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holy fuck, r/neoliberal just disproved communism, shut this site down


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  • Marxism is a way to view the world that has like 7 books written on it


    Marx had a fundamental misunderstanding in that the cost of something doesn't affect its end value. It may affect its price, but value isn't the same thing as price either.

    Hence most left wing Marxist-based economies sucking.

    This is trivial to demonstrate; look at the Juicero. Tons of labor and materials poured into making one (hence a high cost) which required setting a high price to recoup... but very little value. Nobody bought the damn things, so it's high price did not match it's value. Other examples are industrial settings, where custom fixtures/molds can reach 6 digit $ price tags during production runs. Then at EOL for the project be sold off for literal pennies to scrap dealers.

    Lmao, Marx famously failed to consider socially useless labor time and fixed capital investment.

    • One failed product clearly disproves everything Marx ever wrote, communism has never been more finished

    • Gotta love showing an example of how capitalism failed means communism didn't work lmao. Yeah there might be people starving and juiceros being created and failing but that definitely doesn't have to do with the distribution of goods based on profit instead of need. Nope.

    • Marxism is a way to view the world that has like 7 books written on it

      when you definitely understand the left

      • The average leftist forum debate is at least 7 books equivalent if not more. And it’ll be on something inconsequential

        • 7 would be great. I can read 7 books to follow a forum thread. when I get a reading list with dozens of books I get overwhelmed.

    • marxism, famous for not having a veritable library of work

    • This person pulls a bait and switch in the worst way. They mention the failures of socialist economies, then goes on to describe the Juicero, which as a failure of the excesses of venture capital.

      In fact if I remember right, a Chinese company copied the design of the Juicero, scrapped the useless parts like the QR reader and the wifi, and sold it for less than $100. They probably made a profit. Chalk up a win for socialism I guess.

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