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  • I remember years ago there was an episode of RaidoLab (don't judge me I used to listen to NPR, sometimes it was interesting I'm not a lib I swear)

    It was about surrogacy and the episode centered around a gay Israeli couple using donated eggs from a Ukrainian woman to impregnate an Indian woman. At one point the two Israeli guys said they needed the baby to have their DNA. I remember the episode did a poor job of showcasing just how exploitative this entire process is, more just talked about it like a tragedy.

    And literally no blame was put on the Israeli guys for involving themselves. They could have adopted any number of homeless Palestinian kids but they were obsessed with spreading their genes for tens of thousands of dollars.

    • The adoption industry steals children from poor/marginalized mothers and sells them to wealthy, typically white people. It is used hand in hand with genocide like with indigenous children and also children from war zones are used as spoils of war for the invaders like in Korea.

      An Israeli couple buying a Palestinian child made an orphan by Israel is just another part of genocide. There is no way they would teach the child of their culture or try and maintain contact with their biological family

      Edit: this is my criticism of the entire adoption industry as an adoptee, im not opposed im this scenario purely because theyre Israeli

      • You're right. I didn't know or realize. That's fucked and I should have known, since it's like this with Latin American children taken from their parents in the USA.

      • So like, is it possible to do an ethical adoption? Like, I want a kid if I ever get decently financially stable, I love kids and the idea that I might never get to have a few of my own is a major source of my depression. But I'm getting old and my current partners both like and want kids but are far away from me, and not financially stable either, and are trans women so we can't have biological kids (yet? I guess uterus transplants could happen eventually). So like, is there any recourse for me here (in the unlikely case I ever do get on footing enough that I could adopt anyway) or is there just no way to ethically adopt? Like is the whole adoption thing fucked? Is it literally ALL human trafficking? I always thought of it as being better than having a biological child because it gives a kid with no home a home.

        • Alternatives to adoption that are not buying a human being:

          Kinship care: a lot of people do this without realizing its an alternative to adoption, ex: being raised by a grandparent or other relative

          Community care: most examples i can think of are indigenous children being raised by non relatives in their community so they can be raised in the culture but this can be applied to other groups, ie: its better if a poc is raised by another poc within their culture so they aren't separated from it, also they don't have to experience the awful abuse that is one's adoptive parents and entire extended family being racist to you (also made worse if the adopters are in a majority white area so you get the racism at school and home, ask me how I know agony-shivering )

          Worse case scenario that isn't adoption that really wouldn't be as common as non adoptees think: guardianship, you don't own the child, you do not get to rename them, you do not get to have their birth certificate redone with your information which seals their old birth certificate - making it incredibly difficult to find their biological family if they want to, and you do not get to hide their medical information from them

          At the end of day, the focus should be on the children and not the adults who want a child. Getting the child back to their biological family should be the priority. There really aren't as many "kids without homes" that non adoptees think there are and many of the "domestic supply of infants" as mentioned in the roe v wade overturning wouldn't exist if it weren't for systemic racism and the resulting poverty.

          Also it is incredibly hurtful to think of adoption as your worst case scenario when you can't have a biological child. We are people harmed by the worst of capitalism, misogyny, and imperialism, not a last resort.

          • Also it is incredibly hurtful to think of adoption as your worst case scenario when you can't have a biological child.

            I don't think this. I would have be leaning adoption even if I could have a child before the information you've told me here. Because I thought it was the less harmful option due to antinatalist arguments (Not an antinatalist, but their arguments influenced me this way).

