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look at my western "leftist" posters dude

"This is awesome. We're killing Russians and not even sacrificing any real people (americans)."

"It's better than that. It's actually a huge MIC grift."


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  • Beau of the Child Trafficking Column and his adoring fans say what?

    • Has he responded to that at all? Or is he just trying to pretend it never came up?

      • Yes, he responded to it.

        He claimed that he was smuggling women from Eastern Europe on temporary work visas without any guarantee of work despite charging exorbitant amounts, withholding their passports and pay, stuffing up to 20 of them into a single condo, and underpaying them for their labour but it was actually a humanitarian act because he was smuggling Jews from an undisclosed central European country because they were being persecuted.

        He wants people to believe that he did it for humanitarian reasons and that he has reformed.

        I often call out Beau's followers and they always say the same things:

        • He served his time

        • He has changed his ways/I believe in allowing people the opportunity to reform

        • His work is reparations for the crimes he committed in the past

        He served his time


        He had a sweetheart deal with a judge and the conditions under he achieved this deal have been sealed. He served months of a sentence that is customarily decades.

        He didn't serve his time.

        He has changed his ways/I believe in allowing people the opportunity to reform

        Has he even admitted to the crimes he actually committed? How can he reform if he actively lies about it and pretends that his actions were altruistic, humanitarian actions?

        Do you believe that the US prison system dispenses justice and rehabilitation or are you a prison abolitionist? Because you can't be both.

        How much of his now-sizeable income does he devote to victims of human trafficking? How much of his activism does he dedicate towards the prevention of human trafficking and supporting the victims of it?

        What restorative justice has he sought out for the victims of his crimes?

        His work is reparations for the crimes he committed in the past

        By amassing a large social media following and getting them sweet Patreon bucks?

        By, uh, doing some shit-tier journalism with a veneer of leftism?

        How have his victims gotten restorative justice from him becoming a YouTube personality exactly?


        Of course, they never manage to respond. Shocking, right?

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