sex. But oh boy is this giving me a headache. Just so much bureaucratic bullshit I have to wade through and navigate.

    My nerves are completely done because of this and fucking RIP my sleeping schedule

    But when this Herculean task is over, I’m going to enjoy some nice teas that I ordered recently: A really fancy sheng pu-erh from 2007, some tea that is supposedly from the 80s and another one from the 70s, so over 50 years old.

    I also got myself a nice light-blue celadon teacup that I can use together with my pink gaiwan and my white gong dao bei on top of my ebony tea tray. Perfect set-up to celebrate this special occasion.

  • We weren't just at capacity today, we weren't just at surge capacity today, we were over surge capacity and it didn't let up. This isn't sustainable. I don't know what they're going to do, we have to turn these sick kids away. Even the emergency appys, I'm sorry it's a patient safety issue. We don't have the staff and we're running out of literal beds. They have to get moved to another hospital

    It's been a frustrating few days, never let up once. Understaffed, way too many kids, support has been pretty nil, fuck. We're probably going on strike by March. Dunno what the fuck is gonna happen.

  • the very same government that refuses to recognize me as a woman also recognises Denali as Mt. Cracker and just unilaterally named an entire sea after itself. These guys sound deeply confused

  • I painted my nails (was definitely not reminded to do so by one of you ;)) and I'm honestly impressed with myself! It's not the best, but it's not bad either, especially considering that I really struggle with fine motor function. Autism strikes again, but HAHA I still win. I'm like 7 months in, have had my nails painted since before I transitioned, and this is the first time I have painted them myself. I feel really proud, like it's one more thing I can do for myself