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Rare kinda did their own thing and skirted the rules set by Nintendo. Nintendo did what they could to reign them in, but Rare just pushed through anyways.
Please also check out the tits on the melon girl in Banjo-Kazooie and how hot the witch is in the game over screen. Not to mention the native american chick. And the tits on the flower in Conker (plus the character called Jugga)
Ah, I see I am in the presence of a preeminent N64 titty connoisseur
Yes your honor, guilty as charged. It's that Gruntussy that pulled me over to the dark side.
Thank you for your service, I had forgotten how many Rare bazongas there were!
Seems like the bazongas... 😎Aren't that rare
Don't forget about Nintendo's own fairy goddesses in Zelda.
And for what it's worth, it's Nintendo of America that censors everything, not Nintendo of Japan.
For example, did you know the reason why the old man in the first Gen Pokémon games was passed out in the middle of the road? He was absolutely hammered. In the American version, he's throwing a tantrum because he hasn't had his coffee yet. And that's just one such example. There's thousands more. NOA loves to censor everything.
And the comparatively recent shift in Sony policy about what content is acceptable is because who makes those decisions moved from the Japanese office to the US one and the US is full of various flavors of prudes.
I'm playing Ocarina of Time right now and laughed at the fairy cone boobs. Somehow I had completely forgotten about them.
Oh my god, I.... I get it now.
Proud to be here for the birth of your polygon titty fetish
The first time I came across one I thought it was Ganon in drag as some kind of joke.
Chappel Roan needs to cosplay this fairy
Them titties are properly low-poly.
Hyrule Warriors says hi
It's great to see that there are experts on all kinds of subjects in the fediverse. <3
The story behind the melon girl is that she originally had HUGE tits which all the developers thought was hilarious, but Nintendo made rare make them smaller, so instead they had her carry a fruit tray with giant melons on them
Dropping encyclopedic knowledge of 64-bit tits.
You really need to include links.