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In order to pay import duties, these crazy fuckers are expecting me to enter my bank logon details into their website. What. The. Fuck.


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  • That's unusual, but not unheard of. Some online merchants will allow you to make payments via ACH transfers. Can be useful for things like international purchases or if you don't have a normal credit/debit card to use. Sometimes smaller merchants will prefer this, if they don't have an existing business partnership with a payment processor already.

    Usually these will go through a third-party system that tokenizes your login with your bank. This way the merchant can only access your routing/account numbers to do the transfer. As for why you'd need to provide your bank login instead of the routing/account numbers directly, it's usually just a form of fraud prevention, as the login verifies that you're actually the account owner and not trying to pay with a checkbook you found on the street.

    It's similar to Plaid, which is a near-identical service that some merchants in the US use. From what I can tell, Ozow appears to be legitimate, so realistically it's probably safe to enter your login details as long as you're not getting any certificate errors on the page.

    E: Not sure why this is downvoted. I'm not saying it's a good system, just saying that it's not inherently a scam.

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