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  • clown-to-clown-communication

    Atlantians were proto whites/proto Faustians. I'm assuming that's what Spengler says in Early Days of World History

    It's more complicated than that. European cultures begin as an alchemical merging of Atlantean and Turanian elements.

    Turanian? I would've thought Nemedian or Poitainian over them. Aquilonian even.



    • The most embarrassing part of that exchange is believing Spengler

    • Turanian? I would've thought Nemedian or Poitainian over them. Aquilonian even.

      what do any of these words mean

      I don't want to go down a white supremacist Google hole, which I fully expect to happen if I just search them blindly

      could someone who is a little more online please tell me wtf any of those proper nouns mean?

      • what do any of these words mean

        Conan universe setting from this essay. Though contrary to what you might expect, it served (especially outside anglo world) to ridicule those XIX century chud myths by turning them into full fiction. Like i never meet anyone seriously proposing bullshit like hyperborea, atlantis and antediluvian world seriously since everyone know its from book about Arnold Schwarzenegger.

      • Turanian

        my best guess on this is that they're substituting "aryan" for turanian to avoid the nazi-coding. Turan is an iranian term for east-of-iran based on a legendary figure. as indo-iranian(aryan) split into iranian and indo-aryan in the general area of Turan i suppose the nazis probably think there was a central-asian atlantis of white people over there or something

        the other two terms first results are from conan the barbarian lmao

        • thank you, that was sadly illuminating

          seems like all the weird, vaguely shitty dudes I knew in my 20s all somehow banded together to form an openly shitty, truly reprehensible club

          • i'm probably giving them too much credit based on the conan references in the other terms, lol. a guy makes some dumb books that reference quack historiography and a few decades later a handful of nazis think its gospel lmao

        • Turan exist in Conan setting too as state similar to Ottoman Empire mixed with old Turk Khaganate.

          • there's like nothing alike between the ashina and osmanuglu but it's funny an early 20th century person tried to relate them, lmao

            • He didn't really put any thought in it since iirc something like one story happens there for a brief time, it's mostly aesthetic torn between "ancient nomadic people" and "mysterious oriental empire"

              And you don't even need to go to early XX cetury person, for some reason i see every now and then in the internet people entartaining panturkic ideas who also do this, but in all seriousness.

      • I recognize some from Robert E. Howard's Conan stories. He drew inspiration for the fictional setting from the popular pseudo-history of the antediluvian world (before the biblical flood) which included ideas about Atlantis with helping of race science.

        I'm guessing white supremacist are taking long forgotten fake history from like the 20's at face value shrug-outta-hecks

    • I've often wondered how all of this nonsense could work when it is all inherently contradictory, now I know. They just have a conversation where they use fancy words to sound smart without knowing what any of these words mean.

      Parrots are better for conversation than these bozos. At least a parrot can be nice and direct and isn't deeply insecure about their intelligence and making it everyone else's problem.

    • Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Arius, there was an age undreamed of. Unto this Conan, destined to bear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell you of this saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure

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