America be normal about black people's hair literally once, ever, challenge rating impossible (CW: hair related racist fuckery as well as gender and other fuckery)
A federal judge has not issued an immediate ruling after hearing legal arguments over whether to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a Black high school student in Texas over his hairstyle.
Related, laws being passed to protect people from being discriminated against on the basis of their hair.
The district has argued that George’s long hair, which he wears to school in tied and twisted locs on top of his head, violates its policy because it would fall below his shirt collar, eyebrows or earlobes when let down.
Really curious what their rationale is for shoulder-length girls hair being okie-dokie but boys do it and suddenly the learning environment falls apart.
Women are naturally born with long hair, and men can never grow hair longer than a couple inches. That's just a basic biological fact. Are you really going to believe your lying eyes?
they're probably gender essentialist christian fash or something. Texas is a hellhole, not because of any curse on the land, and even some of the people are okay, but if the devil is real his hand guides the power systems of that abyss.
Wouldn't be surprised if they had similar limitations on jewelry, skirts, and dresses that arbitrarily limit only boy's options (and I suspect they would probably apply those rules to trans girls as well). Its almost like its more about boomers trying to enforce their weird traditional gender and racial norms onto people rather than actually trying to make an healthy learning environment.
But that's probably because teens dressed like that distract them and that makes them look bad, but its definitely the underaged girls fault for dressing that way. /s
Its almost like its more about boomers trying to enforce their weird traditional gender and racial norms onto people rather than actually trying to make an healthy learning environment.
not even when boys do it, just when boys are physically capable of doing it, sounds like he kept it tied back while at school to appease these fucking kkkrackers