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Feel like a lotta leftists talk about the MGS series without having played it?
  • Conspicuous lack of mention of 2 here

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • how do you not just completely fall into despair living as a vulnerable minority in the United States at this moment. what does a future even look like

  • I will never fall into the trap of hating younger generations.
  • more and more I realize my problem is americans and this specific cultural blight, not just any particular generation of them. I will never be at peace here. I can only hope I will mesh better anywhere else in the future.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • Real world is extremely hostile to my continued existence on many axes. Here there is only a coin flip chance one will be, usually.

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    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • If you’d like to play over online sim and maybe make a (cute, cool, nice) new friend feel free to ping me

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • With the way power creep tends to go in games like this I think draft is the only truly fair way to play. It flexes every muscle the game has and I love it dearly. I like commander very casually but I agree it is not usually for me. I live in a super competitive area that I don’t have the resources nor desire to keep up with anymore so even constructed formats in-person I find a waste of time often; I keep those to mtgo leagues or arena just because it’s cheaper. I always do limited events if I go to anything physically these days.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • I haven't played in a minute but I used to do pauper 5c tron in mtgo leagues years ago, the meta is so much faster now and there have been a couple of bans that have hurt it. Prismatic Prism and Bonder's Ornament are gone. Tolarian terror decks can have a 5/5 out very early and tron decks are just too slow to keep up. Lots of artifact hate going around. Red decks apparently main Cleansing Wildfire these days...many such cases. I am told some mono green variants can still do some stuff but tron is definitely falling off.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • I love magic- I am a modern, pauper & legacy (sometimes) player, usually- but I have made an effort recently to not use Discord when I can help it. Let me know if there's any want for a Matrix space or something and I'm in.

  • This community note is fuckin wild.
  • I remember reading an analysis I liked from somewhere a few years ago saying that this phenomenon is because the "old money" of the 19th/early 20th century who knew where their value came from (the labor/exploitation of the working class & the third world) and how it related to class warfare and their position in it have all died out, and now all that's left are "true believer" heirs and sycophants of that old money who don't actually know where any of their surplus value comes from. To me, anyway, that may explain why everything is so much more nonsensical these days from the wealthy/ruling classes.

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • Only so many times a sail can get winded before the ship goes down. If you can do it more power to you, but I’m sunk.

  • I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you
  • I keep trying to do the dataannotation one because I can do programming but they keep making me unable to do the assessments and won't respond to my support tickets. I've made like two separate accounts there and this has happened to both of them (very cool)

    If this is a different one I'd like to bite. Bonus points if I can do programming stuff on it

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • I won’t defend it

    proceeds to defend it

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • This has been what I assume is a reclamation effort but I am still a bit wary of it. That word was the calling card of abuse back when I was growing up closeted so if that is what's going on I don't want to harsh the kids' mellow but I'm not in any hurry to take it back.

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • The middles aren't really either. I can't speak to the youngs, but they're probably fucked up too.

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • They are all like this. All of them. I've given up. I can't keep trying to organize my workplaces and every single time having my coworkers say shit like "I hope we start WW3 and kill all the Russians! mimicking machine gun fire"- a real quote from a guy I worked with years ago. Minimum wage.

    Took a walk with someone I worked with on our lunch break in 2018, a homeless guy barely starts walking toward us in the parking lot and dude literally loses his mind, starts screaming and acting like we're being attacked by a bear or some shit. "GO AWAY. NO. NO!" until the homeless guy, rightfully shocked, bolted. Just unbelievable stuff.

    I have more. It doesn't matter what we do. They won't listen when I talk to them. America and Americans are the devil and its little imps, and I can't handle trying for them anymore.

  • Mario & Luigi: Brothership, coming November 7th
  • if the soundtrack isn't by shimomura i will be upset

  • Adobe Is Locking Users Who Don't Agree To New Terms That Allows The Company To Use And Sub-License Their Content
  • This article's headline (and that one it links at the beginning, ugh...) is sort of exemplary of what the biggest problem was.

    GIMP's 'Woke' Fork Glimpse is Getting Discontinued

    Never once was it advertised as this lmfao. There are tickets as far back as at least a decade that mention changing the name, and the official response of the GIMP maintainers is always "fork it if you want, we're not changing it upstream". So someone finally does that and...well, apparently it's woke or something, what's the big deal, how dare you, etcetera. Clown shit.

    I actually spoke to Bobby Moss myself sometime last year about reviving this thru another fork that I would maintain and from what I remember it sounded like people were were very passionate and excited about the original project and were ready to devote time to it. The non-code labor was brought up as an issue, but it seemed to me the far, far bigger problem was the responses to it being totally bonkers hostile for something so innocuous as a forked project...he made very clear that what I would be adopting was years of baggage and that they still got sent harassment and threats about it for ever having existed. I never wound up doing it, but I still think about it sometimes. The whole story is such crap and makes me see red every time I think about it. The free software movement's reputation can be a little unfairly exaggerated from the less-involved crowd for all the important work that's done (imo), and then this shit happens and I remember, "yep, you're all still a bunch of dumbass self-important children all right." Just infuriating.

