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Become wife guy? Nah. Become wife, guy.
  • Quick guess on why this is advantageous: the male is superfluous after providing sperm, so the absorption of its body provides nutrients to the female during gestation.

    How did this occur? I've no idea.

  • Word
  • This guy shit his pants?

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • I'm reading Heretics of Dune, 5th of the 6 Dune books written by Frank Herbert. It's interesting to explore the Tleilaxu a bit, and see the God Emperor's golden path come to fruition, but it seems like Frank is running out of juice. Also the horniness is really coming out now lol.

  • Uncritical support to miHoYo for taking gacha g*mer's money to build a Tokamak reactor
  • yeah it's to make it sound kinda scary & reckless.

  • Uncritical support to miHoYo for taking gacha g*mer's money to build a Tokamak reactor
  • Holy shit they didn't call it an "artificial sun"


  • In KKKapitaliSSt KKKanada, KKKopSS have banned watching the sun set.
  • every park near me closes at dus (and they do enforce that shit), which is before get home from work in the winter, hours before 10pm. I yearn for the freedom to be out that late.l :(

  • In KKKapitaliSSt KKKanada, KKKopSS have banned watching the sun set.
  • I'd love to know too. This picture could be of a totally unrelated police action.

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • abc is either being really weird or just fucking with you, don't worry.

  • Chinese news vs American news
  • Artificial sun

    :pain: please stop

  • Anyone else feel that their direction in life is more related to being what "they're supposed to do" rather than any conviction or desire to pursue it?
  • Yes but what I'm supposed to do was determined by me to be:

    • Become fully independent of my parents
    • Avoid poverty thereafter

    Unfortunately this in itself forces me into a path I have little conviction or desire for, but so far it seems like it was worth it.

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • What the fuck. I would go apeshit.

  • BREAKING: Actionists cut through 3 security fences to get inside Elbit's 'highly secure' compound and break into Kent's Israeli weapons factory.
  • :yeah:

    that said, nothing but respect for these folks. they're courageous and I've never done anything half as cool as this. It would be helpful if more people with experience in these workplaces were conducting the sabotage, they could be verrrrry effective.

  • Is propane or charcoal grilling better?

    the place I just moved into has a nice outdoor area and came with a (pretty busted but functional) propane grill. we're thinking of replacing it but maybe it's worth considering charcoal? !Bwaaa

    Watching 3 body problem and remembering a nitpick I have with it (spoilers for the VR game plot)

    So the computer based solution proposed by Newton and Turing is rejected because the system is chaotic, meaning a general solution will always diverge from reality.

    What I don't get is: this should still be good enough Run your solution every month or so, with updated measurements, and you'll have an ongoing "forecast" of conditions.

    I'm referencing weather because that's we do. A weather forecast is a prediction of a chaotic system, but of one which changes every day or so. Prediction difficulty is dependent on local conditions and weather type, but we can still make predictions.

    A gravitational system of 4 mutually interacting bodies is muuuuuch simpler than weather, and could be predicted far enough in advance to let a civilization adapt and persist!

    Thinking of coming out of gamer retirement to replay Oblivion

    It's got a great soundtrack and pretty pleasant vibes. Probably be a mage or spellsword.

    Anyone have the 2023 numbers on energy transition spending by country

    These are the 2021 numbers. I have a printout of the 2022 numbers (china 546B, US 141B) but not a digital copy.

    This page indicates that the 2023 numbers are out but I can't get access to the report. anyone got the new version of this chart?

    Need help finding a meme (da share zone possibly)

    Does anyone know the one that goes:

    >no money for saving people we used it all for killing people

    Thanks in advance

    "upgraded" to Visual Studio Pro after using Visual Studio Code for years

    I switched because my workplace has licenses for VSPro, and IT doesn't want us grabbing our own stuff off the internet.

    What a disappointment! it's worse, and harder to use in almost every way. For the record I'm coding in Python and just need git integration and a debugger.

    It's such a step back in design language and usability. Love to ignore free software in favor of its expensive "professional" counterpart !shatter

    Moral/social dilemma with friend's cat

    It's looking like my friend can only go through with a long term (at least 6 months) move overseas they've been working on if I take care of their cat.

    I haven't offered this and am not particularly fond of this cat. I don't want to integrate another animal into my home.

    Here's the kicker: the friend is a roommate so the cat already lives here (in their room).

    Not sure what to do. Like I want my friend to get to go, but at what cost? I'm sure they'll resent it if I don't help, and I am ready for them to move out !makima-think

    But again I really don't like this cat very much, she's really unfriendly with our cat and dog.

    I feel like it's unreasonable to not offer to help.

    On the aerodynamic similarities between fishnet stockings and the dimples on a golf ball.

    My legs feel more sensitive to air flow when wearing fishnets than when bare. The pattern they make on my leg is similar to that of the dimples on a golf ball, which induce a turbulent boundary layer on the surface of the ball to reduce drag.

    If fishnets are causing the same effect, there would be changes in heat transfer but I'm not sure I'm up to digging into the differential equations.

    In short, I'm thinking about wearing fishnets while cycling for aero.

    what's a good VPN that supports port forwarding? (Ubuntu 22.04)

    I like Mullvad but it doesn't support port forwarding, which I'd like in order seed torrents effectively. I have symmetrical up/down speeds but barely use the upload speed and I want to help out a lil more !kitty-cri-texas

    Thanks in advance

    How should I fix these shoes?

    I've got these thin-soled shoes that are foot shaped and I really like them, but the damn insoles creep backward in the shoe because of how I walk.

    I can just take them out by what little padding they provide is quite helpful comfort & the fit of the shoe.

    Is there a glue that could adhere cork to leather while remaining flexible?

    mini laptop MNT Pocket Reform is funded and shipping October 17 MNT Pocket Reform

    A newer, smaller, lighter, more-affordable, seven-inch mini Reform laptop that remains fully open source

    MNT Pocket Reform

    It reached 476% of its funding goal! I was worried it wouldn't make it to completion for a bit. really excited for this.

    Waging a protracted people's war on every invasive on my property.

    3 species eliminated as threats. New challengers appear but I grow stronger as their attacks grow more feeble. The successive progression of ecology is restored.

