It feels wrong
It feels wrong
It feels wrong
But you don't type world wide web. You type www.
Do you really type www?
I usually even type "https://". Even when I'm just using a browser and not writing code.
I think it's probably the case that these days the modern browsers will automatically give you https without having to type it out (and maybe only give you the http site if the https url doesn't work?)
But there was definitely a time when typing
into an address bar would give you an http://
A lot of sites even then would immediately redirect you to an https version, but if you put a whole-ass path in, the request for that path would go over the internet tubes in plaintext before the the redirect came back. Which is roughly no better in many cases than if the site doesn't even redirect you to an https version.
That's what "https Everywhere" was for, although yeah not really needed anymore.
Firefox has a setting to force https
No one types www
It's https//:
Link doesn't work for some reason..