  • Adobe Is Locking Users Who Don't Agree To New Terms That Allows The Company To Use And Sub-License Their Content
  • Adobe is allowed to do this in large part because Photoshop is the most pirated software in existence, fwiw. So I wouldn’t say “the pirates win again” because, well, no one is winning except for Adobe, here. Do what you need to do- I use Macs for work that I don’t pay for…I’m not going to say it’s some sort of moral or material victory, though. I’m still using the Mac and all the baggage that comes with. We all know the answer to “what is to be done?” in this sphere and it is varying levels of cope to pretend otherwise.

  • Adobe Is Locking Users Who Don't Agree To New Terms That Allows The Company To Use And Sub-License Their Content
  • Glimpse tried and got harassed out of the scene because we can never have nice things made by nice people. I am still very upset about it.

  • Great country we’ve got, here

    It is going to be a long fucking decade.

    My hair is graying

    To figure out some skin issues a while back I shaved off all my then-long hair. Now it’s grown to a noticeable length again and there are giant patches and streaks of gray coming in everywhere. I’m only 32. There is too much stress in the world. My mother didn’t gray until her late 40s, same with my grandmother I think. Guess it’s time to own that young grandma drip for the Mad Max future

    From Lemmygrad (or any other instance), how can I use Hexbear emojis?

    Listen, you all have got this emoji shit locked in. They are the best part of the website. I know it's just image markdown, and I have a bunch of them saved locally, but they all appear Embiggened when I do it. Is that supposed to happen? How do I fix it? I am not that educated on markdown syntax.

    Pet peeve: games using other games as descriptors

    This is admittedly not that big of a deal I guess but it drives me nuts how often modern games describe themselves like: a zelda-esque soulsborne roguelike metroidvania- or something equally indecipherable to anyone outside of the entrenched Gamer demographic. I am thoroughly "search action"-pilled...we really gotta use words better!

    Oingo Boingo - Nasty Habits

    Completely bonkers this is a debut album.

    I post too much and don’t read enough!

    That’s it! I am putting it on the record. I know some things, but not enough, and my crappy doomscrolling habits combined with my much less crappy posting habits get in the way of due diligence. So I’ll make a belated resolution to read at least one piece of captivating communist or communist-adjacent literature a month; more if I am feeling it.

    I plan to start by capping off March with Capitalism and Disability: Selected Writings by Marta Russell- this has been a sorely missing piece to my analysis that I am very thankful for discovering has a well-regarded fit. I am living my disabled truth more and more in the years following 2020 despite having this affliction for more than half of my life at this point, and I have never felt a good foundation for a synthesis of my life and my principles through Marxist thought, nor have I found satisfactory answers through community, not really. I hope following this helps me become a pillar for others like me, our disabled comrades and comrades-to-be. After this, my wife found a very loved copy of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States at a local bookstore being given away for free. I have been meaning to go through it for years, and thus a freebie lands in my lap; it is destiny.

    That said, recommend me the good shit! The year is still young, and I am pretty much this IRL: !

    Anybody playing Political Ideology Catgirl sim (FF14)

    I love this game. It has completely enthralled me. Since starting a couple years ago I have probably thousands of hours sunk into this 8-person DDR MMO. The story is one of the best of any FF game, too. I just started getting into Endwalker EX fights & Savage raiding and it’s a blast. Let’s get a polycule cadre going or something!

    Does anyone actually make phones that fit in hands anymore?

    Seriously, all of these things are massive. Just looking at them gives me carpal tunnel. Nobody needs phones this big. I certainly don't. In fact, I want a very small phone, relatively speaking. The size what we had before we apparently learned better, and there doesn't seem to be many convincing options.

    Ideally, my perfect smartphone went extinct with 3.5" displays. I do like reaching the All of the screen without contorting my thumb like some kind of mathematical instrument. I know modern OSes try to work around this by letting you slide or squish stuff around but i don't care. This is a regression, a fix that never needed a problem!


    Ironically, Apple's iPhone SE seems to be the closest modern technology I can muster to those halcyon days sans deformed digits at a comfortable 4.7", but those .2 imperial nonsenses do matter, slightly, and regardless I am not keen on Apple's ecosystem. My wife has one of these and I kind of love it anyway. Android at least ought to have some options...? Well, sort of. I have done some digging ahd found a few models that might be OK. I know small beggars can't exactly be big choosers but I am determined to find my glass slippers, damn it.

    Cubot Mini/Pocket:


    Oh shit. This is perfect! A 4" screen, be still my heart...! However, I am led to believe this entire line of phones won't work in burgerland because this country hates everyone and everything. What?! !angery

    Unihertz Jelly Star:


    Love the enthusiasm, but maybe this is a bit too far in the other direction... also, this thing is just kind of ugly. I do have a fondness for that y2k transparency; maybe if it were in a few other colors, but I just can't get into it.

    Palm Smartphone:


    I genuinely had no idea Palm was still making phones. This actually might be the queen of the crop; 3.3" and from what I can tell, it fits my use case quite well.

    And...that's basically it. Everything else that exists won't function with US carriers, near as I can tell. Am I just being a smartphone boomer? I can't be the only one who wants flagship specs on sensible real estate... !copium

    PoisonIvy Ivysaur


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