Mtyhbusters had to weld up the safeties and shoot them with a shotgun.
When I worked in the arctic circle, we used to put the tank in the fire ring because they would freeze and nothing happened (I don’t recommend this of course.)
Satansmaggotycumfart actually tracks with me for being the type of person who takes a job up in some place like Inuvik Canada. Everyone I've ever known who's done that has been fucking crazy.
I work in propane. I once was proud that I sold the most ez-go (stupid and basically useless accessory) in one month. my name starts with Ha-
I live in CA and prefer charcoal but otherwise I have become the professional persona of Hank Hill. My boss and I tried to get them to put "Hill" on one of my work shirts when I was still in the yard as a joke but Cintas said no
These storage units are usually at gas stations though, which are kinda dumb to be smoking anywhere near IMO. But I still see people doing it now and then. Usually gas station employees.