My take on that was it made pedantry about nostalgia into a superpower and I knew too many people that act like it's that way IRL to like the characters.
I loved the book and the movie. It's one of the few times I was glad the movie changed a lot from the book. It wouldn't have translated well and they were aware of that. They both stand well on their own. I'm looking forward to part 2.
The novel is already fairly modern, and they just totally reworked the story in ways it didn't need to be while also making the protagonists get into trouble by doing stupid shit instead of making the villains more intelligent or one step ahead, so that's always a net loss for me.
The book wasn't horrible. It was cliche, although that was sortof the point. I think there's a reason people had issues with representation or something in it too, but I don't remember. It's been a while. The movie was aweful.