No way you're getting rid of any kind of mysticism, ever. You have people shooting at random towers blaming 5g and not vaccinating because of the dumbest reasons.
Humankind as a whole isn't intelligent enough to get rid of irrational stupidity and as long as you have that you'll have people believing in all those things you mentioned.
I'm not sure if OC would count this as meat or not, but lab grown meat is currently possible possible but not economically viable yet. Once that changes and cheap, ethical, eco friendly meat that's indistinguishable from conventional products is common, it will be much harder to justify conventional meat farming.
Baring that, plant based meat substitutes may gain a foothold, but we'll see.
As far as religion goes, that's actually a big unknown from my point of view. The "nones" have risen super fast, but a lot of churches have done a lot of aggressive things to try to slow that trend. I'm not sure if they'll eventually find something that works or if their efforts will further increase the secularization of the US. As far as the rest of the world, Europe in general makes me hopeful.
Magnets are very weird. Up until now, we don't really know what causes magnetism or how it works. We just know some rocks have it and others don't. Also, magents aren't super massively available in nature.
I'd hazzard a guess that guy refers to magnets the same way we SHOULD treat helium. It's a precious rare non renewable resource and we squander it like it's nothing.
Mate, you're talking out your ass. Neodynium is a rare metal, yes. But we're not going through neodymium deposits fishing out magnets like they're some sort of gemstone.
That shit gets mined, melted, alloyed with other minerals, smelted into shape then run through magnetic field generators to induce a magnetic charge in them, as just a very rough overall view of the process.
The biggest issue is that making them is INCREDIBLY material inefficient. Making one really good quality magnet requires an absolute fucking shit ton of processing, all of which reduces yield and increases waste product generation every step of the way.
Rare earth magnets are remarkably powerful, a couple hundred bucks gets you magnets with enough magnetic potential to crush bones. Children who swallow magnets are hospitalized, magnets be spooky