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Woman has epic meltdown when she discovers drag queens in her hotel lobby. surprise surprise she is a conservative activist with moms for liberty
  • Completely brain-melted terf

    i honestly don't know other activist transphobes than the completely brain-melted kind. The main difference is if they're ex-feminist-turned-fascist, clericofascist, or techbro fascist, but all of them are rotten, vile, totally unhinged monomaniacs.

  • What is the communist position on the definition of fascism?
  • I've seen Umberto Eco's checklist simultaneously be rejected and accepted by the left. Some will say that it's non-Marxist and prefer not to use it, but if anybody here says "the enemy is both strong and weak," nobody (that I've seen) rejects that rhetoric device.

    Ur-fascism should be understood and used as what it is, an essay on the semiotics of fascism. It works as a critique of ideology, and it works very well in that regard. What it does not achieve at all, because that lies outside of the scope of that essay, is explaining the historic and material roots of fascism, which is where the usual Marxist explanations come into play, such as the essay you're quoting, or the definition by Dimitroff that expanded upon Stalin's theory of social fascism, Trotzkis counterpoints to that (that put more emphasis on the role of the petit bourgeoisie), the (debatable and in my opinion subcomplex) "agent theory" used in the DDR or later post-colonial variations like the concept of Foucault's Boomerang or Fanon's writings. When used correctly, Eco isn't contradictory to these, but complementary.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Usually better opinions on current events than people my age

    I'd even say that young people today have better opinions on current events than people my age had when they were their age. Most late Gen Xers were always awful about politics, just pure end of history garbage. We're the generation that grew up with AES being replaced by Pizza Hut and shock therapy, and the kids these days grow up with the planet being set on fire by capitalism, so this shouldn't surprise anybody.

  • Looking into it.
    • robust: gutting all social safety systems and public education

    • sustainable: making sure there's a solid trickle-up of wealth that used to belong to the public

    • inclusive: in one way or the other, this will fuck over anybody who isn't at least a US$ millionaire

  • Just saw vaush in public...
  • i think i'd projectile vomit at the mere sight

  • Why after nearly a decade, I am finally at peace with not browsing Twitter (CW: Transphobia)
  • Yeah, it absolutely is absurd, but a ton of libs out there don't even clear that bar and will fold to transphobes as soon as they face backlash like that.

  • who couldve seen this coming
  • "lol" said the scorpion, "lmao"

  • My pp is plastic.
  • I've been wondering if the stuff will go in the plastics or the residual waste bin ever since they found microplastics in balls.

  • These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
  • lmao, your egg's about to get cracked, James

  • Bringing back the death penalty, but only to boil to death this specific writer.
  • I would've thought the actual reason the Tories have made themselves hated enough to lose against Keir fucking Starmer of all people is that they're the exact same kind of floundering, rabbitholed bellend as the person who's written that article, but i guess when you're an anglofascist nosferatu writing for the Economist, being honest with yourself isn't a skill you usually possess.

  • >Thinks Spurdo memes are funny, and at least not racist like Pepe. > Looks up Spurdo memes:
  • it's been on 4chan about as long as pepe, ofc it's super fucking racist

  • (ogre battle posting)
  • Freedom for all political prisoners, even the innocent ones!

  • Our Marxism versus theirs
  • nonbinary antifa cat & possum marxists

    i don't know who made this, but i want to hug them already

  • Guess
  • This is bait, Germans are annoyingly obsessed with baked goods (or i guess boiled in that case) and ofc you can get bagles here.

  • New front just dropped
  • this is wild lmao

  • what's the difference between main and cth
  • Every comment on chapo has to include a reference to a podcast or it gets deleted.

  • Rare Electoralism W
  • It gets better: The nazis in question (there are several other charges against antifascists from all over Europe) got owned during the March of Honor, a yearly nazi rally in Budapest where these losers celebrate a failed attempt to breach the siege of the city by the Red Army. Imagine getting decked while commemorating a historic nazi L. nazi-punching

  • The Times of Israel has deleted an article containing the now released hostages’ many positive accounts of their captivity, claiming that they were suffering from Stockholm Syndrome when interviewed
  • It was a bank robbery with a hostage situation where the pigs didn't want to compromise on anything with the robbers and were directly endangering the lives of the hostages.

  • Man is cooking the chud g@mers right now.
  • I would have been hatecrimed all the time for being trans if i already would have come out in the 2000s, i honestly don't think i would have survived being trans in public 20 years ago. Not to mention that i would probably have been gatekept permanently from transitioning for being lesbian, or that it was impossible in my country back then to get a name change without either bottom surgery or forced sterilization (using cryoconservated sperm to sire a child also meant that your name change was retroactively voided and you were declared a man again back in those days. Oh, and we had forced divorces for married trans people, too). In the US, trans panic defenses were still a thing in these days. You could get away with murdering us when you stated that finding out about our transness after sex freaked you out. But yeah i guess time is being selective for targets and my opression just started happening 5 years ago and nobody bothered us before then. jfc.

  • New coming out thread: Why be lesbian, bi *or* pan when i can be lesbian, bi *and* pan?

    It just makes more sense this way and if you're going "noooooooo words mean something you can't just grab all the gay" i'm like lol gayroller goes vrooooom !wojak-nooo !gayroller-2000

    btw here's how gay i am now that i have ascended to my new and vastly more powerful form:

    !hexbear-gay-pride !hexbear-lesbian !hexbear-bi-2 !hexbear-pan !hexbear-polyam !hexbear-demisexual !hexbear-trans !meow-hug !hexbear-trans

    and yes the two trans bears with the hugging cats inbetween are now the official logo for t4t

    I got kicked off my favorite trans discord for defending the USSR

    It wasn't a hostile discussion or anything, i didn't even go full "the kulaks deserved it" (although the mod that single-handedly banned me did go full "the kulaks did not deserve it"). I just laid out plainly and calmly that revolutions are inherently authoritarian, that Luxemburg said "the revolution will be as violent as the ruling class makes it necessary" and that there's one Trotzki quote i 100% agree with: "If the October Revolution hadn't succeeded, the world would have known a Russian word for fascism 10 years before Mussolini's March on Rome". Basically the whole "Jakarta Method" train of thought laid out clearly and without calling anybody names.

    Note that this was on an explicitly left-leaning server that does not allow cops and troops to join. Also after several days of another poster starting destructive, aggressive bad faith arguments in the politics channel until a number of users went "disengage" on her and the channel had to be frozen until recently, when she immediately started being hostile and arguing in bad faith again, which got her not one, but two warnings from the same mod without further consequences. Meanwhile, when i defend AES without attacking anybody, that's apparently too much for her to handle. No advance warning, no "sis, you're talking to me as a mod here", not even a notification that i got banned.

    The best part is that according to screenshots a friend just sent me, she's now completely going off about "authoritarians". The nerve some people have.

    Sorry for posting pointless internet drama here, i just needed to vent.

    German chess federation refuses to exclude trans women from tournaments (CW: transphobia)

    The world chess federation FIDE recently made the incredibly transphobic and mysogynist ruling to exclude trans women from competing in women's tournaments, to strip trans men of pre-transition titles and to subject trans people to a two-year long surveilance process that could lead to forced outings. The German and French chess federation have now decided to ignore this ruling. Source in German (mostly with the info from the image):

    Science finally confirms i'm the one true leftist

    Sorry about the idealism tho, this test is actually hella dumb, but it's more fun than they usually are (at least if you're a permanently online trans person).

    Anyway, if you want to do dumb political compass shit, but with trans memes, here's the test:

    My quote of the day

    >Caring for myself is not an act of self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare

    • Audre Lorde