You're allowed a spear, but it has to be a spear you made yourself. Deer have had four hundred thousand years to invent spears, they're just being lazy asses growing them out of their heads instead.
What's your take on whaling with a knife while singing a 58 verse long song about how much you like killing ala the pilot whale hunters on the Faroe islands?
yeah I was being somewhat facetious but it's truly funny to me how hunters pride themselves on being able to kill an animal while using an advanced piece of technology invented by somebody else hundreds of years ago that they just... bought at a store. like come on
There are literally guns that have an auto-aim system called TrackingPoint (least creative name ever) and will help you line up your shot and tell you when to pull the trigger. It literally will not let you miss. At that point, what's the point?
One that costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars to buy, complete with a Name Brand (tm) computer designed and printed camouflage over everything and a matching Brand sticker for their emotional support truck
At least hunters in the past used whatever cheap surplus they had or even just a bow