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  • Linux: you need to be root to do this

    Me: sudo !!

    Linux: excuse me, I didn't recognize you without your root suit

  • Technically correct but the context matters.
  • Gotta get my daily iron intake somehow

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Shadow Man Remastered has been living rent free in my head thanks to Thumb Cramps so I might have to get those dark souls or the world is gonna end

  • oh good, I was planning to write it in
  • This is an apex self-own

  • Ted Nugent can have a song called "Bam Bang Underage Poontang!" that has lyrics describing SA and somehow he becomes friends with Trump and QAnon thinks he's a White Hat.
  • The conservatives love pedophilia when they're doing it. They've just convinced themselves that liberals and leftists are also grooming minors, leaving fewer for them. They don't like the hypothetical competition. Now they get to feel that sweet cognitive dissonance of being frothing mad at liberals for abusing children while still abusing children just like Uncle Darryl used to do them.

  • beach
  • Hell yeah, I was at a nude beach the other day

  • The white libs are at it again
  • That's just Bryan Quinby from the guys podcast

  • Uh oh. DPRK is a slave state according to liberal NGO 😱
  • Of course not, the companies he contracts with own the slaves. His hands are clean. doubt

  • Tesla Cybertruck CHUD posts video of their vehicle accelerating and overriding the brakes. "depressing the brake may or may not disengage accelerator"
  • Shareholders are the dumbest people on earth, lmao. "This dude tanked the stock and is actively destroying the company by laying off entire departments. Let's bankrupt the company to give him a massive bonus!"

  • When you speħd $50 oror
  • That's what caught my eye initially. I can't understand why they wouldn't just prompt an image an add the text later, though. It's something anyone can do with MSPaint in 2 minutes.

  • Saw an older dude wearing a red shirt with a hammer and sickle printed on the back standing in front of the Costco tire center this morning
  • Get rid of the parking lot and build apartments over medical facilities, schools, restaurants, entertainment, post office, etc and you've got a fully functional town.

  • Does anyone else find it kind of cute how millennials started out super edgy as kids but a lot of us have turned into total weenies that like puppers and cry a lot?
  • The pop culture obsession as personality thing is my number one red flag for dating. If your only hobby is consume media and watch youtubers talk about media, it's not going to work.

  • Does anyone else find it kind of cute how millennials started out super edgy as kids but a lot of us have turned into total weenies that like puppers and cry a lot?
  • I don't think you're a Nintendo adult unless you an unhealthy obsession with collecting. If you're not posting on AITAH about your partner objecting to your Nintendo display taking up half the living room, I think you're safe.

  • Helpful life tip
  • That makes sense. I have no idea why I didn't immediately register washing meat as weird other than im-vegan

  • Helpful life tip
  • What is this about washing chicken under tap water? They think it'll make them sick or something?

  • Helpful life tip
  • What if I don't wear shoes in the house but also don't wear shoes outside?

  • Pick 1. You will receive a stack of 100 pills
  • If the receive pill is what I think it is hyperflush

  • I have achieved flickstick mastery, AMA
  • I think any game that's not mainly shooting would be kind of weird with gyro. I played the RE4 remake with gyro set to enable only when aiming (holding L2)

  • Azu Marauders - Azumanga Daioh x A Tribe Called Quest

    cross-posted from:

    > actually fucking slaps

    Cute person at grocery store

    There's a cute person at the deli counter in the grocery store that I go to that gets really flustered whenever we interact. I catch them sneaking glances at me when we're not directly interacting so I think they think I'm cute, too. I think they're adorable and would like to ask them out but I've literally never done that before and have no idea how to go about it without seeming weird. I'm also ND and very socially awkward, please help !blob-help

    "Modern" pop sci books?

    Are there any good books like A Brief History of Time that include relatively recent findings? I read a few focused on string theory in the mid-2000s but that turned out to be bunk. Really looking for bleeding edge theoretical physics and the like but interested in all science and math stuff.

    The year is 2057

    You huddle around the one news screen in your slum. The AI generated hologram of Jim Kramer comes on to talk about the economy. "Sure, China has had 320 consecutive growth quarters but their economy will certainly collapse by next quarter and then we'll be back on top." You smile, knowing that the evil Chinese Communist Party is finally getting the comeuppance they deserve.

    Burnout 3 still rocks

    Unrelated !doubt the sun is setting and I haven't done shit today !screm-a

    Extrapolating from a single data point

    Alice of KJB, Trashfuture, and WTYP changed her name to November. November was 3 months ago. The pattern is Name = Current Month - 3. Therefore, in March her name will be December.

    I am the stink


    Edit: Easter Corn !corn-man-khrush

    Roger Moore + Soup = Roger Moo

    Prince + Pooping and Surfing = Prince Harry

    Frosty the Bloodman

    Anyone else in the US getting an absurd amount of scam calls?

    I usually get a few scam calls every day but in the last week or so it's increased exponentially. For example: I've received 19 in the past 6 hours. Just curious if this is happening to everyone or just me.

    Bit idea: I'm a conservative that's all here for dense, walkable urbanism but I don't want to hear about wokeism and defunding the police in my anti-car subreddit

    Oh, wait, it's not a bit and there are dozens of them in this thread. Look at the full comments and scroll down for more blood and soil urbanists

    > The conservative stance is predicated on government doing little but doing the little they're supposed to do (prosecuting crime) extremely well.

    Dating apps are so fucking cursed

    Isn't the entire point of the profile and matching system to filter incompatible people out? Why can I match with 50 people and not a single one wants to get a coffee or something after exchanging a few pleasantries? Everybody hates these things and yet they refuse to do anything IRL to get off them. Is there some Manchurian candidate activation codeword that I'm missing? I feel like everyone treats this shit solely as an ego booster and actually gets pissed off that anyone tries to interact with them. How do you meet people in hellworld if you don't drink?

    Me after dozens of dead-end back-and-forths that lead to nowhere despite having shared interests and presumably being attracted to each other since we matched: !marx-joker

    Hmm, maybe it's the extreme commodification of relationships and atomization under capitalism that prevents you from getting anywhere with this garbage !thinkin-lenin

    Nope, must be because didn't say my favorite "The Office" quote and send me a playlist with 50 of the greatest songs I've never heard that made me instantly fall in love with them. I have no idea what other people expect from these things but I'm not doing labor for someone that I don't even know is real. Thanks for reading my rant, any advice is appreciated.