            Anyway the options you present above arent really available for me. Im distant from my family and not active in my community. And unfortunately because of my autism and the way that childcare is corrupted by capitalism my options for working in childcare are limited. Ive done it before and talked a lot about how that experiance was ruined for me in vairous ways. Id be completly satisifed taking care of other people's kids in perpetuity if I could, I think.

            you do not get to rename them, you do not get to have their birth certificate redone with your information which seals their old birth certificate - making it incredibly difficult to find their biological family if they want to, and you do not get to hide their medical information from them

            I wouldnt do any of this anyway? Is this stuff inherent to adoption somehow in ways that Im not aware of? I guess what i was thinking of as "adoption" is just guardianship then. I would have no desire to erase the original biological family of a child I was the guardian of. I'm not insecure like that. I wouldn't want to own the child. I agree with your child-first philosophy here.

            Also sounds like it would be better if I adopted (or did guardianship for?) a white child, even though before this conversation saying that phrase would have disgusted me as obviously racist lol. Since it sounds like the complications for poc children adopted by white parents are significant.

            wouldn't exist if it weren't for systemic racism and the resulting poverty.

            I mean, I agree with this, but we're a long way off from providing economic justice for everyone. And there would still be cases like teen parents who are simply not ready to raise a kid.

            I thank you for your experiance as an adoptee though. But do you have sources that your experience is more than anecdotal?

            • Like, I want a kid if I ever get decently financially stable, I love kids and the idea that I might never get to have a few of my own is a major source of my depression. But I'm getting old and my current partners both like and want kids but are far away from me, and not financially stable either, and are trans women so we can't have biological kids

              I honestly don't see how this isn't framing adoption as your last resort before just not having kids?

              Anyway the options you present above arent really available for me.

              If adoption or an alternative has to happen the priority should be the child, not the adults.

              I wouldnt do any of this anyway? Is this stuff inherent to adoption somehow in ways that Im not aware of?

              Yes. This is standard in the us.

              Also sounds like it would be better if I adopted (or did guardianship for?) a white child

              Yes, if you are white it is better you raise a white child than a non white child

              And there would still be cases like teen parents who are simply not ready to raise a kid.

              With access to better sex ed, contraceptives, and abortion there would not be a large domestic supply of infants. Also many teen parents do not want to give their child up for adoption but are coerced with financial incentives.

              I mean, I agree with this, but we're a long way off from providing economic justice for everyone

              The current solution to this is not to buy a human being, it is to support struggling families via mutual aid or the previous alternatives to adoption mentioned. Obviously under the current system there are children in need but the system perpetuates the conditions that create children in need so they can be sold to white, wealthy families who want infants (i specify infants as they are the gold standard for what most adoptive families want and theyre the most expensive to adopt) so choosing to participate in it helps create financial incentives for the industry

              I fucked up the formating so I have to put this down here, sorry

              not active in my community. And unfortunately because of my autism and the way that childcare is corrupted by capitalism my options for working in childcare are limited

              That is not what I meant by community care, a different example: you're a white person who grew up in say New Orleans, it would be better for you to raise a white child also from New orleans so they would be closer to their biological family and raised in a somewhat similar culture to what they would have anyway. This is preferable to you buying a Black kid from Haiti and raising them in a majority white area.

              If youre officially diagnosed with autism it will heavily effect your ability to adopt in the traditional sense. The system is also incredibly ableist, which effects which mothers have their children taken away and in turn, also effects who can buy their child. If youre not officially diagnosed it probably won't effect you or if you have enough money

              Also fucked up the formating again and can't do a quote for your last part, sorry

              What sources do you want for my experience not being "more than anecdotal"? The examples of children being taken from their mothers due to ableism, racism, imperialism, and classim? How adoptees do better when not completely separated from their country of birth and culture to be raised by and around no one who looks like them? Adoption being a tool of genocide? Other experiences from actual adoptees and not the adoption agencies that profit off of selling us?

              Genuinely asking

    • the episode did a poor job of showcasing just how exploitative this entire process is,

      broke: radlibs saying "selling blood is normal work"

      woke: "sperm work is work you fucking Stalinist tankies!!!" maybe-later-kiddo

    • Radio lab is left lib, I’ve heard a few pretty great episodes

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